First of all, thank you all for your lovely comments to my previous post(s)! I haven't visited everyone yet, but will do it as soon as I can.
The late visitor of this post is this chubby fellow, photographed some days ago. I think it is a Eurasian woodcock (
Scolopax rusticola). I have never seen one so near. They should be crepuscular and I was wondering if there's something wrong. It was able to fly and I do hope it started/continued its migration before the weather turned colder.
Onko tämä lehtokurppa? Se vietti muutaman päivän melkein pihapiirissämme lokakuun lopussa, mutta nyt sitä ei ole enää näkynyt. Toivottavasti se lähti etelään ajoissa! Lentokykyinen se ainakin oli.
Added on Friday: A Cyanistes caeruleus |
Yes, we have had some snow by now. I seem to take the same photos every year, the lake getting gradually frozen, the pier covered with snow... I can't help it, snow and ice are just so
cool. :)
My last year's post dedicated to ice can be found
here. It's one of my favourites.
What stays of a Chamaenerion angustifolium. |
Phragmites australis |
Pinus sylvestris |
Picea abies |
Gold :) |
Gold and diamonds |
Wishing you a happy weekend!
Hyvää viikonloppua ja rauhallista pyhäinpäivää!
Lehtokurppa pihassa on mahtava vierailija! Hyvää pyhäinpäivää sinulle;-)
VastaaPoistaOnpa jännittävännäköinen lintu, en ole tainnut koskaan nähdä. Lumi- ja jääkuvasi ovat kauniita. Hyvää pyhäinpäivää - taitaa tulla hienot ulkoilusäät!
VastaaPoistaAh yes Sara, snow and ice are indeed COOL! But only for the first few weeks. After that I quickly tire of them and long for warmer temps again. Your photos are beautiful, as always. Nature is wonderful, isn't it?
VastaaPoistaYou make me so glad with your snow photos. Remebering God makes all things pure and white. xxx
VastaaPoistaSnow and ice are absolutely fascinating. I can't get enough of your beautiful pictures !
VastaaPoistaIsn't it just great that there are evergreen things growing out there in wintertime
when other trees and bushes have shed their leaves ? Spruces and pine trees for example 🌲
Pino silvestre 💚
Hienoa että sait kuvan tuosta linnusta !
Such a beautiful photos, dear Sara!
VastaaPoistaI wish you a lovely weekend and a good new week.
Many greetings and hugs ... Dorothea :-)
Onpa upeita kuvia. En ole koskaan nähnyt lehtokurppaa noin läheltä. Hienot kuvat. Lumikuvat kuvastavat niin hyvin juuri tätä päivää. - Mukavaa viikonlopun alkua sinulle!
VastaaPoistaIt is indeed a Eurasian Woodcock, Sara, and a wonderful species to be able to observe. We don't have any snow here yet - and I am quite happy if it waits a while!
VastaaPoistaWinter has come to your part of the world and I must say you really capture it beautifully. Your photos are gorgeous. We are still green and brown here and haven't even had a really bad frost yet but the days have been cloudy and dreary and mild. Wising you a beautiful week.
VastaaPoistaTeillä on ollut selvästi kauniita pakkaspäiviä! Ja et ole muuten ainoa, joka kuvailee vuodesta toiseen samoja asioita. Se on jännä, miten sitä ei muka ikinä kyllästy esim. jäätyvän järven kuvaamiseen. Mulla taitaa olla mm. sitä ohjelmassa huomenna. :) Kaunista viikonloppua! <3
VastaaPoistaYour photos are great. Enjoyed them all. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline
VastaaPoistaKauniita talvisia kuvia.
VastaaPoistaRauhallista viikonloppua!
Fantastic photo's again, I always enjoy my visits to your blog.
VastaaPoistaWishing you a happy weekend too!
All the best Jan
Très belle série qui annonce l'hiver ;-)
VastaaPoistaCéline & Philippe
Groefoues photographs although it looks like it is getting coldd now. Love the Snipe and Blue tit shots
VastaaPoistaHello, I love the cute woodcock and the sweet lil bird. Beautiful images, one of my favorite is the leaf in the snow. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
VastaaPoistaHienot lumi- ja lintukuvat! Talvi tuli aika yllättäen. Mukavaa viikonloppua, Sara.
VastaaPoistaThese images are beautiful! Number 7 is my favourite today! Yes, there is beauty in every season! Have a lovely weekend!
VastaaPoistaTodella upeat kuvat!
VastaaPoistaIhanaa viikonlopun jatkoa!
Beautiful autumn and winter preview photos, Sara! I love the yellow bird! We usually have snow by now as I live ina high altitude but it has been an unusually warm autumn here.
VastaaPoistaGorgeous photos, Sara! And I absolutely love your header, it makes me smile. I hope you are having a great weekend. :)
VastaaPoistaIf it was cooler here all the recent rain would have added up to a fair bit of snow but a reprieve for us this year so far.
VastaaPoistaThe poor bloggers who live in warm climates don't get to experience the beauty that snow and ice patterns offer.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Sara.
So nice to see the beautiful woodcock and lovely ice and snow! Your photos are magical! xx Karen
VastaaPoistaWhat incredible photos (even if they make me feel a little cold!). Such beautiful birds! Blue tit?
VastaaPoistaThank you, Lisa!
PoistaYes, the small bird is a Eurasian blue tit. They always make me smile with their short blue hair. :)
Breathtaking pictures! ❤
VastaaPoistaBeautiful golden sun on the snow !!!
Absolutely stunning images!! I don't get snow here in my part of the world, and it rarely gets real cold. The sparkle of the frost/snow...stunning.
VastaaPoistaYour bird photos are outstanding!!!
Thank you for stopping by to add your link to this post for us birders this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'. It's always greatly appreciated.
ps....LOVE the cute squirrel in your blog header.
PoistaBeautiful icy images, love the birds
VastaaPoistaYou are quite a talented photographer, Sarah! Stunning snow images! Thank you for going outside in the cold to shoot them! Quite an intricate pattern the woodcock has, the the cute yellow birdie - many thanks for sharing your Fall with us at ALL SEASONS! Have a terrific week!
VastaaPoistaAnd thanks again for helping me find the socks you made for your brother:)
Such beautiful shots, Sara.
VastaaPoistaWinter and Fall are wonderful seasons, too.
Sara I really enjoyed looking at all of your photos. So lovely when the winter is starting, and the woodcock is a great shot. Hope he got about his business and migrated.
VastaaPoistaLovely photos! The close-ups of the birds are wonderful.