Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


New photos of old friends (furry and feathered)

Well, sometimes these little "friends" are somewhat annoying, especially when they do this:

We have had perhaps 20 cm of soft and light new snow in the last days.

This squirrel has almost black coat:


A cute Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris):

Opening the path. Soft snow till the knees... :)

You little rascal, these berries are artificial!

An unorthodox cropping, one of the three suggested by Picasa:

Enjoy the sun! Aurinkoisia talvipäiviä hiihtolomalaisille ja muillekin!


Finnish floral stamps, part 2

Hei! Tässä tulee toinen erä suomalaisia kukkapostimerkkejä. Huomennahan ilmestyy muuten uusia merkkejä. Kahden kauneimman kuvat ovat tämän postauksen lopussa. :)

Mukavaa loppuviikkoa ja ihanaa viikonloppua!

Hello all! This is the second (and the last) one of my posts about Finnish flower and garden stamps. More Finnish stamps can be seen here and some German stamps here

Below there are two new stamps (they will be issued tomorrow). If you are interested in (Finnish) stamps, you can find more information in the Posti Online shop.

Have a wonderful weekend!


More light, more bird photos :)

Cyanistes caeruleus, syn. Parus caeruleus

Cyanistes caeruleus & Parus major

Hapankorppu, a Finnish sour rusk, made from rye flour.

♫♫♪♪♪ Bye bye! ♫♫♪♪♪ Hei hei! ♫♫♪♪♪ Ciao ciao! ♫♫♪♪♪

I'd Rather B Birdin'