Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


"Kesän lapsi" ja muita kuvia - Was it always summer...

♥ Ihania kesäpäiviä rakkaille lukijoilleni. ♥

♥ Hello lovelies, unfortunately I won't be able to visit you very soon, 
but I wanted to greet you and wish you happy summer days. ♥


Phone pics: Spring in Italy

Subtitle: Memories and dreams. :)

Thank you very much for your interesting comments on my previous post(s). Comments are again disabled until I have visited all of you. I wish you happy summer days filled with flowers and gentle summer breeze.

Ihanaa kesäpäivää kaikille! Tässä postauksessa on jälleen kuvia keväisestä Italiasta, "meiltä päin" ja lyhyiltä reissuilta.

Kiitos kommenteistanne edelliseen postaukseeni! Kommentointimahdollisuus on taas "pois päältä", kunnes olen käynyt vastavierailulla. Toivottavasti ehditte kaikki nauttia näistä upeista kesäpäivistä. ♥


Reposted: July

Hei! ♥ Upea kesä kiitää sellaisella vauhdilla eteenpäin, ettei mukana tahdo pysyä. Päätin postata uudelleen nämä kuvat kahden vuoden takaa. Varsinkin ensimmäinen on suosikkini. Auringonpaistetta on riittänyt tänäkin vuonna ja huomiseksi tänne luvattu sade on tervetullutta.

Heinäkuussa 2016 osallistuin tällä postauksella Makrotex-haasteeseen.

Sydämellinen kiitos kaikille kommentoijille. Ihanaa HEINÄKUUTA!

Hello all! The weather has been exceptionally good. We have spent much time outdoors and I have taken lots of photos, of course, but they haven't been transferred from my camera to the computer yet. I decided to publish again this post, because it's one of my favourites ever. I like especially the first photo very much.

Needless to say, if you have left a comment in 2016, please don't feel obliged to leave another one now. :) A huge thank you to everyone. ♥

July = Flowers!

Small flower eaters are growing too. :) A young Lepus timidus or Lepus europaeus.

In July 2016, a blogger friend (unfortunately she's not blogging anymore) posted some delicious ice cream recipes and her post reminded me that the mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of my favourites and yet I had never tried to make it myself.

There are many tasty and fun condiments you can use when making ice cream.

The faithful Musso Stella does the work. :)

A berry sorbet - blueberries, lingonberries, some strawberry jam and water:

Amarene are great in/with ice cream. This sour cherry tree was photographed in Italy. We have some trees also in Finland but the harvest is much smaller... :)

Have a lovely new week and month!