Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Five photos for Friday

It's Friday and I have five photos from the past week to share with you. Do visit Amy at Love Made My Home for other Five on Friday posts!

This is a white wagtail (Motacilla alba). According to an old and perhaps outdated Finnish proverb (you can read it in this post), when the wagtails have arrived, summer is just around the corner. Many species seem to be migrating earlier than before, perhaps because of the climatic changes.

I'm linking this post also with Saturday's Critters at Viewing nature with Eileen.

Summer is still far away. There isn't much green yet...

... but if you look from the right angle, the lawn starts to look green in the evening sun.

Some of the lupins have their young leaves completely purple-coloured, some are green with purple edges.

And now... garden-stakes-on-buckets drum roll, please... This is my first spring flower, a Crocus 'Vanguard'! It was supposed to have a brighter, more reddish, two-toned flower... oh, ok, it's very pretty anyway!

Have a lovely weekend!

P.S. Kaikki suomenkieliset lukijat, käykää vierailulla Lauran Elämää Paratiisinpalasessa -blogissa ja lukekaa hänen ihana kuvauksensa kuluneesta viikosta!

29 kommenttia:

  1. Wow they are beautiful photos! They have a lovely spring feeling to them. The water picture is particularly stunning. Have a great weekend x

  2. Truly beautiful photos! You captured a beautiful photo of the white wagtail, I never have my camera handy quick enough when I see the wildlife out of the window. Have a great weekend.

  3. Kauniit kuvat. Varsinkin kaksi ensimmäistä ovat upeat. Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  4. Very beautiful photos. Summer is just about around the corner. The photo of the wagtail is excellent. Have a nice and sunny weekend!

  5. What a beautiful bird! Our crocus flowers are all gone, I am a bit envious that you are still looking forward to seeing more, they are bright and cheerful. Have a lovely weekend. x

  6. I love your photos, Sara!
    And when you say: if you look from the right angle... it reminds me as I look at my garden waiting something green and colorful.
    The wagtails are very curious birds!

  7. Beautiful photos, the water photo with reflections is stunning:)

  8. Your photography is stunning, you have such a good eye. I especially love the reflection photo

  9. Your photos are showing spring finally....we have had summer weather for 2 weeks and so the trees are leafing out and the bulbs are quickly gone here but we are returning to cooler weather later next week.

  10. You always manage to capture such beauty on camera, my friend. How I love seeing your perspective on images :)

    Happy weekend to you! Hugs!

  11. Your photos are great. It looks like spring is there. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  12. Love those purple leaved lupins, not seen ones like that before :)

  13. Your photos are beautiful captures of your world. I do love the reflection of the trees on the lake. Soon they will be green, but for now, their sculptural beauty is lovely.

  14. Västäräkistä vähäisen...

  15. Yay for your crocus!!!! How wonderful is that!!! The picture of the trees and the watery reflection is just beautiful isn't it! Definitely five great things. Thank you so much as always for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend - in the garden perhaps! xx

  16. I love the beauty that surrounds you! You have captured some lovely images. The bird is so pretty and how nice to see your first crocus! Happy spring! xo Karen

  17. I love that photo of the birch trees reflecting in the water. The wagtail is a great sign that summer is just around the corner. Not a bird we have here. Have a lovely weekend.

  18. A beautiful series of photos. Have a lovely weekend. x

  19. Hello Sara, lovely images.. The Wagtail is a gorgeous bird.. I love the reflection shot and the lovely flowers! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  20. A very nice looking White Wagtail.

  21. Love the bird... Not one I've seen and spring is looking pretty around your home!

  22. Kiva heijastuskuva tuo kakkonen. :)

  23. Nice shot of the White Wagtail, and I love your tree reflections.

  24. Fantastic shot of the critters, reflections and flowers. Have a great week.

  25. How interesting to see that your first flower doesn't bloom before May. When I was in Norway a couple of months ago we saw crocus flowers at the end of February. Happy spring to you!

  26. nuuhkuttelen täällä, sinun blogissa tuoksuu kevät! Orvokit, ja vesisade ja puhkeavat silmut ja sammal; pienet kevätkukkaset. Hengästyttävän ihania kuvia jälleen ihan kaikki! Ja monta upeaa kollaasia.

    Minulta on jääänyt kollaasipuuhat viime aikoina väliin, ja moni muukin asia blogistaniassa. Pikapikaa käväisen aina välillä laittamassa oman blogipostauksen, mutten juuri ehdi kommentoida toisten blogeissa. harmittaa kun ei ehdi niin paljon kun tahtoisi, mutta semmoista se elämä vain on välillä.... - Piti kuitenkin tulla kertomaan välillä että täällä ollaan, vaikkei siltä aina näytä. Blogisi inspiroi minua ja tunnen itseni virkistyneeksi täällä käydesssäni. Meidän sielut on samalla aaltopoituudella, ja näemme kaunista samoissa jutuissa. Voi hyvin! <3

    1. Siltä varalta, että Lauran blogi ei olisi enää myöhemmin nähtävillä, kopioin tähän Lauran tekstin, johon viittaan postaukseni lopussa:

      "Perjantai. Parhaani puurran päättäväisesti; pakerran pankkiasioiden parissa, pyykkiä pesen, paahdan paikasta paikkaan; puksuttelen päämäärätietoisesti perheen parhaaksi.

      Pihalla paljon puuhaa, pikkuisen pientä pintalaittoa. Panen perunoita peltoon, pongaan puussa pari peipposta pesänteossa, pajulintuja puskissa, punakylkirastaita pellolla paarustamassa. Punaiset pionit pullistelevat penkissä, paljon pieniä paratiisinpalasia pilkottaa pitkin poikin pihaa.

      Palaan perusasioiden pariin. Pohdin päivien parhaita puolia. Perusperiaate päivissäni; positiivisen persoonan peliin piilottamalla päivä päivältä paremmin perheeni porskuttaa. Polvistun, postia pilvien päälle Pyhälle Paimenelleni ponnauttelen; paljon päivääni parastasi piilotit, puhtia päivittäiseen puurtamiseeni potkaisit."


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