Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

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Goodbye, lovely April! - Iloista vappua!

April was so beautiful... The last days were a little bit chilly but we also had many wonderfully warm days. Shorts season has started! :) There is still some snow but in the sunniest spots the most courageous plants are sprouting.

Flowers only in pots...

The same shots every year... :D

TÀnÀkin kevÀÀnÀ tuntuu, ettÀ lintujen laulu on entistÀ kauniimpaa ja varhaiset kevÀtaamut tuoksuvat entistÀkin raikkaammilta ja ihanammilta.

Kuvassa olevan alppiruusun takana on tuija, jota pitÀÀ kastella, ja kuivettuneita katajia, jotka ajattelin vihdoinkin tÀnÀ kevÀÀnÀ sahata pois, mutta alueella touhuilee hömötiaisia. En ole koskaan nÀhnyt niiden viihtyvÀn samalla tavalla noin pienellÀ alueella mustikan- ja puolukanvarpujen vÀlissÀ. Olisikohan niillÀ pesÀ rakenteilla? Onkohan alue tarpeeksi turvallinen ja rauhallinen pesimiseen? PitÀnee panna polulle kyltti: "PÀÀsy kielletty - söpöjen hömppien alue".

Mutta mikÀ on alla oleva mustapÀinen lintu? Voisiko se olla pajusirkku? Valitettavasti en saanut kovin hyvÀÀ kuvaa.

Emberiza schoeniclus/Schoeniclus schoeniclus

An awfully bad photo of a fascinating plant, Rhodiola rosea:

Ihanaa toukokuuta!

Have a lovely May!

26 kommenttia:

  1. Spring has arrived in your area, and I love those flowers in the second photo, so pretty. That looks like a Robin with its orange chest. One of my favorite birds. The dessert looks so flaky and Yummy. Goes well with a cup of coffee. ; )

    Wishing you wonderful May days, Sara.


  2. Oikein hyvÀÀ vappua sinulle. đŸ˜ŠđŸŒŒđŸŒŒ

  3. Bullfinches are such lovely birds, make me think of strawberry ice cream

  4. It is great to see these signs of spring, Sara. The woods here are now bursting with spring ephemerals and soon there will be a carpet of colour everywhere.

  5. Gorgeous pictures!Have a lovely May too!Hugs!

  6. Sorry - this time I cannot help identifying the cute bird.
    I enjoyed your shots, as always.
    I wish you a happy May with a lot of wonderful captures!

  7. Niin se toukokuu sitten alkoi ! đŸŒ· Ihana fiilis paitsi vĂ€hĂ€n jĂ€ytÀÀ kun mun suomen kurssi loppuu 31.5. (jatkuu elokuussa kyllĂ€) Pikkulinnut ovat niin söpölĂ€isiĂ€ ja lupiininlehdet ovat kivampia kuin koskaan. Mahtavatko minun lupiinit nyt kukkia, sinulta saadusta siemenistĂ€ viime kesĂ€n rutikuivaan maahan istutetut? Ihanaa kevĂ€ttĂ€ ja kesĂ€n odotusta 💚

  8. Ihana kevÀttunnelma postauksessa. Uusia alkuja ponnistaa maasta sankoin joukoin. Pajusirkulta tuo lintu tosiaan minustakin nÀyttÀÀ.
    Hauskaa vappua!

  9. So many signs that show how Spring has finally had the upper hand over Winter. I am sure all these sprouts will very quickly develop and sprinkle the landscape with colours. I wish you a nice holiday! Bisous!

  10. Hello, Sheri, Simon, David, Maristella, Luisella and Sandrine, and thank you for your comments! Spring has indeed arrived here... but tomorrow we will have more snow. Oh no! :D

    The strawberry ice cream metaphor is my new favourite. Thank you, Simon!

    The black-capped little bird is very probably a common reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus/Schoeniclus schoeniclus). Probably the first time I saw one.

    Happy May Day!

  11. Hei, Kruunuvuokko, Rita ja Piparminttu, ja kiitos kommenteistanne!

    Toivotaan kaunista ja kukkaisaa kevÀttÀ. TÀÀllÀ tosin sataa lunta huomenna, jos sÀÀtiedotus paikkansa pitÀÀ. Voi voi!

