Elokuussa on mukavaa viettää syntymäpäivää, onhan se kuukausista täysin ja kypsin. :) Tänä vuonna syntymäpäiväni oli harvinaisen viileä ja pilvinen, mutta parempi kolea ja hieman sateinen sää kuin ennätyshelle ja kuivuus. Niin, kuivuusjaksot ovat entistä pidempiä, sateet entistä rankempia, vahinkoa aiheuttavat kovat tuulet entistä yleisempiä.
Tämän postauksen otsikko on kuitenkin "Onni ja kiitollisuus". Onneksi pienistä asioista löytyy iloa ja kauneutta, vaikka isot asiat ovatkin maailmassa surkeasti.
A poppy... or a party dress with a bow? |
"Mum's drinking coffee now." |
Violet 'Vitelotte' potato - The stalks also show violet colouring. My post about them here. |
It's flowers are beautiful too. Of course, it's French. :) |
A hand-made birthday card from a friend... |
These cutie pies eat aphids from the tender new leaves of our burnet roses! ♥ |
For journalling: Flowers printed on white adhesive sheets and then coloured - such fun! :) |
And pretty images from the Internet. |
Calibrachoa |
Philadelphus |
Do I think people's personalities and destiny are affected by their zodiac signs? Of course not. However, I do know that my star sign is Leo. Leo's character has been described for example like this:
Leo. A flexible bon vivant.
"What do you mean by card maxed out? I've only started warming up!" |
"Maisa and Kaarina", by Sari Luhtanen and Tiina Paju, is one of my favourite Finnish comic strips and gag cartoons. It's about the life and friendship between two women, Maisa (above; blond, plump, single) and Kaarina (slim, dark-haired, very efficient mum and housewife). It's about coffee and chocolate, too. Illustrated with adventures of M&K, I have a canvas bag, coffee mugs, stamps, books...
Kaipaan Maisaa ja Kaarinaa. Onneksi on näitä kirjoja ja sarjakuva-albumeita. :)
"A small book about anger" |
I read a fun wish/blessing today: "May your champagne be bubbly and your eyebrows on fleek!"
But then I read something even funnier:
May your champagne be bubbly and your lashes long! :)
"He loves me, he loves me not" |
Have a lovely day!
Ihanaa elokuista torstaita!
Sara, all the pictures are beautiful but the Waterlily - once again - takes the cake! it's so pretty, a real gift from Nature!
VastaaPoistaWhat a versatile post 🌻Looking at those lovely flowers and little birdies and thinking about life, one can't help but feel gratitude. It's a wonderful world 💚 August is perhaps my second biggest favourite of all the months. Happy birthday and many happy returns 🙂Mine is in September, which happens to be my favourite month ❤️
VastaaPoistaAikas hienoa olla leijona horoskoopissa. Minä olen neitsyt ja vaaka 🙂 (Ei silti että mitenkään harrastaisin horoskooppeja.)
Kiva taas saada sinulta postaus. Hyvää päivän jatkoa !
Lots of beauty and simplicity to be thankful for and that brings you joy. I hope August is treating you well so far, Sara.
VastaaPoistaWhat a brilliant post Sara! It gave me a huge smile :)
VastaaPoistaThe macros of your flowers are amazing. Have you invested in a new lens for your canon? Your birds are beautiful, super fluffy and delicate. Makes me want to cuddle them.
I've never heard of Maisa and Kaarina but they look like my kind of Women!
Wishing you a wonderful carefree week with plenty of coffee, birds and flowers. Big hugs from us xx
Thank you, Prunella!
PoistaThe little birds are adorable indeed.
I'd love to have a macro lens, but at the moment I'm using the same gear as ever. When there's enough light, the photos become a little bit better. :)
Big hugs to you... and Griffin! ♥
Thank you too Sara for all of your replies!! Have a truly magical weekend, sending fluffy cuddles from Griffin :)
PoistaHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! lovely celebration and wonderful thoughts, Sara. Indeed, you're very right saying "Onneksi pienistä asioista löytyy iloa ja kauneutta, vaikka isot asiat ovatkin maailmassa surkeasti." I used the translator and I enjoyed your words and the shared aspects, from nature to cartoons, that can brighten our days of life. It is all about daily positivity facing difficult times, so true, after all!
VastaaPoistaGreat day, fantastic birthday celebration and a lovely weekend to you! Alexa
Ciao Sara,
VastaaPoistache macro stupendi! Bellissimo post ricco di spunti di riflessione.
There is always something to be grateful for, if we want to admit it.
Happy birthday and a sunny weekend!
Those birds are so cute! Beautiful photos!
