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Reposted: Icicles and cute critters - Kuvia viiden vuoden takaa

Hei taas ja mukavaa tiistai-iltaa! En ole ehtinyt valmistella uutta postausta, mutta halusin kuitenkin tervehtiä teitä, joten julkaisen kuvia viiden vuoden takaa. Tammikuussa 2015 oli lunta ja pakkasta ja hassunnäköisiä jääpuikkoja. :)

Hello all! January 2020 doesn't look quite like could be expected. Usually we have much more snow, like for example five years ago... All the photos and texts of this post have been originally published in January 2015.

There is beauty everywhere around us.

In the last few days, we have seen some unusual icicles. It had been snowing much and on all roofs there were thick, heavy blankets of snow. With thawing, the snow started slowly to slide downwards (and fell down).  In this photo, you can see some of the last chunks still on a roof:

The melt water running under the blanket of snow had formed funny-looking icicles:

This is one of them, seen through our kitchen window:

In the following day, it was sparkling golden in the rays of the afternoon sun:

Looking like abstract art:

Here another one, again seen from the kitchen window:

Below, you can see air bubbles and some seeds trapped in the ice. The colours haven't been edited. The sun was shining and the dark background colour of this and the first photo comes from the trees behind (on the other side of the lake):

And then the critter update (of January 2015!).  One of "our" squirrels has learned to climb a steel pole to reach the bird feeder you can see in this post. I went to tell him/her that even though inventive, this approach is not appreciated by us. He/she decided to back away for a while:

A very cute willow tit came to keep an eye on the situation... and on the feeder:

Thank you for your visit!


31 kommenttia:

  1. Those icicles are really cool looking !! We haven't had any snow this year ... so no icicles :-( We are having problems with squirrels and our bird feeder. I tried one of those squirrel baffles and within about a week, they had figured out how to get around it...

  2. Very intriguing icicle photos. They look sharp as daggers. Cute squirrel and even cuter bird. Winter out your way has lots of interesting things to engage your attention.

  3. I really like those icicle shots! And your little critters are really cute.

  4. Sara, what beautiful pictures you take! I have enjoyed each one. The thing that sticks out to me as I viewed them was "now here is a lady who is on the hunt for the gifts of beauty He surrounds us with". Thank you ever so much for sharing them here.

  5. Isn't it fun to capture the oddities that nature creates! Some interesting icicles and an intelligent squirrel - I've put vaseline on the poles to thwart them and it works.

  6. The icicles are so amazing. You got a very sharp eye to see this wonderful beauty of nature .
    The squirrels are so cute.

  7. What lovely scenes with the squirrel and the bird.... And I enjoyed the icicles with your explain. We have snowy days here and than it melt after one day. The wheather goes up and down with the temperature.
    xoxo Heidrun

  8. The first picture is just stunning!!

  9. That is a LOT of snow and ice! Your pictures are stunning. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  10. Wonderful ice shots! And cute critters.

  11. Hei,
    Huikean kauniit talviset kuvat ja erityisesti jääpuikot ovat kiehtovia!
    Kuvaan itsekin paljon kotiympäristössä
    ja nyt tammikuussa talvista maisemaa
    täällä Hämeessä.
    Hyvää torstaipäivää :)

  12. Nature creates the most beautiful art....and you have captured it here to share...thank you!

  13. Thank you to all the original commenters in January 2015! :)

  14. Aivan ihania kuvia❤️ Leppoisaa alkanutta vuotta ja mukavaa viikkoa❤️

  15. Love seeing your awesome photos!Hugs,dear Sara!

  16. Buenos "bichos" de carámbanos ves desde tu ventana Sara.
    También por aquí tenemos bastante frío y nada de en nieve este año.
    Linda la ardilla.
    Un abrazo.

  17. Ice creates its own winter beauty and on a bright day with strong sunshine nature's art gallery is free of charge for all who care to enjoy it.

  18. Wow. Taiteellisia jäämuodostelmia. ♥

    Suloinen orava ja tintti. Mukavaa päivää sinulle!

  19. God morgon Sara!

    Is kan bilda fantastiska mönster när omständigheterna är de rätta. Tjusiga bilder du förmedlar, jag har själv försökt men behärskar inte riktigt konsten ännu. Nu har vi ingen is heller, just nu 10 grader varmt men hoppet lever att vi ännu kommer att få uppleva en riktig vinter med snö och minusgrader.


  20. Olipa hienoja otoksia. 😊😊

  21. Jääpuikot ovat kuin taidelasia ja kurrekurre puiden oksistossa on niin hauskan oloinen pikkukaveri, oravat saavat aina hymyilemään, kun niitä näkee.

  22. Great photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  23. Ciao Sara e complimenti per gli scatti degli icicles!
    La mail che mi hai mandato di invito al tuo blog non funziona: mi dice error. Quindi, se vuoi, rimandamela. Ci tengo a vedere le tue foto.
    Però anch'io ti invito a tornare a visitare il mio blog: nel frattempo ho pubblicato tante cose belle e ci tengo che tu le veda. A presto! Buona serata! xoxo

  24. Such gorgeous pictures! That icicle looks like an always changing abstract sculpture.
    Your little feathered and furry neighbors are so cute. How are they recently? :-)
    In the last few days, I tried to take some photos of the birds in the garden... I think I should learn how to do it. To push down the button on the camera is clearly not enough. :-D
    Have a lovely day, dear Sara! Hugs!

  25. Wonderful icicles look like works of art and in reality they are, only made by nature.
    Lovely squirrel and beautiful litle bird.
    Warm hugs

  26. I do hope you get your snow soon. We are finally enjoying regular showers of rain.

  27. Sara, sure this winter visitor - squirrel understood you and no more come to the feeder :-)
    Lovely icicles, you're lucky to have some snow this winter.
    Here is raining and wind.
    Happy weekend.

  28. Nice collection of icicles. I remember as a kid we had icicles up to 3' long hanging from the eaves. We would brake them off and have sword fights with them. Very short-lived swords, but it was fun. Our name for the willow tits over here is chickadee.


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