... this much fun!
Today I show you my new treasure. :)
Some time ago, my longtime (blogging) friend Judith mentioned she has a Journalling Bible. I became immediately interested and with the help of some good tips from Judith, I ordered one for myself. Fresh out of print, it arrived some days ago and I took lots of photos to show you how pretty it is.
There are plenty of editions available in English. (I didn't find any in Finnish, but it doesn't matter because I enjoy reading Bible in English and comparing the text to other languages I know a little.) The Colouring Bibles look very beautiful too, but I decided to have one with simple lines on each page. I think journalling will be a great way to spend more time with the Bible and indeed "make it your own".
"Journalling Bible" on siis tällainen leveämarginaalinen Raamattu, jossa on runsaasti tilaa omille muistiinpanoille, kuville, tarroille, washiteipille jne. jne. En löytänyt yhtään suomeksi julkaistua enkä tiedä onko tällaiselle Raamatulle vakiintunutta suomenkielistä nimeä. Jos tiedätte, kertokaa kommenteissa! :)
The product description says: "Thick paper perfect for any writing utensil." I must say I was hoping the paper would be thicker. I tried to work very carefully on my first page but what I wrote and drew can be seen on the other side of the page.
We learn from our mistakes and I have learned for example that with colour pencils I don't manage to produce precise, clean lines. I don't want to buy (lots of) new stuff for this project, but perhaps I should try mechanical coloured pencils. :)
Another thing I don't want to do is to cover the text with paint or something else. I'll stick just within the blank space in the margin. Underlining and highlighting is something I have always done...
Tässä voi todella toteuttaa itseään ja Internetistä saa valtavasti ideoita ja inspiraatiota. On ihania blogeja ja Youtube-videoita ja Pinterestistä löysin hakusanoilla "Journalling Bible" erityisen kauniita esimerkkejä. "Free printables" on aina hyvä hakutermi ja netistä löytyviä fontteja on hauska käyttää. Koska paperi on kuitenkin melko ohutta, kuvia ja tekstiä voi kopioida paperin läpi. Erilaisia kyniä kannattaa tietysti kokeilla ensin varovasti.
Aioin kirjoittaa, että ensimmäinen sivuni ei näytä kovin onistuneelta, mutta eihän se ole tärkeää. Yritän tehdä sivuista mahdollisimman kauniita (että joskus lapsenlapsenlapset voivat ihmetellä isomummun taiteellista kirja-aarretta), mutta teksti ja siihen tutustuminen on tärkeintä. Kuten tiedetään, käsillä tekeminen kehittää muistia ja edistää oppimista. :)
These are not flowers of the field - they are the last summer flowers from the window boxes, picked before the frost - but you understand... :)
Tämä Zondervanin julkaisema Raamattu noudattaa amerikanenglannin oikeinkirjoitustapaa. Kun kirjoitin tätä postausta, linkistä https://www.kristillinenkirjakauppa.fi/tuote-osasto/raamatut/vieraskieliset/ aukeavalta ensimmäiseltä sivulta löytyi mm. Journalling Bible (NIV) brittienglanniksi sekä kuvitettu My Creative Bible (KJV).
Kaunista sunnuntaita ja mukavaa uutta viikkoa!
Have a happy Sunday and a great week ahead!
PS Yesterday we in Finland celebrated All Saints' Day. I celebrated it and the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation watching one of my favourite films: "Luther" (2003, directed by Eric Till). Very interesting and with great actors. :)
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Photos from the Internet |
I took some photos as well...
May your days be bright and soft! :)
What a fantastic idea! I know quite a few people that would love this is a Christmas gift so thank you so much for writing about it. I also love what you have done with the page that you have shown us - colourful and incredibly meaningful. Have a blessed Sunday xx
VastaaPoistaDear Sara! I see the winter has arrived to Finland. Your photo with the snowy pine branch is beautiful. But in truth, I am happy that there is still nice autumn weather here in Hungary, and I hope it sticks around for a while.
VastaaPoistaHave a lovely week!
