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Firing a broadside of... BLUE

Tuesday is the MakroTex Challenge day at Susanna's blog Pieni Lintu. This week's theme is "Blue", and I started my preparation well on time. First I scurried around in hunt for something blue at home...

As usual, most of my photos are not macros, but with some flower photos - at the bottom of this post - I participate also in Laura's beautiful I Heart Macro Challenge at her blog Shine the Divine.

A  blue post is not complete without some blue flowers and photos of a blue sky. Since there are no blue flowers yet and the blue sky has been a rarity, I have chosen some old photos.

The flowers of Campanula rotundifolia and Aquilegia vulgaris are blue, even though they may look purplish in the photos below:

Participating also in

Thank you for your visit!

Have a lovely new week!

43 kommenttia:

  1. Hienot, siniset kuvat! Mukavaa viikkoa!

  2. Hello Sara, what a lovely "blue' post. I love the cute blue teapot, beautiful sky and your lovely flowers. A beautiful post, blue is my favorite color. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  3. I enjoyed looking at all your blue finds this morning!

  4. Lovely blues, Sara, some favourite books and beautiful blooms are a perfect start to the week!

  5. Hello Sara,
    What a beautiful photo's about the colour bleu! It's a lovely colour.
    Nice blooms!
    Have also a fine week!

    Love, Gerry

  6. What a lot of beautiful and wonderful blues you found!!! Stunning! xx

  7. Fabulous blues and my lupines are just opening....such joy with blue in the garden.

  8. Lots of beautiful blues! Your woodland garden is very pretty. And I see you have lots of quality reading lined up too! :)

  9. Blue blue and more blue! Lovely! I do love tea, and Chinese food and books. Pretty blooms, too. Have a lovely week!

  10. Beautiful blues - my favorite color! The tea pot is gorgeous, so deep and rich a color. Loved seeing the Finnish flag. Have a wonderful week, Sara.

  11. What a beautiful variety of blues! Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  12. Oh love all the blues - especially the teapots - and the flowers.

  13. My, I love your cobalt blue teapot Sara and the lupin is close to matching it. I like columbines in the garden, a quaint cottage plant and I have some purple/blue ones too but recently saw the prettiest soft pink on a fellow blogging sister's post. I'm hoping she will share some seeds. Beautiful blue skies this week.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  14. Beautiful flowers! I love your columbine!

  15. Love the blue teapot. The photos of the flowers are very nice. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  16. I love everything blue, books, flowers and teapot.

  17. A very lovely 'blue' post. The aquilegias are delightful. And so are the china and the books. Have a nice week.

  18. A plethora of soothing blues!

  19. Your blues are beautifully bright this week. I hope you've had some peace and quiet to read those books!
    Wren x

  20. That last flower is so intricate and gorgeous! And I always love looking up at a pretty blue sky! enjoy the week ahead! Hugs, Diane

  21. Very nice! My favourites are the blue teapot and classics novels.

  22. Wonderful blues and purples. I like that teapot!

  23. Ihana teepannu! Tykkäsin myös kukista.

  24. Runsaan sininen postaus! Kauniita kuvia, pidin erityisesti tuosta posliinilusikasta :)

  25. Huikeen kauniita kuvia sinisestä:)

  26. Aivan ihanat siniset.Tuo kannu on niin nätti.

  27. Wonderful Blues. And I especially like your blue reading material. Nothing like classic tea pots, blue belled flowers, and a Bronte novel or Dickens. Bravo.

  28. Kauniita sinisen sävyjä, tuo kannu on upea.

  29. Herranen aika, nyt meni sisu kaulaan, eipä sitä kannata omia sinisiä enää laittaa kun täällä oli laidasta laitaan niin kauniin sinistä! Kannu oli ehdoton suosikki;)

  30. Kauniita sinisiä asioita olet kuvannut! :)

  31. Ihania sinisiä sävyjä! Mukavaa alkanutta viikkoa sinulle.

  32. Ihanan paljon kaunista sinistä!

  33. I love all the sahdes of blue in this post, Sara, especially all the wildflower photos!

  34. Lovely bluebells, Sara! Glad that the weather is better in your place (like in mine too:)) and you see blue sky and more sun and warmth. The nature like people needs more warmth, doesn't it?
    Love your blue teapot!

  35. Miten viehättävä pieni teekannu! Tämä postaus saa haaveilemaan sinisestä puutarhasopesta. :)

  36. This post radiates over and over again great beauty!!!

  37. Beautiful blues ... All the different shades of it perfectly captured with your camera. Bea

  38. Very beautiful blues! I love the pretty details! Wishing you blue skies this week, my friend! xo Karen


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