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Lukijan runo - ympäristöasiaa Savon murteella

Hyvää alkanutta vuotta!

Savon Sanomien (paperiversion) Lukijan sanomat -aukeamaa on hiljattain uudistettu ja "Lukijan värssyn" nimenä on nykyisin "Lukijan runo".  Hieman harmittaa, että myös erityisen viehättävien ja mielenkiintoisten vanhojen aikojen muistelujen sijaan "Lukijan tarina" (ennen "Aikojen takaa") voi sijoittua myös nykyaikaan.

Sivu kuitenkin kannattaa lukea huolellisesti, koska muuten saattaa jäädä huomaamatta helmiä, kuten 28.12.2018 julkaistu runo. En ole erityisen hyvä savolaismurteiden tuntija, mutta sanoisin, että allaoleva teksti näyttää ja kuulostaa hyvältä. Kirjoittajan nimi ilmoitetaan edelleenkin vain nimikirjaimilla. 

Muualla Suomessa asuvat, onko tätä murretta helppo ymmärtää? :)

Kammottava susihukka Kuopijjoo nyt vahtoo,
rantapaekkoo tehtaalleen se heti suaha tahtoo.
Nenneesä ee pitemmälle piättäjätkään tiijä,
antaavat vuan ulukolaesten Savonmuata viijjä:
"Kohta ee oo töetä vaella ykskäänj Savonj ukko!"
-luppaoksella asijalle pannaan kunnol lukko.
Ehkä meijjän työttömät sen tehtaan tehhä suavat,
mutta sellun käännistyissä nuoloovat vuah huavat.
Kiinassakkii töetä vaella miljoona om miestä,
outtamassa tiijjotusta siitä meritiestä,
mikä heijjät kuljettas näem pallon toeseel laetaan,
sinne, missä savolaeset viljellöövät maetaan.
Eepä mänis kauvvankaan kul loppu tulis etteen
ja kotirannat vaehtunna oes suastuneeseen vetteen.
Metistä ee kuulus ennee suurten kuusten kuiske,
eekä kotipihoeltakkaa lapsiparviih huiske.
Eeköhän oes hankkeelta jo piätettävä laalu
ja Sorsasalon portimpieleen panna kieltotaalu.

A.-R.R (Kortejoki)

Hello all! This post is especially for my Finnish readers. The poem above (written by A.-R.R from Kuopio) was published some days ago in our local newspaper. The poem is about our nature being under threat, and the intriguing "language" is a Savonian dialect. The projected Finnpulp's new softwood pulp mill (near Kuopio) is to become the world's largest single-line softwood pulp plant. The new facility is expected to use 6.7 million cubic metres of raw wood material per year. When running (in two-three years), it should be the most ecologically sound softwood pulp mill... One of the things that most worries me is that the biggest shareholder of Finnpulp is a Chinese company, Hengan International. In the future, it has a possibility to increase its share of the company up to 49%.

15 kommenttia:

  1. I do not wish to be cynical, Sara, but I am a bit of a sceptic when it comes to these promises made by the pulp and paper industry, and especially with part Chinese ownership. The Chinese record of environmentalism around the world is hardly exemplary. And they are still installing coal fired power plants in many locations, especially in Africa, so I suspect that profit and the spread of their influence around the world predominates. I would be worried!

  2. I have read that the paper market continues to decline here in Europe. But pulp made from northern spruce and pine has a brighter outlook because it is needed for tissue and packaging board, with growing demand from China in particular (Source: Reuters) Tell me why it worries you?

    1. Thank you for your interesting comments, Aritha and David.
      I am worried because I know that concerning enviromental risks the reality is always less rosy than the companies describe and that (at least in Finland) the local inhabitants' right to a healthy and safe environment is just an empty promise. The permitted (by the Regional State Administrative Agency Eastern Finland) emissions to the Kallavesi lake, for example 55 tons of sulphate/day, are problematic.
      And indeed, China's "environmental footprint" is something scary.

  3. Vaikeaa luettavaa, mutta kun oikein pinnistää niin ymmärtää;-)

  4. Any changes that affect nature and the natural habitat are very sad and of very grave concern indeed.
    On a happier note, have a wonderful weekend Sara, with hugs from us :)

  5. Very interesting post. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  6. Prunella,I understand your fear. We have similar issues with an Indian coal mining company, Adani. Why our Government has given them permission, is beyond belief!
    Love and hugs from down under.

  7. Money talks... looks like. Let's hope they keep their promises regarding environment.

  8. I agree with your concerns. We have them here, too.

  9. Yes, I would worry …
    Any changes, be they large or small, that affect nature and its natural habitat is upsetting.
    I can only hope that the concerns expressed by you, and the other commenters here, may not come to fruition, but I have my doubts!

    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. Ciao Sara ,se passi dal mio blog trovi qualcosa per te
    buona domenica

  11. Savon murre on ihanan keinuvaa ja kyllä - viesti on ihan ymmärrettävissä myös täällä Etelä-Hämeessä!

  12. Ciao! Sono contenta che tu sia passata dal mio blog per il gioco di parole.
    Bello il tuo blog, anche se nella traduzione credo di perdere qualcosa...
    Auguri di buon anno e... spero che la natura vinca contro l'interesse dell'uomo!
    A presto...

  13. ♥ Thank you! ♥ Kiitos! ♥ Tack! ♥ Grazie! ♥


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