Cleaning the house before Easter, I found some old stuff I had either forgotten completely or been looking for for some time.
Certain pages of an old issue of
Vogue (UK) belong to the second group. My love for country-style kitchens may have started with this photo:
"For those that long for gentler days
When things were done the proper way
There is our third and last design
Which also uses friendly pine.
But this is built of weathered wood
Which passing time has made look good
And it can boast a smart alliance
With every new and neat appliance.
Combining a nostalgic look
With all things for the modern cook."
In a (rare) (crazy?) moment of decluttering, I have thrown away the magazine (from the 1980s, I believe) and kept only the two pages with the photo and the rhyme. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the writer, but the photographer is David Montgomery and the "sets were arranged by Hilary Green".
This small accordion photo book belongs to the first group. It's probably from the end of the 1960s, those good old days much before digital cameras and the Internet.
Browsing through my old, scanned photos, I found two I wanted to share with you today... Oh, those unforgettable moments by the sea. How I love listening to the waves at night!
This swallowtail (an
Iphiclides podalirius perhaps?) is the biggest butterfly I've seen in Europe.
Added later: This photo was taken in Italy. |
The last glimpse of the tulips 'Sweet Desire'. Someone said the petals looked like silk and they certainly did, especially when the flowers got older. Bye bye, Sweeties, till we meet again next year!
wishing a happy and sunny weekend to all
with this photo taken by the correspondent of "My Woodland Garden" in London. :)
Thank you, M.!