I have planted some pansies in pots...
... and then I take lots of photos of them in all the lighting conditions.
They are so pretty!
Judith's Lavender Cottage Gardening!
This wasn't meant to be a very long post, but because yesterday (Sunday) was here the joyous Thaw Day, I decided to add some photos taken along the lake-shore. "Our" lake generally thaws in the last weeks of April or the first weeks of May.
Spring is finally arriving!
Our spring weather is very variable. By the time the lake was completely clear of ice, it was raining again, and I moved indoors with my camera. In the home, it's easier to find something green...
Cherry tomato 'Sungold' |
Outside, the tulips are slowly getting taller...
... and they are right being prudent. This morning (Monday) we were again greeted by the snow fallen during the night.
“Woods and Groves, are of thy dressing,
Hill and Dale, doth boast thy blessing.
Thus we salute thee with our early Song,
And welcom thee, and wish thee long.”
from Milton’s “Song On May Morning”
Aivan ihanan värisiä orvokkeja!
VastaaPoistaMinäkin suunnittelen jo orvokkien laittamista ruukkuihin kotipihalle.
Yöt ovat tosiaan vielä kylmiä, pakkasta meilläkin viime yönä.
Tervetuloa toukokuu ja mukavaa alkanutta viikkoa, Sara :)
I love your pansies,so bright and colourful......great shots.....
VastaaPoistaBeautiful trees and lake!
I enjoyed the pretty variety here ! :)
VastaaPoistaWhat stunning colours your pansies are, the tulips are wise to stay under wraps until the sun comes out again!
VastaaPoistaHave a grand week.
Gorgeous Pansies!
VastaaPoistaAah, what a beautiful colours of your pansies.
VastaaPoistaYour weather is certainly capricious, us too, but no snow and ice. However, rain and wind and than sun and warmth.
Your photo's are beatiful!
Love, Gerry
Gorgeous pansies!!! They look like soft velvet! And the color is so rich! Have a wonderful day!
VastaaPoistaWhat pretty pansies. Your photos are beautiful. Loved them all. Have a blessed day. Madeline
VastaaPoistaI love pansies also very, they bloom tirelessly and long into the summer.
VastaaPoistaI come visiting you from mosaic-Monday.
Greetings from Germany
Pansies are such a sweet and beautiful flower - each blossom has personality :) It's always a joy to visit you, dear Sara. Wishing you a lovely week. Hugs!
VastaaPoistaHow disappointing to have spring finally arrive only to have more snow! I hope the cheery pansy faces are comforting you Sara until Mother Nature has made up her mind.
VastaaPoistaRight away I noticed how neat and tidy your tulips are planted, perhaps there was a time when mine looked like this too but now the front bed is a sea of green leaves, many of which are alliums.
The Sungold seedlings look very healthy, I look forward to seeing your harvest.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Sara, I always enjoy the plants and trees you share. 💐
I love pansies - your mosaic is lovely! So nice to see the first signs of spring with thawing ice and tulips sprouting. Hopefully this will be the last of the snow for you! Love that last photo of the woodlands - so beautiful! Happy Spring! xo Karen
VastaaPoistaThanks for sharing your beautiful pansies. Hope your tulips will be in boom. Ours have just started.
VastaaPoistaWhat lovely shots of spring.
VastaaPoistaThe pansies are so pretty!
VastaaPoistaThe pansies are so delicate and beautiful! Love seeing what it looks like in your area. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane
VastaaPoistaSara this is wonderful news that spring is there...my little pansies are struggling because of the heat now...yours looks so much prettier than mine.
VastaaPoistaSpring is very changeable in my area. too, Sara. We've been getting quite a bit of rain. Your pansy flowers are beautiful colors!
VastaaPoistaSpring is here at last. Those pansies are a beautiful colour.
VastaaPoistaYour pansy photos are so beautiful. I'm glad the ice is leaving slowly. Spring can be very fickle though. We are enjoying very warm temperatures the last 2 days but it will be more seasonable the rest of the week. I hope the warmer weather arrives there very soon.
