Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.


Cloudy days - Valmiina elokuuhun

Hello all and thank you for your comments on my previous posts. As always. I'll try to visit you back as soon as I can.

I would have lots of photos I'd like to share with you but little time for choosing, editing and uploading. Here's a (swift) selection of the most recent shots. The weather has been somewhat unsettled lately.

Today it's sunny, however, and we will have friends coming over for both afternoon coffee and dinner... so I've got to dash now. :)

I hope you are enjoying these last days of July. <3

"Jokaisella pilvellä on hopeareunuksensa."

Synkän koronaviruspandemiapilven hopeareunus on ollut ainakin se, että tänä kesänä on syöty ja kahviteltu ulkona useammin kuin moneen, moneen vuoteen. Sääkin on suosinut... ja toisinaan ei. :) Olen ottanut esille lyhtyjä ja kiinnittänyt ulos "tunnelmavalot". Tässä osassa maata illat eivät ole vielä tarpeeksi hämäriä valoista nauttimiseen, joten odotan innokkaasti elokuuta ja sen tummia, lämpimiä, tuoksuvia iltoja... :)

Muuten, jos kävelette loppukesällä ja syksyllä pimeällä (varsinkin jos on kostea sää), varokaa poluilla ja pihateillä loikkivia sammakoita! Ainakin täällä on pakko olla taskulamppu mukana pimeässä, ettei vahingossa kävele niiden päälle. Onneksi taskulamppu on puhelimessa aina mukana.

Ihanaa, tunnelmallista elokuuta! <3

33 kommenttia:

  1. The weather has also been quite unsettled here too - sometimes it is t-shirt weather, and others we are bundled under blankets at home!

    A beautiful collection of nature shots.

  2. Good morning Sara: I think we all face the dilemma of having too many photographs to download and edit and too little time. We are trying consciously to take fewer pictures for that very reason. Digital photography has made it far too easy to rapidly shoot off a dozen images of the same thing, thinking one of them is bound to be the perfect shot. A fellow blogger commented recently that by his reckoning one hour in the field entails five hours of downloading, editing and selecting. Better you spend more of that time having coffee and dinner with friends!

  3. Oli ihana käydä Inarissa ja nauttia yöttömän yön lumosta. Meillä Turussa on jo iltaisin hämärää. Hauska seurata mökillä lepakoiden lentämistä.

    Nautitaan elokuun illoista :)

  4. Upeita kuvia jälleen kerran <3 Nautinnollista elokuuta sinullekin :)


  5. Elokuun tummuvat ja usein vielä hyvin lämpimät illat ovat ihania ja erilaiset tunnelmavalot ja lyhdyt luovat salaperäistä ja kaunista tunnelmaansa ympäristöön.
    Kauniita kuvia. Kiitos niistä ja mukavaa kohta alkavaa elokuuta myös sinulle Sara.

  6. Great photos. Enjoyed this post every much. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  7. Oi Sara,
    Sempre lindas imagens da sua natureza;
    Até hoje não consigo me acostumar com os sapos;
    O problema é que eles pulam sempre em mim.
    O mês de agosto aqui no Brasil é o ultimo mês do inverno e
    esse ano fez bastante geada mas o máximo que chegamos foi -7graus, lol; com certeza esses graus aqui do Brasil é verão aí no seu país, lol; como sabes aqui no Brasil quando neva é uma camada bem fininha de uns 2cm apenas; conseguimos varrer a neve de vassoura lol.
    Bom final de mês.

    Hi Sara,
    Always beautiful images of your nature;
    To this day, I can't get used to the frogs;
    The problem is that they always jump on me.
    The month of August here in Brazil is the last month of winter and
    this year there was a lot of frost but the maximum we reached was -7 degrees, lol; surely these degrees here in Brazil are summer there in your country, lol; as you know here in Brazil when it snows is a very thin layer of only 2 cm; we managed to sweep the broom snow lol.
    Good end of month.

  8. Ese es el probema de siempre Sara demasiadas fotos. Has hecho una estupenda selección. Me encanta la primera. Pasa una buena tarde con tus amigos.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Wau, miten upeat herkkutatit! Oletko kerännyt sieniä ja mustikoita?

  10. Such July beauty! Our weather has been stormy over5 days. We really need al the moisture we can get.

  11. Pitäisi muistaa ettei elokuu tarkoita yhtä kuin kesän loppuminen. Tämä oli hyvä muistutus 😊 Mukavaa elokuuta.

  12. Beautiful July photos - where did that month go to?

  13. Pilvisen kostea sää tarjoaa paljon kauneutta, kuten jokaisesta kuvasta näkyy. Pitäisi vain keskittyä löytämään se eikä haikailla 'missä se aurinko taas viipyy'. Tunnelmallisia loppukesän iltoja Sara!

  14. Sara, I love all your photos, you have edited them well. Especially I liked the water and grass, the mushrooms and the grey grey clouds on the sky.
    I'm waiting for the frontier opening they say that at 25August. I miss Finland.

  15. Hello Sara and thank you for stopping at my blog !
    My favorite time of the year is Autumn, but sadly our seasons have changed a great deal and the in-between seasons ? are not as long or enjoyable .. I too love the darker evenings and frogs ? I would love to see and hear them .. I have always been a fan of their songs.
    Beautiful photos !

  16. Changeable weather here in Somero too.
    ...and a lot of Porcini!!
    I am making blueberry jam for the winter.
    All the best to you!

  17. Hello Sara,
    This month of July has certainly flown by. Our weather has been steady sunshine and warmth, but not extreme heat, for about two weeks. I'm loving it!

    Have a good weekend.

  18. Normally August here features heavy rainstorms, but as everyone says the weather has become increasingly unpredictable. Any continuation of traditional patterns I find to be comforting. We'll see what this August will bring.

  19. Beautiful pictures.

    Greetings from London.

  20. Lovely, lovely images, Sara. It seems like your summer has only just arrived and yet shorter days are now on the horizon. I hope blissful weather returns.

  21. Ik vind je foto's erg mooi. Vooral de haas in het weiland.
    Beautiful! Also de drups on the leave.

  22. Hope you enjoyed dinner! Beautiful photos. It looks a little wintry but very pretty.

  23. Pretty pictures and nature ❤

  24. Te deseo un buen agosto Sara. Por aquí está muy caluroso.
    bBen fin de semana y a seguir cuidándose.
    Un abrazo.

  25. Hi, Sara!Beautiful pictures!Stay well and safe.Hugs!

  26. I always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  27. Gracias por tu última publicación Sara, me ha encantado por su variedad.
    Te deseo un buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  28. Your photos are breathtaking ❤

  29. Your beautiful photos are a repeated enchantment! Take good care of yourself and your beloved ones!

  30. Ihanat kuvat viimeisimmässä postauksessa. Kommentointimahdollisuus oli tällä kertaa sieltä poissa, joten ajattelin, että käyhän se näinkin. 😊

  31. 💚 Thank you all for your lovely comments! 💚 I'm sorry I haven't replied to you here in the comments section but I believe to have visited your blogs by now.💚 Kiitos, kiitos, kiitos! 💚 A special thank-you to Laura, Maristella, Kruunuvuokko and Kinga who popped by to comment also on my newer posts! 💚


Thank you for your comment! It is very much appreciated.
It may take awhile but I will always visit you back.

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