Mosses and lichens are fascinating organisms. They embellish the rocks and the bark of trees in forests and woodlands. I have tried to take photos especially of cup lichens (below, it may be Cladonia fimbriata, but I'm not certain), because they always make me remember a lovely poem by the Finnish poet Helvi Juvonen. This is a repost from November 2014... from those remote times when I didn't have many readers yet. :)
Jäkälä nosti pikarinsa
ja sade täytti sen, ja
kimalsi taivas tuulta
Jäkälä nosti pikarinsa
Nyt malja elämämme
Cup lichen
The lichen raised its fragile cup,
and rain filled it, and in the drop
the sky glittered, holding back the wind.
The lichen raised its fragile cup:
Now let’s toast the richness of our lives.
Photo: WSOY |
Helvi Juvonen (1919–59)
was a Finnish poet and translator. She published five
collections of poetry in the 1950s, and a sixth one was published posthumously.
Suffering from malnutrition and other health problems, she died young, but
during her short literary career she wrote compelling poetry characterised by simplicity, humour, intensity, and inner peace. She studied small, apparently humble things, rocks, plants, and
animals, and found the strength and value of them. She also translated into Finnish
poems written by Emily Dickinson, with whom she shared the interest in nature and spiritual concerns.
Juvonen also wrote short fairy-tales. Pikkukarhun talviunet (“The little
bear’s winter dreams”) was published in 1974, edited by a friend of hers. To all of us that love bears, I highly recommend the following related material by the literary journal "Books from Finland":
A valid field guide to the lichens and mosses of Finland/Kasvitieteen professori Jouko Rikkisen pätevä lajintuntemusopas
Jäkälät ja sammalet Suomen luonnossa. Otava 2010 (2008).
Julkaisin uudelleen tämän postauksen marraskuulta 2014, koska rakastan sammalia, karhuja ja marraskuisen luonnon rauhallista tunnelmaa.
Tärkeäksi lopuksi: Tiedättehän että Jouluradiossa ( soi jo monta kanavaa. Sivuston ulkoasu on uusittu ja esimerkiksi toivomuksia voi kirjoittaa "Kuumalle linjalle" tai sivun alaosan palautelaatikkoon. Lisätietoa: Radiota voi kuunnella myös FM-taajuuksilla ja kaapelitaajuuksilla.
Minä otan joululaulut vakavasti. Siksi odotan Klassista Joulua (kanava ei ole vielä auki) ja odotellessa kuuntelen erityisesti Julradion-kanavaa. ;D