VastaaPoistaWhat a lovely post of springtime.
Me too love pansies, and a friend to me says that I have a pansyland in my garden, with pansies all around, but I think that they are so pretty as small gigglings girls.
Have a nice week1
Best wishes,
what pretty flowers and you live in a lovely place :-)
VastaaPoistaIt will be fun reading your posts because do so will prolong spring. While we are not winding down spring, the tulips and daffodils are done; now we wait for the May flowers that May's showers will make lush and beautiful.
VastaaPoistaWhat lovely pictures.
VastaaPoistaR. Täysin arkista
Ompas nätin värisiä orvokkeja. Tomaatin taimetkin on niin ryhdikkäitä että!
VastaaPoistaOi, nuo orvokit ovat upean väriset, orvokki on ehdottomasti yksi lempikukistani.
VastaaPoistaVaan lunta, voi ei, kasvien ei pitäisi enää palella!
Pitäisi ostaa myös pian orvokkeja. :)
VastaaPoistaOletpa löytänyt hyvän värisiä orvokkeja! Jäiden lähtö on hieno tapahtuma. Täälläpäin ei jäitä tänä talvena juurikaan näkynyt.
VastaaPoistaOh bummers Spring, followed by more snow, but all of your images share such beauty!
VastaaPoistaLooks like spring is winning through, despite the snow. Your pansy photos are lovely.
VastaaPoistaLovely series of photos. Isn't it wonderful to see the world coming alive once again?
VastaaPoistaThank you for joining the linkup at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-bubble-man.html
Ihanan väriset orvokit! Ostin orvokkiamppelin muutama viikko sitten. Muita kukkia en ole uskaltanut ostaa. Yöt ovat vielä olleet aika viileät.
VastaaPoistaPitkästä aikaa avasin blogit ja kannatti. Niin upeita kuvia. Tuo viimeinen kuva on just oikealla paikalla STUNNING. Selasin kuviasi ja kerrontaasi ja lopuksi, (ei löydy sopivaa sanaa) tuo keväinen rinne , vehreys ja upeat puiden rungot. Tuollaisessa paikassa toivoisin olevani silloin, kun viimeinen hetkeni tulee. No liekö niitä silloin tuollaisia rinteitä olemassakaan, kun se aika koittaa. Jos vaikka sataan vuoteen tavoitteleisi. Nämä nykyajan myllerrykset!?
VastaaPoistaI love the atmosphere in that lake! Here is warm but still no sun :(
VastaaPoistaYour photos are just amazing! I hope you have seen the last of your snow too. Visiting from Mosaic Monday :)
VastaaPoistaOletpa todellakin löytänyt kauniinvärisiä orvokkeja! Miten mä yleensä näen vain sinisiä tai keltaisia...Hienot kuvat.:)
VastaaPoistaSo green there - and I love the pansies. We still have snow in our yard, so planting pansies will have to wait.
VastaaPoistaUpean värisiä orvokkeja - ja tomaatintaimet todella voimakkaan näköisiä :)
VastaaPoistaPansies were one of my Nana's favorite flowers. I have a soft heart for them. Yours are beautiful!
VastaaPoistaPansies are so fun to photograph, your's look especially happy. All of your shots are gorgeous.
VastaaPoistaLove love love pansies and I take many photos too. Love your pictures of spring and "winter".
VastaaPoistaHello, your pansies are so pretty. It is nice to finally see a melt down..Your tulips will look beautiful! Lovely images and mosaic! Enjoy your day!
VastaaPoistaThe pansies are so beautiful ... Great captures for WatW.
VastaaPoistaCheers, Heidrun
Sometimes, it takes a while but spring is always welcome! Lovely photos.
VastaaPoistaI am happy for you to see the thaw, even if followed by a sprinkling of snow - luckily you have those gorgeous pansies to keep the spirits up whatever Mother Nature decides to do!
VastaaPoistaWren x
Your pansy photos are gorgeous.