Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


Philadelphus and his friends :)

Have a great week ahead!

Vi auguro una buonissima settimana!

Mukavaa uutta viikkoa!

PS Don't forget to check out my photos on Instagram! :)

29 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful beautiful beautiful ♥♥♥
    Have a wonderful week, dear Sara! :-)

  2. Grazie altrettanto ♥

    LiidelkÀÀmme perhosina loppukesÀn vapaissa tunnelmissa !

    (Postitin juuri possut.)

  3. Stunning captures, Sara - the beauty you share through your photos always puts a smile on my face. A happy week to you!

  4. Ciao Sara,
    fotografie spettacolari, come al solito...

    Anche a te buonissima settimana!

  5. So beautiful photos, dear Sara. 🌝
    Great week ahead to you too! Hugs... Dorothea đŸŒŒ

  6. Such delicate captures Sara. Truly stunning with the blue background. I love my mock orange shrub and the butterflies and bees certainly adore yours!
    Have a brilliantly wonderful week with hugs from us xx

  7. I really wish and hope you publish your stunning work in some magazines dear Sara as i heard from my grandpa that if you have some Goodness to cheer humanity share it ,if you won't it will be a sin.

    Hope you forgive me if i said more than i should dear.

    your blog has become an inspiration for my poetic nerve ,now i feel whenever i will be needing inspiration to write poetry i will come and have look what you display through your lenses ,you operate them with your soul as i feel it

  8. Very nice photo. Enjoyed them all. Have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Madeline

  9. Sara, these pictures are beautiful! you always capture the beauty of things with your camera, thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow, Sara, how gorgeous and delicate! Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Oi miten upeita kuvia, niin kauniita!!♥ So beautiful photos! Have a great week:)) đŸ’•đŸŒ»

  12. Ei ihme ettÀ niin moni tykkÀÀ jasmikkeista;)

  13. Wonderful images Sara. Thank you for always bringing joy through your photography.

  14. Your sweet mock-orange Sara is too nice and your pictures show it well. The insects love it, I've seen them on mine one.
    Have a nice week!

  15. I am still debating: Instagram or not? Probably should. I wouldn't know too many people on Instagram, but I'd enjoy seeing your photos.

    1. I hope you will join IG soon, Ann! :) Many of the good old Mosaic Monday bunch are already there!

  16. Lovely photos, Sara! I am savoring each and every moment of our fleeting summer! xx Karen

  17. Wonderful nature photos, Sara! So far I am not on Instagram. Shall I change that?

  18. wau, lumoavaa! Ihanat kuvakulmat

  19. Flowers are the magic in our lives........but they are even prettier with a few drops of rain or a bee or butterfly on them. This orange butterfly is a beauty.


  20. These are just beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  21. When I was in the UK I joined in with a national butterfly count, I did a post on it in but you will see, we could have done with you there to take some pretty pictures!
    Wren x


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