Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.


Purple, lilac, violet or even blue?

 Campanula glomerata - clustered bellflower, peurankello

Often I see people calling "purple" a flower that I see as lilac or violet. :) For me, purple is a reddish violet. According to Wikipedia, purple "is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral colour with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite colour made by combining red and blue". Hmm, that didn't help much.

However, all these colours and shades are beautiful and the favourites of many. Consulting Wikipedia, I also learned that in Chinese painting, the colour violet represents the harmony of the universe because it is a combination of red and blue (yin and yang respectively). :)

Do you like lilac/violet/purple?

lehtoakileija nuppu

Aquilegia vulgaris - Common columbine, lehtoakileija

valkoiset kukat tanssivat niityllä kesäyönä :)

Aina kun näen valkoisia akileijoja, alan hyräillä vanhan iskelmän sanoja

Kun iltaan päivä vaihtuu
Kun kohta saapuu kesäyö
Niin niityllä valkoisten kukkien tanssivan noin
Yhä kuvitella voin

Jostain syystä luulin lapsena, että laulussa puhutaan keijuista. :)

Nämä voisivat olla myös joutsenia tanssimassa...

These photos are to show what kind of lawns we have, definitely not monocultures of grass, not treated with chemicals, they are not even watered. :)

I have, at least temporarily, changed the comments setting, making commenting more easy to those who don't have or don't want to use a Google account. I don't want to moderate comments nor do I want to ask you to enter short codes... It will be interesting to see what happens!

Olen muuttanut kommenttiasetuksia helpottaakseni esimerkiksi WordPress-bloggaajien kommentointia. Nyt kaikki voivat kommentoida. Katsotaanpa miten käy. En halua moderoida kommentteja enkä käyttää sanavahvistuksia, joten jos tämä ei toimi, täytyy palata entiseen käytäntöön. 

Nyt WordPressin käyttäjät jättämään kommentteja! :)


43 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Sara
    A difficult one, blue, purple or violet. Depends on the flower and the light.
    You lawns look lovely, a bee paradise and is that some Prunella Vulgaris I can see in amongst the clover!!
    Your photography is stunning. I love aquilegia and campanula.
    Have a truly wonderful weekend with hugs from us xx

    1. Thank you, Prunella! ♥
      Oh yes, there are many pretty little Prunellas growing there.
      Happy gardening! xx

  2. Ciao Sara
    che spettacolo le tue foto... bellissimi i prati fioriti:)
    buon fine settimana

    1. Grazie, Roberta! ♥
      Buon fine settimana anche a te!

  3. blue, purple, violet - I love them all. Your pictures are beautiful. The lawn strewn with blooms is gorgeous!

  4. Purppura(npunainen) viittaa jo sanana selkeästi punaiseen taittuvaan. Liila on mielestäni vaaleampi kuin violetti, mutta molemmat taittavat siniseen. Kaikki ovat mieluisia värejä kukissa ja varsinkin purppura on upea.

    Olet lapsena ymmärtänyt asian aivan oikein - akileijat, muutkin kuin valkoiset, tuovat puutarhaan keijuja tanssimaan :)

  5. I love all the colours, Sara! Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful photos of all the flowers. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  7. Colours are rather subjective, I think. Purple, to me, is a deeper colour than violet or lilac. But they are all pretty. Your lawn is lovely, I think. I'm sure the bees love it!

  8. Never mind the definitions just enjoy the beauty

  9. I like these kinds of colours. I also like Campanula and Aquilegia. Nice to see that those plants blossom now in Finland.

  10. Beautiful pictures! Violet, blue or purple they are absolutely stunning! I love aquilegias but they don't love my garden...the heat poses a problem again! Greetings from Argentina!

  11. Voi mahdoton,miten kaunista! Mikä violetti kasvi kasvaa valkoisten apiloiden seassa? Olen ihmetellyt kun sitä näkyy useissa paikoissa.

    1. Hih, kommentoitiin toistemme blogeissa juuri samalla hetkellä. :)
      Kasvi on ahoniittyhumala (Prunella vulgaris). On tässä juuri mietitty miten saataisiin apilat ja niittyhumala menestymään, näyttävät yhdessa tosi kivoilta.
      Hyvää viikonloppua, Anne! ♥

  12. Onpa kaunista. Tästä näkee, että luonnonkukatkin ovat todella kauniita. Akileijoista ei voi olla pitämättä. Aivan ihania kuvia. Aurinkoista viikonlopun jatkoa sinulle!

  13. It's an interesting discussion about colour, Sara. Some field guides feature flowers of the same colour together, and I am often struck by how frequently the description seems not quite right to me. I guess to some extent various hues are a little subjective.

  14. Niin herkkiä ja kauniita kuvia. Ja ihana runo/laulu.

  15. Perfect lawns!!!!!!!!

    And I love lilac/violet/purple!

    But remember being told, as a child, that I didn't "see" such shades, the same as others. Or didn't name them, the same, as others. Now this may or may not have been true. But it stays with me.

    Not to worry! I just love, what I see!!!!!!

  16. Kiitos, Sara, ihanista kuvista jälleen kerran. Arvaat varmaan, että tuo 'joutsenten tanssi' oli minulle jotain aivan erityisen ihanaa!

