Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Lupins, part 2: The incredible close-ups :)

This summer has been, so far, good for lupins. They look healthy and there haven't been hard winds or rains yet. Here comes another mega-dose of lupins. (You can click the photos to enlarge them.) Oh, I would have so many photos to share with you, of lupins and of other things! 

I won't be much around for the next couple of days. As usual, I'll try to visit you as soon as again. I hope you are having wonderful summer days (or winter days :))!

Rakkaudesta lupiineihin... Näissä kuvissa saattaa olla jokin sama kasvi tai väri kuvattuna kahteen kertaan, mutta ne ovat niiiiin kauniita ja näyttävät niin erilaisilta valon suunnasta riippuen. (Kuvat suurenevat klikkaamalla.)

Täällä on nyt ihanan kaunis vaikkakin viileä aamu. Olen muutaman päivän poissa blogimaailmasta ja ensiksi lähdenkin kastelemaan äskettäin istutettuja kasveja. Täällä kärsitään kuivuudesta, mikä saattaa kuulostaa yllättävältä; onhan monessa paikassa tainnut sataa liikaakin.

Kiitos kommenteistanne edelliseen lupiinipostaukseeni! Värikkäistä lupiineista kiinnostuneiden kannattaa ehdottomasti hankkia kirjolupiineiden siemeniä. Esimerkiksi Exotic Garden myy eriväristen lajikkeiden siemeniä. Tienvarsien lupiinit ovat (yleensä) komealupiineita. Väreinä niillä ovat vain sininen, violetti, vaaleanpunainen tai valkoinen. Komealupiini myös luokitellaan haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi.

Kirjolupiinit eivät varmasti lähde leviämään hallitsemattomasti. :)

Oman kokemukseni mukaan siemenet kannattaa kylvää suoraan tulevalle kasvupaikalle loppukesällä/syksyllä, silloin kun luonnossakin siemenet olisivat valmiita. Esikasvatus ei minulla ole onnistunut erityisen hyvin.

Aurinkoisia kesäpäiviä!

30 kommenttia:

  1. Vau! Komeita! Mukavaa reissua!

  2. Oh, how many different shades of colours! Beautiful!
    Have a happy Sunday! ♥

  3. Wow! Such wonderful varieties of colour. How beautiful! Lupins grows in the wild here in just one particular area during April. They are a sight to behold.

  4. Pulleita ja ihania. Tekisi mieli tunnustella sormin ❤️
    Ihan mahtava huipennus tuo loppukokoelma !

  5. Voi jestas, miten ihania värejä!

  6. Are you ready for your close-up? :-) Oh, yes, indeed. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  7. Beautiful close-up of "mega-dose of lupins" :) stunning!
    A very nice summer vacation!

  8. Great photos of the beautiful flowers . Have a blessed day. Madeline

  9. Olá, lindas e boas fotos com excelente definição a mostrar os detalhes da bela flor, é perfeito.
    Feliz semana,

  10. Gorgeous!!!!!

    And, IG is lovely, for times like this, isn't it? Busy times. Can pop a lovely picture on IG, and a few words about it, and .... done. :-)

    And one can quickly check other IG's, if one doesn't try to Follow too many, that is. :-) I don't. I like to have a nice little group. Same as in blogging.

    But... This is up to each person's choice.

    Gentle hugs, Luna Crone

  11. Gorgeous photos, Sara! And I love the collage, too!

  12. Kääk! Mä pyörryn....... kyllä on ihania.

  13. What a beautiful collection & collage, Sara! I hope you've had a lovely weekend :-)

  14. Kaunista värien sinfoniaa.

  15. What a wonderful colour palette.

  16. Wow, what lupines, Sara! I love them all but the purple-white is my favorite.
    Have a nice hot summer day!

  17. Upeat lupiinit! Pitääpä hankkia siemeniä. :)

  18. Both your flowers and the photos are wonderful, the detail is incredible!

  19. Hengästyttävän ihana lupiinien helminauha! Tuo, että ne pystyvät lukemattomiin erilaisiin värivivahteisiin, lienee juuri lupiininen hohdokkuus. Samanlaisia ei tahdo löytyä millään!

  20. you are remarkable at your skills of photography my dear Emilia!
    these beads of nature turn more magnificent when you looked at them through your artistic eyes!
    i cannot get my sight back from them ,just Marvelous .thank you so much for sharing the beauty of your soul

  21. Oh, look at all the Lupins in so many different colors. The purple ones are my favorite, as that is my favorite color. The dark purple is such a mysterious and beautiful color.

    Happy July days.


  22. Wow those lupins are just gorgeus! and so many different colors! I wish I could grow lupins in my garden but I live in a subtropical humid region in Argentina and the climate is too hot for these beautiful plants. Greetings!

  23. Oh Sara, these are so incredibly beautiful! And so much colour variation! I have never seen so many different colours in the lupins here. Are these all growing wild or are some in gardens?

    1. Thank you, Linda! I knew you would appreciate them. :)
      All these plants grow in our garden and are descendants of the first seedlings we started to grow several years ago. We let the cute bumblebees pollinate them and then weed out the unwanted colours, that is most of the blue ones and what a call "a boring pink".
      Lupins a r e gorgeous - beautiful, easy to grow, fragrant, liked by the bees...

  24. So many! I'm glad I get to enjoy them on IG.

  25. Fabulous colours!Gorgeous flowers!

  26. Oh my, Sara! Lupin overload!!! So many wonderful colours, you have a stunning collection! Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous images and the mosaic is perfect. My snails would be very happy in your garden! Have a wonderful Wednesday and weekend, with hugs from us xx

    1. Thank you, Prunella!
      The snails would be really happy especially today when it has been raining a lot. :)
      Big hugs! xx

  27. ♥ Kiitos! ♥ Thank you! ♥ Grazie! ♥


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