And hello again! In this post, you can see what was blooming about one week ago in our garden and the neighbourhood in Northern Italy. The protagonists were the wisterias:
Ta-daa! Mikä olisi ihanampaa kuin liila-violetti sinisade kukassa? Tietenkin vaaleanpunainen sinisade. :) Valkoinenkin on aika kaunis...
Wisteria floribunda 'Longissima alba' |
Helleborus orientalis |
Prunus |
Tulipa 'Queen of Night' |
Prunus |
Rosmarinus |
Grandpa's flowers... ♥ |
Acer |
Prunus |
Acer |
Paeonia |
Malus 'Golden' |
Quercus |
Aesculus |
Laburnum |
Have a lovely May!
Ihanaa toukokuuta!
Hello dear Sara, sooo beautiful flowers. I love Wisteria too.
VastaaPoistaHave a nice first May... Big hugs ... Dorothea :-)
Happy (First of) May, dear Dorothea! ♥
PoistaMy goodness, such an amazing burst of colour, Sara. It makes me feel good just seeing the pictures, so I can only imagine how you reacted to the real thing.
VastaaPoistaTruer words were never spoken, David! :) The flowers and the warm weather felt wonderful.
PoistaThey are all so beautiful but the Wisteria is stunning. X
VastaaPoistaI so agree, Jules! :)
Noin pitkällä jo kevät ! Upeaa kukkasadetta ja muita kauniita näkyjä 🌺
VastaaPoistaHappy First of May !
Eikö näytäkin ihanalta, Rita? :)
PoistaKukkaisaa toukokuuta! ♥
What beautiful flowers, great photos. Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a blessed day. Madeline
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, dear Madeline! Blessings and hugs!
PoistaOoohh ... ja olin juuri ihastuksissani pikkuisista krookuksistamme! Tämä meidän ilmastoalueemme tuntuu todella arktiselta, kun silmäilee noita italialaisia kukkaryöppyjä! Vaaleanpunaiset `Prunukset` ovat erityisen hämmästyttäviä ja kauniita. En ole koskaan nähnyt rosmariinin noin kukkivan edes Välimeren äärellä. Ihanat kukkaterveiset!
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Pirkko! ♥ Kevät on ehkä paras aika käydä Italiassa. :) Koristekirsikoista ainakin oma on Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan'. Sitä näköjään myydään Suomessa 1-vyöhykkeelle.
PoistaKukkaisaa toukokuuta!
Springtime looks stunning in Italy, the wisteria never disappoints, they are show stealers whenever they bloom but in this post the Peony takes the cake, I love peonies, I'd do anything to grow them in my garden but they don't have enough winter chill to bloom :(
VastaaPoistaHappy May and thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures.
Thank you, Marcelo! I wish I had had more opportunities to take photos of peonies. They are so very beautiful. I wonder if it would be possible to grow them in pots and move in a cold place for winter...
PoistaHappy autumn!
Hi dear Sara!Your pictures are breathtaking...Just wonderful!!!Fabulous flowers,balm for the soul,feast for the eyes...When I see your header with that beautiful landscape,I imagine myself there!Have a lovely day!Xo.
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, dear Maristella! Big hugs! ♥
PoistaBeautiful pictures. Everything is bursting forth in a celebration of spring. Such a joyful time of year. It is now that I wish we could slow time and enjoy the floral parade even longer.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Peter! Spring is indeed gorgeous - but it feels shorter and shorter every year... :)
PoistaIik, miten ihanaa kukintaa! Wisteria on niin kaunis... Kukkaisaa vappua!
VastaaPoista... ja ihanaa toukokuuta, Satu! ♥
PoistaEvery bit of it is gorgeous!
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, Jill!
PoistaSuch beautiful flowers, Sara, would make anyone's heart sing! I can just imagine the wonderful scent in the garden. Our wisteria, just a single plant, is beginning to bloom and the scent is intoxicating. Happy May Day!
VastaaPoistaThank you, Lorrie! Opening the windows, you were able to enjoy the sweet smell indoors too, especially in the evening.
PoistaMy favourite scent, however, is that of honeysuckles. Unfortunately they weren't blooming yet. Happy May!
This Italian garden is like a piece of heaven! The flowers are radiant and I can imagine the fragrance of the wisteria grapes! Excellent pictures, Sara! I wish you a nice evening!
Thank you very much, Sandrine! Not all photos are from one (our) garden - there are many small pieces of heaven in our neighbourhood! :)
PoistaBonne soirée!
Miten kaunista siellä on!!!
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Anne! Niin on. :)
PoistaVau! En tiennyt että sinisateita on muunkin värisinä, ihania kaikki!
VastaaPoistaToinen toistaan ihanampia! :) Kiitos kommentistasi, Anu!
PoistaAm not sure if my comment got through, because I'm writing from my "other" blog - wow - you love flowers! Welcome back and many thanks for sharing these stunning captures with All Seasons! Have a great spring week! Jesh~
VastaaPoistaThank you, Jesh! Have a lovely weekend! xx
PoistaOi ihanuus mitä kuvia♥ Toivottavasti sait viettää mukavan vapun♥ Leppoisaa alkanutta toukokuuta♥
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Päde! ♥ Ihanaa viikonloppua! ♥
PoistaWhat wonderful colors and your images are just perfect!
VastaaPoistaThank you so much, Betty!
PoistaChissa' come ti sarai divertita, in mezzo a tanti fiori...!
VastaaPoistaBuona settimana...speriamo con un po' di sole...prima o poi!xx
Grazie, Luisella! ♥ Infatti è stato bellissimo.
PoistaMa adesso vogliamo... più sole per tutti! :D
Baci ed abbracci!
Oh my !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaaPoistawhat a heavenly images dearest Sara!!!
you enriched my soul with blossoms of spring !
my heart just sprang up and wanted to kiss your lOVELY hands who made this post possible and all other you bring to make our days more ALIVE and CHEERFUL!
i know sooner or later i will be visiting Italy (inshaallah) but your sights made me want it with more strongly !
LOVE and HUGS!!!
Thank you so much, dearest Baili! ♥
PoistaI hope you will be able to visit Italy soon... and that your visit will be wonderful.
Big hugs!
So much beauty & life; I love the wisteria photos. I bet you thoroughly enjoyed all of this after the long winter you have been having at home!
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, Jade! Indeed, only now there starts to be some hope that spring i s coming. :)
PoistaHave a lovely weekend! xx
So much sunlit beauty brings equal joy.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Helen! It most certainly does! :)
PoistaHi Sara, this paeonia is beautiful! I'm going to research here in Brazil.
VastaaPoistaI love pines, I have two Italians on the site, they already have 7 meters.
Lovely images of flowers.
Good start to the month of May.
So stunningly beautiful.
VastaaPoistaWonderful photographs.
Happy May Wishes
All the best Jan
Happy May, Sara! The blooms are so beautiful! The scents must have been lovely, too! xo Karen
VastaaPoistaHello Sara, such beautiful flowers and colours, it must have been a wonderful trip...
VastaaPoistaI live in Norway, finally spring is coming, same as in Finland, I believe?
Have lovely days,
♥ Thank you very much for your comments, dear Janicce, Jan, Karen and Ida! ♥
VastaaPoistaSpring is finally springing also here in Eastern Finland.
Gorgeous photographs! I especially love the blue and white Wisteria and the yellow Laburnum. Your garden and neighborhood are bursting with color!
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, Jason!
PoistaSpeaking of colours, your potted tulips are indeed awesome. :)