Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

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Wednesday evening the sun came finally out and, so happy, I ran outside to enjoy its warm rays and to try to take some photos. Here are five of them:

You may have noticed that I enjoy taking photos of lingonberries. They look so sprightly throughout the year:

Our blueberries (bilberries) have deciduous leaves. In these photos you can see some spruce-cone debris scattered by the squirrels.

The sun is already going down...

I love taking counter-light photos:

Joining Amy


for Friday Greens

Sunlit Sunday


Karen's My Little Home and Garden

Happy Sunday!

32 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely pictures again this week. I am going to stop complaining about the weather here when you still have ice and snow X

  2. It is lovely to see what is growing in your part of the world and this is a great way to share this! Thank you so much for joining in! I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  3. Gorgeous photos, love the bokeh on the last photo! x

  4. Hello Sarah,
    Beautiful pictures in the burgeoning spring!
    Here it is also enjoying the sun, though the weekend weather will be cold.
    With the sun shining get such pictures!
    Have a nice weekend!

    Kind regards,

  5. Here in Maryland, it seems that spring may actually be heading our way. Your photos are lovely.

  6. Wonderful to see the plants peeking through the melting snow. We still have 2 ft left. Lost 2 this week....hoping by spring to see lots of soil and plants.

  7. MetsÀ onkin kevÀisin usein paljon vÀrikkÀÀmpi kuin piha, puolukat, havut ja sammalet pitÀvÀt siitÀ huolen :)

  8. Beautiful photo's Spring is on the way

  9. GREEN is such a welcomed color after a long winter. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. Ihanaa auringonvaloa! Puolukkavarvut ja sammaleet saavat metsÀn nÀyttÀmÀÀn ihanan vihrealtÀ lÀpi vuoden. Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle!

  11. Very pretty - love to see the little plants in the snow and the beautiful light. Hope this is the last of winter for you there. xo Karen

  12. It's nice to get outside and take advantage of sunny days with a camera, isn't it? Long ago I used to buy lingonberries in a jar from our grocery store and loved them - like our native cranberries only smaller. Now, I never see them and here you are growing them. Do you eat them? I like the last photo with the bokeh in the corner.

    1. Thank you, Judith!
      Yes, lingonberries are very popular here, they are picked in the wild and used in baking and to accompany a variety of dishes. They, and the cranberries even more, have remarkable health benefits.
      You can find the lingonberry jam at least at the IKEA Swedish Food Market. (The preserves, unfortunately, have much added sugar.)
      Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Your excitement about spring comes through your writing and your pictures - I'm so happy to share in it!

  14. Love the fact spring is obits way and these show that

  15. I didn't even notice the snow in the first picture :) Hard to believe that there's snow anywhere, we are enjoying blue skies, light mornings, and a bit of almost-mildness here in Southern England :)

  16. I love lingonberries as well Sara. I cook tasty jam and eat it with porridge.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, I will read yours.

  17. Wonderful photos - waiting for spring.

  18. Seeing that "spring green"would make me happy too. None here yet, in fact another big storm is headed our way for tonight/tomorrow, and they're already calling it a blizzard and warning people to stay home tomorrow. Yuch! So I'm loving your photos which speak of spring!

  19. Kauniita kuvia ♥ Puolukka ja mustikanvarvut ovat talvellakin kauniita ja maaliskuussa ne kurkistavat urheasti lumen alta. Havunoksa valoa vasten oli hyvin kauniisti kuvattu. Lovely images♥

  20. Wonderful photos, Sara! Green is such a welcome color after months of white snow. I hope more and more green makes its way into your woodland garden.

  21. Such pretty photos, Sara! I guess this is the time of year when green is everyone's favourite colour - such a welcoming hue to spring! The last pic is my favourite!

    Happy Sunday!


  22. Beautiful captures Sara. I like the last one. I wish you a week with sunny moments. Pam

  23. Lovely! The snow sparkles with the sunlight. Love the bokeh in the last shot. I love green!!!!! Happy Sunday.

  24. Nice to see the lingon and blueberry bushes come out of the snow. I love that counter-light photo of pine twigs!

  25. Ohhh Spring is most definitely in the air with these photos x

  26. hienoja kuvia, kyllÀ se kevÀt teillekin tulee. hyvÀt kevÀtviikkoa

  27. Very nice captures of the coming Spring. Enjoy your week!

  28. Wonderful selection of greens peeking through the snow. Spring isn't too far away now...
    Thanks for taking part in the Friday Greens meme!

  29. You have such an eye for catching beautiful bits of nature with the sun lighting up the greenery.


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