VastaaPoistaMitt första besök här, namnet på bloggen väckte mitt intresse. Jag har också en woodland trädgård fast jag föredrar att kalla den skogsträdgård.
Jag har bläddrat runt lite och njutit av dina vackra fotografier.
Good reading For, reading is good, and I like them.
VastaaPoistaLovely photos. The snow came to you already, it rains here
Good Sunday, my friend.
No autumn anymore, but winter for you, so you changed your mind from the garden to the bible.
VastaaPoistaWhen bibles always should look so wonderful from outside and inside illustrated with pretty drawings and easy reading text, it should be read by many more people, I think.
Kaunista. Hyvää alkavaa viikkoa!
VastaaPoistaA very interesting post. Where did you find this bible? Have a blessed day. Madeline
VastaaPoistaThank you, Madeline!
PoistaSince I unfortunately live far from bookshops and especially those with a large stock of foreign books, I ordered mine online. It's published by Zondervan (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA :), it follows American English spelling). In English, there seems to be a great variety of Bibles and certainly something for everyone. This one is "for girls". :)
Hugs and blessings!
How lovely of you to show us your new journaling Bible, Sara. I'm definitely going to get one of these for myself. Knowing which kind of pencils/markers to use would be difficult, as you don't want things to show through on the other side.
VastaaPoistaThe snow is so beautiful; I miss it. We just have rain, rain, rain here and it gets very dark and dreary. Today, however, the sun is shining, so I hope to get out for a walk. Lovely photos, as always.
Certainly a lot more colourful than any Bible I've ever seen. Our wind today has been blowing from the North-East, looking at your pictures I can see why it's been so cold!
VastaaPoistaLovely to see your photo's here ...
VastaaPoistaI hope you had a happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week ahead.
All the best Jan
You have snow? Well, of course you would have. You live in Finland. We should have snow here, too; instead we have very warm weather, nor have we had a killing frost. I love the journaling Bible. I am going to get my friend one for Christmas. I asked Judith where she got hers and now I have your source, too. Such a lovely way to spend devotional time. Enjoy your week.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Ann! :)
PoistaIf winter has come to stay now, it's a little bit early... or rather, like in the good old days. Last year we had this much snow only in January!
You too, have a lovely week!
Hieno pitkä postaus täynnä kauniita asioita ja kuvia 💕
VastaaPoistaI have a copy of the Bible in English and I used to have one in Finnish, too,
but I'm not sure what I have done with it. I rather liked a children's Bible
I got hold of two years ago. Wrote a book review for my blog then.
Teilläkin on ihanan kepeät puuterilumet. Lumitöistä selvisi tänään lakaisemalla :)
Oh, what a lovely idea! I love this - your pretty illustration is lovely, too! Thank you for the link - a wonderful gift idea, for myself and others :) The snow is beautiful. Soon we will have snow, too. Wishing you a happy week ahead. xx Karen
VastaaPoistaA very clever idea! Gorgeous images as always and I have often contemplated that specific verse.
VastaaPoistaHi Sara, I love the journaling Bible you chose and it is for girls! How sweet is that, and nice cover. So far my pen and highlighter have not gone through the page but I haven't used my artist pencil crayons yet. (these I have already from making cards) I'm writing bible study notes in the margin a lot and a friend made a great suggestion to me. She said that since I'm an avid gardener, why not highlight any mention of plants or herbs - and I have a green one to do this.
VastaaPoistaPerhaps you would like to do this too and we can compare notes?
Such a brilliant idea, Judith, we will definitely do it! ♥
PoistaA special thank-you to you that commented on this post! :)
VastaaPoistaOh, look at you, sweet friend! You got a Bible to journal in {{smiles}} I love it! I, too, have been contemplating getting one and seeing yours has inspired me to take the leap and purchase one. The birds you drew are ever so sweet and beautiful.
VastaaPoistaHappy reading and journaling, dear Sara. Hugs and love to you!
What a beautiful idea and a wonderful book. Thank you for your link Sara. However did I miss this post! Hugs to you and Happy Journaling (what a great Christmas present). xx