Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.


Pink (blogging) dreams

Today I would have liked to share with you photos of this year's first seed packets, but they haven't arrived yet. Fortunately, I found these tulips at our grocery store. Then I was having fun with Picasa:

This is the post No. 103 of My Woodland Garden. I was hoping to celebrate the 100th post with a short commentary, but sometimes life just gets in the way.  Well, today there is time for a few words about blogging...

I had been admiring many, many garden blogs already for some time before I had the idea to start one of my own.  I started writing posts in April 2014, and because I wanted to have several of them for the future readers, I made the blog public only in September. (Perhaps not the best of strategies.)

Without the help of some lovely, more experienced bloggers, the beginning of my path as a blogger would have been much, much rougher, if not impossible. You can find the blogs of these wonderful women in my blogroll... and on a future occasion I would like to thank them more openly as well, for all their support, good advice, and kind comments.

You may have noticed that some changes have been made in this blog recently. I had finally noticed that I'm a no-reply blogger, not intentionally, and when starting to fix this, I also decided to "revert to Blogger Profile".  When I started blogging, a Google+ account was created automatically.  It has some very interesting features, but to me it has brought more disadvantages than advantages: At least in Finland, it doesn't seem to be much used, some bloggers find blogs connected to a Google+ account somehow dubious, and sometimes people don't even notice there is a blog "behind" the G+ profile.

I hope people will now find this blog more easily...  I have had several new followers and commenters recently. A hearty welcome to you all!

I haven't decided yet what to do with the G+ account. In any case, a huge thank you to those that became my "followers" there.  I would be more than happy if you could consider joining this blog.

In a way, it's a pity that I started blogging only now. In the earlier years of my life, I was travelling much more and living in very interesting places, also gardeningwise. I think, however, that even in a not-so-zazzy life there are many beautiful things to share with other people.

I also started taking digital photos only rather recently, since I was much attached to my old film SLR with its many lenses, flashes, etc. Now I must of course admit that with a digital camera, photographing has become more gratifying. Some of the few photo prints looked good in those days, but now...

Except for those of the tulips, the pictures of this post are old photos from our garden in Italy. Below you can see a Wisteria that was (and still is) growing  near our covered garden gate:

Its abundant blooming (seen from the street) covers the gate and the wrought iron fence. The photo is in b/w, because it was taken in harsh midday sunlight, and my editing skills are not enough to fix the horrible colours! :)

After some hesitation, I have also added the Translate button. I have noticed Google Translate works rather well with language pairs like English-Italian and English-Swedish.  Finnish, however, with its particular syntactical and morphological features, causes more difficulties. Some translated sentences are almost unintelligible. One of the most unfortunate examples is that the English "do visit x!" is translated into Finnish as if it were "do not visit x!"...

(Oh, I just remembered an amusing link shared last year! To all those interested in languages: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/72936-english-swedish-german-and-finnish-decline-dog/)

That's all for now. Thank you for your visit!

Joining Judith for Mosaic Monday.

For more mosaics, visit her lovely blog!

24 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana postaus! Olen vähän huono englannissa, mutta kirjoitat niin selkeää englantia, että sitä on helppo ymmärtää. Voi ettänen, olet asunut Italiassa, ja puutarhassasi on ollut vistaria....Ihanaa! huokaisen pitkään ja jatkan haaveilua talvipuutarhasta jonka katossa sinisade kiipeää.... Mä en oo lähtenyt tuohon googlejuttuun, kun se ei vaan mulle oikein aukene, enkä ole sitä kokenut tarpeelliseksi , suomalaiset blogit tosiaan on enimmäkseen löytyvillä muita reittejä, useinmiten toisten blogien sivupalkeista tms. Maailmalta tosin löytyis google+:n kautta vaikka kuinka paljon ihania blogeja, itsllä tulee kielitaidottomuus vastaan. JOs ymmärränkin jotakin, niin en osaa kirjoittaa mitään vastaukseksi, ja olisi kiva kommentoida jotain kun on löytänyt jotakin hienoa. :) Kauniita vaaleanpunaisia kukkakuvia! Ihania vaaleanpunaisia tulppaaneja! Täytyykin hakea niitä kaupasta...

    1. Kiitos, Laura! ♥

      Ei Google+ auennut minullekaan, vaikka minulla se profiili onkin. Nyt vihdoinkin, jos joku klikkaa vaikka profiilikuvaani jossain kommenteissa, aukeaa ikkuna, josta näkyy linkki blogiin eikä googleplussaan!

      Ja parhaat löytämäni blogit minäkin olen löytänyt hakemalla googlessa/bingissä joillain hakusanoilla ja sitten mieluisten blogien sivupalkeista. Sinunkin blogisi löysin jonkin suomalaisen blogin suosikkilistasta...

