Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

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Good morning!

This morning, I happened to wake up at 4 o'clock and decided to get up and to go to collect the newspapers from the letterbox. Looking towards the lake, the sun was rising behind my back and its glow coloured some of the clouds pink.

I enjoyed the green view near the letterbox, and then went back to bed... of course. :)


Later this morning, I caught this fellow meditating on the lake-shore.

Flower buds of Caltha palustris:

Participating in Our World Tuesday.

Have a great week!

26 kommenttia:

  1. ´The early bird catches a worm´ is the English saying for getting up very early in the morning. Beautiful skies and wonderful pictures of the bird.
    Have a Happy Sunny Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Janneke!
      I found the bird (a common tern, I believe) rather cute.
      Have a lovely new week!

  2. I don't know how you could go back to bed Sara after Mother Nature's inspiration for a beautiful day dawning.
    Don't you find the blooms of marsh marigolds absolutely glow?
    I'm babysitting all weekend and the grandchildren are keeping me busy with a fair in town and other activities but I don't mind being outside with them. I've tackled a much overgrown weeping mulberry out the front, trying to prune it into the resemblance of what it should be. Neither one of our daughters are gardeners and mom has had to fix a number of inexperienced endeavours over the years. :-)

    1. I felt so terribly sleepy! :)
      Bright yellow is not my favourite colour, but I find the blooms of marsh marigolds cheerful and beautiful and am trying to move some plants (and hope they will spread abundantly) to create a pretty border along the lake-shore.
      Happy Sunday and babysitting, Judith!

  3. Toukokuussa on kyllÀ riittÀnyt kauniita auringonnousuja ja -laskuja, vaikka pÀivÀt siinÀ vÀlissÀ ovatkin olleet vÀhÀn sitÀ sun tÀtÀ. VÀlillÀ ottaa oikein pÀÀhÀn, ettÀ miksi, oi miksi en lukeudu niihin onnellisiin aamuvirkkuihin, jotka ehtivÀt ennen meitÀ muita nauttia ihanista aamuhetkistÀ. :)

    1. Aivan totta! TÀnÀÀnkin on paistanut aurinko, mutta on myös satanut vettÀ, rÀntÀÀ ja rakeita... LÀmpötila nyt kahdeksan astetta.
      Olen haaveillut jo pitkÀÀn kyvystÀ nukkua talvella talviunta varastoon, ettei sitten kesÀllÀ tarvitsisi nukkua juuri ollenkaan ja voisi nauttia ihanasta valosta ympÀri vuorokauden... :)
      Toivotaan toukokuun viimeiselle viikolle aurinkoisia pÀiviÀ!

  4. Upeat vÀrit auringonnousuissa. Nyt on niin kaunista, ettÀ tekisi mieli olla ulkona koko ajan, mutta kun töissÀkin pitÀisi kÀydÀ vÀlillÀ. :-)

    1. Kiitos, Gunilla!
      Valaistus oli tosiaan aika kiinnostava. Aurinko nousi metsÀn takaa kohdasta, josta en ole tainnut koskaan nÀhdÀ sen nousevan... koska useinkaan en ole hereillÀ niin aikaisin.
      Mukavaa toukokuun viimeistÀ viikkoa! Onneksi kesÀlomat lÀhestyvÀt. :)

  5. Wow what beautiful photos. Great post. Have a blessed day. Madeline

    1. Thank you, dear Madeline!
      Warm blessings for the week ahead!

  6. Hello Sara,
    Nice if you in the morning so awake! Everything still so wonderfully quiet and unspoiled.
    The bird is beautiful and the flowers are really going to enjoy.
    Wish you a nice week!

    With love, Gerry

    1. Thank you, Gerry!
      Early morning in spring or summer is indeed a wonderful time.
      Have a lovely week!

  7. If that was my view from my letterbox, I'd check it everyday even if I'm not expecting any. That view's simply admirable.

  8. Your day certainly started wonderfully - love the early pink clouds. Great views.

  9. You live in a beautiful place.Lovely views!

  10. Hello Sara, I love your beautiful pink sky and the lovely greens. And the Terns are one of my favorite birds to, they are neat to watch dive and fish. Great post and images.

  11. Oh gosh, such beauty!!! That third picture of the grass and the tree trunks is stunning. I imagine that everything was so calm and still at that time of the morning! xx

  12. Beautiful Sara...4 am is early for sunrise but we lighten at 4:30 with a 5:30 sunrise....

  13. Love the shots of the Terns.

  14. You had a pleasant morning with lovely sights. That's the way a morning ought to be.
    Take 25 to Hollister

  15. Beautiful morning, thank you for sharing! (And I didn't even have to get up early to enjoy it ;)... The Tern is pretty perched on his post.

  16. ♥ Thank you all for your lovely comments! ♥


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