VastaaPoistaBeautiful photos. Enjoyed this post. Happy Birthday. Have a blessed day. Madeline
VastaaPoistaHyvää syntymäpäivää, näin jälkikäteen!
VastaaPoistaI love the beauty of small moments.
Beautiful photos all!
VastaaPoistaBut oh, those plump little birds! They 'steal' the post! :-))))
I don't necessarily believe that "the Stars" define us. But... I have seen many people, whose Sign aspects, do describe them. It can be very interesting.
I was born on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. When I was young, I was a "little, meek thing". Not standing up for myself, more like Pisces. As I aged, I became an Aries!!! Oh yes!!! Does this mean anything? Who knows. But it is interesting. :-)
Luna Crone
it's a party dress but susepct you'd struggle to wear it
VastaaPoistaHmm, yes, I should have written "a party dress for fairies". Of finest silk it is. :)
PoistaBeautiful photos, Sara! I love your photography!
VastaaPoistaPaljon onneaa vaan, paljon onnea vaan paljon onneeaa Sara, paljon onnea vaan!
VastaaPoistaUpeita taas kerran nuo kuvasi. Oma suosikkini olivat tuo ruusu ja narulla istuva tintti! Oikea kuvailotulitus!
So much happiness from the beauty of these and even more gratitude that I found your wonderful blog.
VastaaPoistaThe flowers are beautiful. My favorite was the Calibrachoa, what a stunning picture. You know, we have those same orange lilies around here. Your coffee cup is delightful, love that. You are a Leo? My son is a Leo and he's a wonderful person. This is a very special Bible verse. I love this post, Sara - "this and that" posts are my favorite. : )
Lucky me to found you dear Sara!!!
VastaaPoistaSome day if we meet i will be wanting to kiss your lovely hands (if you don't mind of course) with which you CREATE THIS MAGIC!!!
you do poetry through you camera and i envy you for this :)
Captivating capturing that can hold eye for time that you won't be able to count once you look at these gorgeous photos which i call beautiful windows for soul from where the freshning breeze enter to my soul..
Love you for this kindness my precious fellow
Kauniita kuvia ja ihania hetkiä niiden taustalla. Paljon synttärionnea!
VastaaPoistaThese blooms are just amazing. Love the pink ones.
VastaaPoistaCiao Sara,
VastaaPoistale tue foto sono bellissime.. sei riuscita a catturare i colori di questi bellissimi fiori!! molto carino l'uccellino:)
Onnittelut syntymäpäivän johdosta - elokuu on ihana juhlakuukausi! Ja nyt tulivat ne suloiset lintukuvat ja muutenkin vallan moninainen ja virkistävä sarja raikkaita kuvia erilaisisa asioista! Mukavaa viikonloppua!
VastaaPoistaHappy Birthday,Sara!Mine is this month too...Beautiful gift,your stunning photos!You are very talented,my friend...God bless you everyday of your life.
VastaaPoistaThank you all for your lovely comments and birthday wishes... and happy birthday to those that celebrate this month! ♥
VastaaPoistaKiitos kaikille ihanista kommenteista ja syntymäpäiväonnitteluista! ♥
VastaaPoistaTänään on sitten se luvattu lämmin päivä. Ajattelin nauttia aamukahvista ulkona... siirsin tuolin aurinkoon, kävin pukemassa vielä (kevyen) toppatakin, istuin hetken ulkona ja sitten tulin sisälle juomaan kahvini tietokoneen äärellä. :)
Mukavaa viikonloppua!
Onnea elokuun synttärisankarille! <3 Ja voihan lämmin päivä! :D
VastaaPoistaHello, Sara, this is an adorable, lovely, fabulous post. :-) I'm glad that you have little feathered visitors in your garden again. :-) That poppy is my favourite, but all of the other flowers are so beautiful! And the water lily... it's too perfect! :-) Maisa and Kaarina look very funny. :-)
VastaaPoistaThe birthday card is wonderful! I wish you a very happy birthday, dear Sara! ♥♥♥
And I wish you a beautiful weekend and a fantastic week filled with sunshine, flowers, birds, smiles and hugs, and with every little thing you love!
Postaus täynnä iloa:) Hyvää syntymäpäivää ja elokuuta!
VastaaPoistaAs I understand Sara, Happy belated Birthday, dear! I wish you health and happiness. Your photos are amazing, especially fluffy birdie, and I also like your white water lily.
VastaaPoistaThe birthday card is pretty , I've read your post on Nov. 2016 about the Bible you received. I love it!
Thank you so much, Muusa, Edit, Sussi and Nadezda! ♥
VastaaPoistaHappy Birthday! After the fact as it is. My day is off to a great start, now.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Ann! ♥