      On tämä suomenkieli joskus vähän harmillinen. Olen kokeillut blogien kääntämistä Translatella eri kielille. Aika hyvin se tuntuu toimivan, mutta jos kääntää vaikka näitä omia tekstejä suomeksi, rupeaa melkein itkettämään. :)

      Vaaleanpunaiset tulppaanit ovat kyllä ihania. Uutisissa taisi olla, että suomalaiset ostavat paljon tulppaaneja. Ei se ihme olekaan. Talven keskellä tarvitaan kauneutta ja värejä.

    2. Ai niin, minulla on kuvissa näkyvän sinisateen siemenistä kasvatettuja taimia, jotka ovat nyt muutaman vuoden ikäisiä. Nehän kasvaisivat kesäaikaan vaikka miten paljon, mutta niiden mahtuminen talvisäilytykseen kovin isoina olisi hankalaa. Sanotaan, että siemenestä kasvatettu sinisade kukkii vasta kymmenvuotiaana. Toivottavasti pysyvät hengissä siihen asti! :)

    3. I enjoyed visiting your blog and seeing the beautiful tulips and garden photos. I have you enjoy many years of blogging.

    4. Vau, vistarian kasvattaminen siemenestä onkin semmoinen elämänmittainen projekti. Mutta mikä ihana muisto Italiasta!

  2. Those tulips are just so gorgeous, I love the combination of soft pinks and green, very gratifying. Blogging is a constant learning game and it is so lovely that there are so many people who are more than happy to help along the way. Here's to many many more years!! xx

  3. Beautiful pink tulips, they must look wonderful in your home.. Lovely flowers, mosaics and images.. Have a happy week ahead!

  4. Oh the translation on some blogs that I go to is hilarious! As a quilter, for instance, I highly admire Supergoof's Quilt blog but the english to her language is often such a funny translation ...but I get the 'gist' of what she is saying and I mostly go to see her quilts which surpass any language.

    Your photos are just lovely / my favorite is that wisteria from the garden in Italy.

  5. YOur photos are a wonderful reminder that Spring is just months away! Spring comes late to Colorao, but it will be nice not to have as much snow as we are getting this winter.

  6. I love tulips and will be buying some this week. The wisteria is gorgeous. Pamela from Canada.

  7. The pink tulips are certainly eye candy today Sara. I'm happy you started your blog and have branched out with it already. I feel we are drawn to kindred blogging sisters who enjoy the same things in life and kindly offer encouragement to each other.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  8. oikein odotan kaikkia kukkia jotka nukkuvat lumen alla.kiitos hienoista kuvista ja hyvää viikkoa Jaana

  9. Oh I would love for you to contact me and tell me more about reverting back to Google profile and what the difference is from Google +. I am really not even sure how it all works, even though have managed my blog for over 5 years and somehow i changed and I was never aware. I was told that I had to have OK'd it, but I sure never knew it.

  10. Pink is the colour I'm craving at this time of year, too. Your bouquet is lovely. Soon the seed packets will be in the stores and we can dream of growing things once again. I'm glad you started blogging - I've enjoyed getting to know you a little this way.

  11. the tulips are beautiful. I love a fresh spring bouquet at this time of year. I never liked G+ and chose not to use it when I was offered the option. I find that it is very difficult to comment on G+ profiles and I admit that often I find it more trouble than it's worth.

  12. Good evening, Sara! Your pictures are simply lovely and were a real treat to look at - thank you for sharing. May you have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  13. I am enjoying your pink tulips. They haven't yet arrived in our super markets, but when they do, I will sorely tempted. I need a touch of spring right about now.

  14. Beautiful tulip pictures, but also the other pictures of your gardens are wonderful. I recognize all your blogging troubles very well. I also found out everything myself and that takes so much time.......... I have a G+ account too, but I do nothing with it, I really do not see the advantages.
    Wish you a lovely week!

  15. What a lovely blog post - your photos are just gorgeous and making me wish Spring was a little nearer!

  16. Ooh, miten vuolas ja sulava teksti! Niin ja kukat kauniita! Arvaa mitä - olen keksinyt niksin, miten saan kommenttini tallennettua heti. Aivan ensimmäiseksi julkaisen kommenttina ainoastaan pisteen, sen jälkeen saan esille " comment as: Kyllimarjaana".

  17. What beautiful photos! When Google+ came knocking at my door, begging me to join Google+, I noticed that they continually and obnoxiously begged me to join, but never gave me a single good reason to do so. I have found it on other's blogs and it does indeed make it so difficult to find people and respond to them. I wish everyone would abandon it. Have a lovely day.

  18. Lovely tulips for your 103rd post...and I am so glad you are blogging! Have a lovely week!

  19. How pretty! Time flies when you are blogging! As for google+ you can merge to keep your old profile but comment with google+. http://bettysnzblog.blogspot.co.nz/2014/02/how-to-have-google-profile-without.html

  20. Thank you all for your lovely comments!


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