Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

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A rose has sprung

A Rose has sprung from a tender root,
From Jesus, as those of old have sung,
And it bore a flower,
In the middle of a cold winter,
When half spent was the night.

20 kommenttia:

  1. Hello, beautiful post and images. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I wish you all the best in 2016, Happy New Year!

  2. Dear Sara, you again take me to your fairyland with you! How amazing colors, scenes and relaxation!!!! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  3. perfection! have a beautiful Christmas! <3

  4. MeillÀ saatiin nauttia niin vastakohdan joulusta. Istuin terassilla auringonpaisteessa nauttimassa jouluolutta. Mietin, mitÀ puutarhatöitÀ tekisin. Leikattu kÀsi esti puuhastelun, onneksi, sillÀ naapurit olisivat saattaneet soittaa piipaa-auton. Ei tÀlle mitÀÀn voi, hörhön hormonit hyrrÀÀ ;)

  5. Stunning images on this glorious day! May you have the Merriest of Christmases Sara!

  6. Aivan ihania lumisia kuvia! TÀÀllÀ Espoossa on vihreÀ nurmi ja ruskeat kukkapenkit.. Toivoisin niiin kovasti lumipeitettÀ edes muutamaksi kuukaudeksi, kyllÀ se tekisi talvestakin mukavan vuodenajan.

  7. The world is full of big and small miracles
    ja niitÀ nÀkyy kauniissa kuvissasi.
    Buon proseguimento ! HyvÀÀ lÀhestyvÀÀ vuodenvaihdetta.

  8. Beautiful post for this Christmas day. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Madeline

  9. How gorgeous, Sara! Merry Christmas to you and yours! :)

  10. Such a beautiful post Sara. Merry Christmas to you and yours from Canada. 🎄🎄🎄

  11. Jouluruusu on niin kaunis...symboli kaikelle kauniille. Ihanaa joulunaikaa sinulle!

  12. Beautiful post Sara! I wish you a very joyful holiday season :-)

  13. It has rained all day here today, it is hardly a christmas card scene here!

  14. Onpa ihanaa kun saan edes kuviesi kautta nauttia kauniista lumisesta joulutunnelmasta. TÀÀllÀ EtelÀ-Suomessa joulusÀÀt ovat olleet surkeat - voimakasta tuulta ja vesisadetta. Riemukasta Tapania!

  15. Ah yes, the Christmas rose. Looks like you had a white Christmas after all Sara? Our temperature has dropped 30 degrees in the last couple of days but the winter sports businesses are not going to be happy for some time yet, if at all.

  16. Ihanaa teille tulikin valkoinen joulu! NÀyttÀÀ puhtaalta ja rauhoittavalta. Ihana hiljentyÀ viimein.

  17. Oh, you have white Christmas, Sara. Wonderful photos!

  18. Kaunis joulupallo. HyvÀÀ joulun jatkoa, uutta vuotta odotellen!

  19. Bonjour,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments. i intended to leave a comment on yours but I was interrupted.
    Helleborus or Christmas rose are favorites of mine particularly in winter and early spring.I see you live in Finland.How lucky you are to have snow. Here (in the region of Paris) the weather has never been so mild in december. Distressing indeed.
    Bonne et heureuse année à vous aussi.

  20. Sara, Thanks for the lovely snowy greenery pictures. Love them. Merry Christmas to you and yours and a Happy New Year in 2016. Sylvia


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