    Ihanaa toukokuuta!

  12. Hej Sara!

    Nu Àr visst vÄren pÄ vÀg till dig ocksÄ, vi har redan fÄtt meteorologisk sommar sÄ det kÀnns lite konstigt med Valborg. DÄ skall vÄren sjungs in, det gjorde vi alltid nÀr jag bodde i Finland. Men nu skall det bli kallt igen..


  13. Ihanaa toukokuun alkua Sara! Uros pajusirkku on ihanan vÀrinen;-)

  14. Hei, Gunilla ja Anne, ja kiitos kommenteistanne!

    Toukokuu on ihana kuukausi, vaikka nyt taitaa Pohjois- ja Keski-Euroopassa olla aika viileÀÀ. Sade tulee tÀÀllÀ tosiaan tarpeeseen.

    MinÀ en tiennyt/muistanut, ettÀ on sellainen lintu kuin pajusirkku. :) Innostuin heti, ettÀ onpa mielenkiintoisen nÀköinen vieras pihassamme.

    Halauksia! :)

  15. Pajusirkku oli minullekin outo ja kuinka onkaan kaunis lintu, sekÀ uros ettÀ naaras. TÀytyypÀ olla tarkkana, jos onnistuisi nÀkemÀÀn tÀÀllÀkin. Lupiinikasvustot ovat jo pÀÀsseet todella vauhtiin. MeillÀ on ollut hieman jÀhmeÀÀ, mutta viime yön ja tÀmÀn aamun sade - kylmÀÀ - antoi vauhtia kasveille! Toivottavasti takatalvi menee pian ohi!

    1. Hei, Pirkko, ja kiitos kommentistasi!
      Pajusirkku oli tosiaan kaunis uusi tuttavuus. TÀÀllÀ tuiskuttaa nyt lunta, ja se harmittaa tosiaan hyönteisten, lintujen ja muiden pienten kannalta. Sade oli kyllÀ tarpeen.
      Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  16. Hello Sara,
    I see spring is in your place as well, I love your rhododendron. Mine suffered a lot of the heavy and thick snow. But now they are ready to bloom as yours is with buds. Nice and tasty breakfast!

    1. Hello Nadezda and thank you for your comment!
      Winter came back here, unfortunately. The weather seems to be cool today also in Saint Petersburg but tomorrow looks already better. :)
      Have a lovely weekend!

  17. Feliz Mayo también para tí Sara.
    Nos dejas una maravilla de naturaleza. Preciosas fotos.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Hola Laura, y gracias por tu comentario.
      ¡Que tengas un buen fin de semana! Abrazos.

  18. Great photos. Sara I want to thank you for visiting my blog and for being a friend. Have a blessed day. Madeline

    1. Thank you, dear Madeline! As I have said before, your blog is one of those that make the world a warmer and friendlier place.
      Hugs and blessings!

  19. Sara, that the photos are the same every year, but they are very welcome and express the joy that you have for this season. I have to smile at the fact that it is now shorts time but the snow is still on the ground! We dropped to 12C overnight. Everyone is rugged up, but by midday, the heat will be in the mid 20's. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Its arrival only seen in the slow temperature drop and shorter days.

    1. Thank you for your interesting and fun comment, Helen!
      During the last weekend also we were rugged up (photos to come). :) By the way, I guessed what "rug up" means but looked it up and was delighted to see it's Australian & New Zealand English. :) I learned something new.
      Happy autumn! I believe I can fully understand why in your climate autumn is wonderful.

  20. Che belle foto!!! Da noi al nordest Italia sembra tornato l'inverno: da 23 gradi siamo passati a 9-12 in 2 giorni e sulle montagne c'Ăš di nuovo la neve!!!! :)
    A presto

    1. Grazie mille, LulĂč!
      Una decina di gradi... Ăš come qua adesso, per l'Italia Ăš freddo davvero. Speriamo in notizie migliori prestissimo. :)
      Buon fine settimana!


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