Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

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Shadows (MakroTex)

This week's theme in the MakroTex Challenge is "shadows". I took the first six photos already some time ago, because I found beautiful the play of light and shadow in the evening sun. 

I was wondering, however, whether to add this last set of three photos or not. There have been much more interesting images, in the blog world, of the recent beautiful autumn moments, when the morning mist flees before the sun. Yet, here's to the sun rising! Soon we in Finland will see it less and less. :)

Have a happy day!

Participating also in Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

30 kommenttia:

  1. ensimmäinen kuva mielestäni kaunein.

  2. Wau. Auringon valo purkautuminen puiden lomasta on kertakaikkisen upeaa katseltavaa. Kauniista kuvia. :)

  3. Varjot puunrungossa ovat todella hienoja. Ja maisemat ovat komeita.

    T. Täysin arkista

  4. Puun rungossa oleva varjo on kaunis.

  5. Hi, Sara! Photos are fantastic as usual. But my definite favourite is number 4. Cannot explain why, but there is something special in it.

  6. Pidin erityisesti tuosta mystisestä metsäkuvasta <3

  7. Le luci e le ombre - bei giochi !

    Valon ja varjon leikeistä syntyy taidetta.

    I quite like the first one, with the rowan leaves and the tree trunk.

    Kolmessa ekassa on ihana tunnelma.

  8. Todella kauniita. Pidän etenkin tuosta metsäkuvasta. :)

  9. The shots on the tree trunk work really well!

  10. Wau, hienot varjokuvat, mutta nuo usvaiset kuvat ovat kerrassaan upeita!:)

  11. What great shadow photos all are very pretty. I liked them all. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  12. Ihastuttavaa valojen ja varjojen leikkiä!

    Leppoisia syystuulia täältä Mantelilaaksosta!

  13. Wow! Onpa tyylikkäitä varjokuvia! Upeita!

  14. Love the shots on the tree trunk x

  15. What a beautiful pictures you have taken in the framework of the topic "shadow".
    Especially the last pictures I find very beautiful!
    I think you are in a time of long evenings / nights and short days?
    Also a good time to make it inside the house cozy.

    With love, Gerry

  16. Beautiful shadow pictures, especially the first two speak to my imagination.

  17. Beautiful shots!
    Please come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/09/nighttime-paddle-on-jordan-lake.html

  18. The shadows on the shaggy bark are so dark they appear to be painted on. Great find in nature Sara!

  19. These are lovely, and so different from the shadows I posted today.

  20. Upeat kuvat ja varjot! Mukavaa keskiviikkoa!

  21. Upeita kuvia kaikki, tykkäsin myös tuosta kolmen kuvan sarjasta, jossa aurinko pilkistelee ihanasti puiden takaa.

  22. Kolmanneksi viimeinen kuva on VAAAAAAAU! Hieno!! :)

  23. Lovely images! Love the first one especially!

  24. Very beautiful. Lately I'm paying attention at how nicely shadow figures look. They sometimes look like very good paintings.

  25. Hello dear Sara
    You have captured the delicate leaves shadows on the bark of the tree beautifully.
    Your photos always inspire me...


  26. Lovely images, Sara! The light shining through the misty forest is especially intriguing. Hope your last weekend of summer is lovely. Hugs xo Karen


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