    Toivottavasti kommentointi nyt onnistuu hyvin. Muuten, kokeilepa vielä, sillä mielestäni tuon pelkän anonyymin voi estää valinnoista.

  17. Whatever the name of the colour the flowers are all beautiful!!

  18. Kauniit kukkijat, tarkoista värimäärittelyistä piittaamatta. ;) Upea kukkanurmi teillä!

  19. So beautiful!Love all of them!

  20. Beautiful Sara. You know I love all shades of purple, lilac, violet, mauve or blue... :). Most of my "purple" blooms seem to be in June. I don't have many later in the summer.

  21. Mahtava nurmikko! Violetti/liila ovat kauniita sävyjä. Minusta violetti on tummempi ja liila hailakampi sävy, mutta ei mitään tietoa, onko tämä totta. Lisäksi meistä jokainen taitaa nähdä värejä eri tavalla. Mukavaa viikonloppua Sara!

  22. Sarah it is always such a delight to read your posts. Todays's capture of the purples to blues are sublime. I would so love to dance across your lawn!

  23. upea kukkameri! Violetti on mun lemppariväri

  24. Olipa hauskaa - teilläkin nurmikossa valloittaa apila! Meillä on tänä vuonna ollut leinikki, joka nousee sieltä sun täältä viheriöön. Nurmihumalaakin pilkottaa, mutta se ei nyt ole päässyt mattona esiin. Luonnonkukat ovat nyt parhaimmillaan. Apila-humalakuvat ovat niin herkullisia, että melkein apilan tuoksu tuntuu!

  25. I love your flowery lawn, dear Sara! ♥
    Happy Sunday! :-)

  26. Lovely lawns, Sara! I thought why I always mowed clover maybe let it wildly growing?
    If I would read wiki about purple I couldn't understand as you :-)The bells are beautiful anyhow.

  27. Ben fatto, Sara. E' tempo che facciamo pace fra Wordpress e Blogger! Ad ogni modo io mi sono fatta un temporary account in Blogger per accedere ai vostri lavori e ai vostri commenti. Vediamo se funziona. Nel weekend mi sono tuffata fra le tue foto...che gradevolissima visione! Ancora complimenti.
    A domani con Makrotex challenge.

  28. Meilläkin on peurankelloa. Ajat sitten ostin yhden taimen ja itsestään leviää.
    Suloista nurmikkoa; apilaa ja tuota toista jonka nimen unohdan tuon tuostakin.
    Meilläkin on niitä nurtsissa. Saisipa noin hyvännäköisen kasvun kuin teillä !

    Värien nimitykset ovat kovasti vaihtelevaisia. Joskus tuntuu että kukkien nimissä
    puutarhurit käyttävät sanaa "sininen" kun tarkoittavat sinistä tai mitä tahansa violetin sävyä.
    Minusta sininen ja violetti ovat ihan eri väri.

    Ihanaa uutta viikkoa !!!

  29. Thank you all for your lovely, and very interesting, comments. I'm afraid it will once more take a long time for me to visit you all... but I'm desperately trying. :)
    Suurkiitos kommenteistanne. Olen taas aivan paniikissa vastavierailujen viivästyessä, ja tämä värien havaitseminen olisi myös ollut erityisen kiinnostava keskustelunaihe jatkaa pidemmällekin.
    Grazie per i vostri commenti. Ci vediamo, da voi, al più presto... almeno spero! :)

  30. aaahhh, Purple flowers.....my favorite color. There's just something about Purple that's magical. They say Purple is color of Royalty. : ) Your flower pics are so lovely. Who wouldn't want to see a field of Purple flowers?


  31. Elegant flowers!!!

    Magnificently captured by you dear Sara!

    You are magician sent by Lord to glorify our dul days with your enchanting photography! !!

    1. I think the words above written by you are the loveliest one with a camera can read or hear. ♥

  32. Nature provides a wealth of colour.
    You provide so many wonderful photographs, a joy to see.

    All the best Jan

  33. Gorgeous blossoms of columbine and others varieties on your lawn and I agree, that all these colours and shades are beautiful... And so lovely to know that the colour violet represents the harmony of the universe, as I've read above. I knew that it is related to a good energy, but I had no idea of being related with harmony and I should try to learn more about it. In these days, I thought a lot to Spring and how harmonious are things in nature in this season, from my point of view. (*-*)
    Many thanks for sharing beauty and wisdom, as well!
    A very nice Sunday and new week ahead!

  34. I love violet tones. You found such interesting facts about them. I've often wondered about the precise definitions of violet, purple, lilac and mauve.

    I don't like those comment boxes which require captcha surveys etc. Because they hinder accessibility for people with disabilities and are not compatible with screen readers like text to speech.

    1. Thank you for your interesting and important comment! It did make me worried though. There shouldn't be any word verification required in my comments section, but I have read that even if this setting is turned off, some commenters may be asked to enter a code before posting... and the blog owner doesn't necessarily know anything about it.
      I don't think anybody likes reCAPTCHA. It keeps many people from leaving comments. OPERA browser could be one solution: I have heard (but haven't verified) that it wouldn't support reCAPTCHA.


Thank you for your comment! It is very much appreciated.
It may take awhile but I will always visit you back.

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