Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.



And eventually, I managed to photograph a butterfly... :)

Vanessa atalanta

Thank you, August  -   welcome, September!


Farmers wanted :)


Got a green thumb? This one's for you! In space, you can grow tomatoes, lettuce, peas, and radishes just like you would find in your summer garden. New ways of growing fresh food will be needed to keep brave explorers alive."


Black and White: My street

Hello all! Today I participate in a new photo challenge Mustaa & Valkoista (Black & White) at "Nauran auringolle" - "Laughing with the sun" blog. This week's prompt is MY STREET.

Now, you know I currently live in deep countryside. I have chosen these photos to show you something slightly more urban: a village in Northern Italy, where I have spent many sunny and warm years...

I post these photos heavy-heartedly  -  praying for the victims (and their families) of the devastating earthquake in Central Italy.


Kivaa, mustavalkoinen kuvahaaste Matkattaren Nauran auringolle -blogissa!  Ensimmäisenä aiheena on KOTIKATU. Nykyisten, maaseutumaisten näkymien sijaan osallistun näillä vanhemmilla kuvilla. Kotikatumme Italiassa oli aurinkoinen, kuuma ja vehmas.  Kuvat on otettu viime vuoden heinäkuussa.


Thirty-three August photos :)

First a handsome (Eurasian red) squirrel for Eileen's Saturday's Critters:


More photos? No, no, no...

It must be my gorgeous tail...

Oh no, there are more of those coming!

Yes, more AUGUST photos for the MakroTex photo challenge! (Click to enlarge.)

ELOKUU jatkuu vielä MakroTex-haasteen aiheena. Ja kuviahan kyllä riittää. :)

(Kuvat suurenevat klikkaamalla.)

Have a lovely weekend!