Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.


New beginnings - Uusia alkuja

Hello all and a very Happy New Year to you! 

About a month ago, I turned this blog private (open to invited readers only) but the things didn't go as smoothly as I had planned. :) There were problems both in sending and accepting the invitations and what was most bothering, the new posts weren't showing up even in my own reading list... so the choice was between quitting blogging altogether or coming back... and so here I am again. I have so many things to share with you, time permitting!

The weather here has been incredibly cloudy (and because of that not very cold) for almost two months now, so I have chosen some sunny photos for this post, taken by the correspondent of "Villa Emilia" in Rome. :)

Hei ja onnellista uutta vuotta! "Villa Emilia" -blogi näkyy nyt taas kaikille... Yksityisen blogin pitäminen ei ollut toimiva ratkaisu. Kutsujen lähettäminen ja hyväksyminen oli hankalaa. Lisäksi aloin pian kaivata mahdollisuutta tuoda esille, vaikka vain näin pienesti, ajatuksiani ja mielipiteitäni. :)  Osallistun myös innokkaasti uuteen, hauskaan Helmet-haasteeseen, vaikka edellinen jäikin "hieman" kesken.

Kiitän lämpimästi blogista kiinnostuneita lukijoitani. 🤍 Nähdään pian!

24 kommenttia:

  1. Welcome back! I would have missed you and your photos. I do love to see what's happening in your area of the world. I notice some eating has taken place! Happy 2020 - stay healthy and have many wonderful adventures.

  2. Hienoa, että palasit vanhaan systeemiin blogin suhteen.
    Oikein hyvää ja onnellista alkanutta uutta vuotta 2020 sinulle Sara. 😊😊

  3. Kauniita kuvia. Onnellista uutta vuotta!

  4. Happy New Year,dear Sara! Amazing pics!Hugs!

  5. Hello Sara: Welcome back. It is important to all your readers and admirers that we stay in touch by whatever means possible. Happy New Year. I will look forward to another year together! David

  6. It's interesting to see beautiful photos of my favourite city when there are still blue skies in the historic centre, but fewer crowds than usual. Buon anno 2020 Sara!

  7. i would have missed you most dear Sarah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am happy i can visit you at least for now

    your images affected my way of thinking in positive way my friend ,i am so happy that i found you as blogging friend :)
    these captures are not of flowers still seem like beautiful blooms to me :) i hope i can understand someday that what makes your captures so special :)
    wishing you a very happy new year dearest Sarah filled with grace of Lord,peace of soul and love of family,amen!!!

  8. Hyvä että tulit takaisin.
    Olin hämmentynyt kun ovi sulkeutui nenän edestä 🤨😕☹️
    Hyvää uutta alkua 🍀

  9. Hej Sara!

    Ja, jag noterade att din blogg inte lyftes upp på listan, trodde att det var jag som gjort något fel men hur som helst, glad att du är tillbaka.
    Här har det också varit ett gråväder i 3 månader, varmt och mörkt. Häromdagen var det 10 plusgrader, helt galet vid denna tid på året.
    Det har varit så mörkt så det är meningslöst att gå ut med en kamera, riktigt trist när det blir så.

    Önskar dig en god fortsättning på det nya året!

  10. Love Rome and your photos, Sara! The warm climate, beauty around you, greenness.
    Happy new 2020 year! It's a wonderful digit, I hope it brings you much
    happiness and your dreams come true.

  11. Kappas, aukenihan se! Kiva kun olet täällä taas...Hyvää jatkoa.

  12. I am glad you are back. Great photos. Have a blessed day and a blessed and wonderful 2020. Madeline

  13. I am very glad to see a post from you. I have tried to access your blog via the invitation, but was never successful. Technology is sometimes very confusing.
    Wonder photos of Rome. We had a mostly sunny first day of January, but the clouds are bringing in rain for the next week, so I'll soak up sunshine via photos! Happy New Year, dear Sara!

  14. Sinulla on niin upea blogi ja nämä sinun kuvat on aina niin kauniita, silmä lepää katsellessa:) Ihanaa alkanutta vuotta sinne ja mukavia bloggailuhetkiä♥

  15. Joka tapauksessa on ilo taas nähdä kauniita kuviasi ja odotan innolla vaikkapa HELMET-valintojasi. Oikein innostavaa uutta alkanutta vuotta!

  16. The blue skies and Rome are wonderful. So sad that your winter has been grey so far. I have a treasured memory of a winter several years ago when you froze tulips in ice!

  17. I have never been to Italy but these photos make me even more determined to do so. We have spent the holidays in what is normally sunny and warm Arizona but it has been rainy and cloudy every day! We still had an enjoyable time, though. Happy New Year to you!

  18. Beautiful sunny pictures, dearest Sara! I wish you a fabulous New Year filled with joy and happiness. Hugs!

  19. Ciao Sara, non so perché ma i giorni scorsi non riuscivo più a visualizzare il tuo blog :(
    ma sono ancora in tempo per farti gli auguri di buon anno!!!:)....Roma è bellissima!!!
    Buona settimana

  20. I was so honored to have been one of your invited guests for you blog. I was able access it, but could not leave a comment. I thought that it was supposed to be that way. I should have emailed you. I am glad that you back; I do enjoy your photography and story telling and seeing your home. Happy New Year.

  21. Que maravilla Sara. Me encanta la primera foto. Estuvimos en Italia, solo visitamos Florencia Pisa y Pontedera que es donde está el museo Piaggio de Vespa. Sí comimos mucha rica pizza:))
    Me alegra tu vuelta de esta forma,
    Buen 2020 amiga.
    Un abrazo.

  22. Thank you! Kiitos! Tack så mycket! Grazie! Gracias!


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It may take awhile but I will always visit you back.

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