Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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In the Alps

Hiking in Piedmont and the Aosta Valley (Italy).

Hello all! The weather is a little bit grey and I decided to post some sunny photos taken in the end of August. I participate with these photos in Riitta's Joy & Fun linkup, because hiking in the mountains, in the fresh air, admiring the views, is one of the biggest joys in life.

The photos are in a random order, except...

... for this one. I think it's the most beautiful one and that's why I have saved it for last. :)


26 kommenttia:

  1. Grey and rainy today here. Thanks for these beautiful photos in the mountains. Ah, I can almost smell that wonderful clear mountain air.

  2. Loved seeing these gorgeous photos ♥

  3. Carissima, I really enjoyed these photos because we take our summer vacation every year in Trentino Alto Adige and absolutely LOVE hiking! It fills my lungs with pure fresh air and it makes the whole rest of the year better. Great pictures as always. Have you been getting lots of snow ? Can't wait to see some snowy pictures :-)

  4. Your gorgeous photos are really joy and fun Sara - thank you for linking! It is a bit depressing and dull right now, so every delight is needed. Have a nice evening!

  5. Hengästyttävän ihanat maisemat - aivan tuntee raikkaan ilman keuhkoissaan! Kaikki kuvat ovat niin upeita, että en lainkaan osaa niitä järjestellä paremmuusjärjestykseen. Toivon vain olevani tuolla...

  6. Kyllä siellä on kaunista. Ja niin upeat kuvat. Ihana tunnelma välittyy hienosti kuvissasi.

  7. A wonderful place, what a sunny summer images for soul in these cloudy days of november, indeed! I love to see nature and we're so lucky to observe it through your photo camera lens. And indeed, a great view with pine trees in your favourite pic. Many thanks for sharing them with us! A good day and week, as well!

  8. Thank you for sharing your nice photos. I love the sweet pink flowers!

  9. Inspiring scenery and lots of our favourite - trees! Aren't the pink wildflowers a blessing.

  10. I can just imagine the warm sun on my back while hiking in the beautiful Alps. Instead, it's cold and grey here today, but I won't complain too much because it's not raining - yet!

  11. Oh my, oh my, oh my, what loveliness! How I would love to join you on a hike, sweet friend. Thank you for sharing the lovely views with us.

    Sweet hugs to you!

  12. Huimaavan kauniita seutuja. Olen kerran käynyt junalla Sveitsissä Italiasta käsin ja kyllä oli upeat
    Alppimaisemat tällaiselle tasankojen taapertajalle :) Tosi on; viimeinen kuva on hienoin !

  13. Dear Sara! I enjoyed your photos very much! I agree that hiking in the mountains is a great experience. We fell in love with mountains many years ago, when we spent some days in the Dolomites, in Italy.
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog.

  14. Niin upeat kuvat!
    Ja ihanat maisemat!

  15. Beautiful and lovely photos. My folks were born in Northern Italy. Came to America as young children. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Madeline

  16. What fantastic scenery! I love the little flowers as well as the mountain scenes.

  17. They are all wonderful Sara. Beautiful all I love nature, and also the sea, and I have the luck, to live in a small, mountain town, with a lot of forest. And some of these landscapes resemble Béjar.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. Having grown up in Colorado and enjoyed the mountains here so much, I've always love the Alps--having never been there, so I enjoyed your photos so much, and, yes, especially the last one.

  19. Beautiful photos! So green and such a lovely blue sky!

  20. I was fortunate to visit the Aosta Valley some years ago, a beautiful place where the scenery is spectacular ... just as your photo's are.

    Yes that last one is very special

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan


  21. Maravilhosa seleção de fotografias.
    Paisagens belíssimas!!!
    Bom fim de semana com tudo de bom!!!
    ♫♪ه° ·.

  22. ahhhH .these sights are breath taking .Italy is very BEAUTIFUL and i find myself in hurry to explore the beauty of nature from close .
    you are wonderful photographer dear .
    well captured

  23. Kaunis paikka. Laitoin sinulle puutarhahaasteen jos innostut vastaamaan :) Ei tarvitse kuitenkaan jos ei huvita!

  24. This must have been a fabulous trip Sara. Your photos are so beautiful!


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