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Floral postage stamps from Germany

Hello all! Browsing through the mail, I noticed that an envelope from Germany had three different floral stamps affixed to it. (How lovely is that!) I knew I had more of them somewhere... and when I finally found my overcrowded box of random stamps, I scanned first all the German ones with flowers (very probably there are more denominations, but I have only these) and then also the Finnish ones. They are pretty as well... and you will see them in the following posts. :)

Vuosien varrella on kotiin kertynyt myös postimerkkejä. Saksasta tulevissa kirjeissä on usein kukka-aiheisia merkkejä. Kun etsin niitä, huomasin että onhan Suomessakin julkaistu kauniita kukkamerkkejä vaikka kuinka paljon. Taidankin postata niitä seuraavaksi. :)

With this US stamp, I wish you a happy weekend!

Iloista tammikuista viikonloppua!

24 kommenttia:

  1. Ihania postimerkkejä! Miksei Suomessakin käytetä kukkia enempi postimerkeissä?

    1. Suomalaisiakin kukka-aiheisia merkkejä löytyi paljon useampia kuin muistinkaan... mutta saksalaisilla taitaa olla oma kukkamerkki jokaiselle maksuarvolle. :)

  2. They are such beautiful stamps, Sara!!! :)

  3. They are beautiful! The girls are wearing their school's sport uniform this year but next year they will be in full uniform. Almost all schools in South Africa have school uniforms... And yes, they are wearing skorts! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Kauniita postimerkkejä. ♥

  5. Ihania postimerkkejä. Hyvää viikonloppua!

  6. Kauniita postimerkkejä! Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  7. Very lovely stamps!
    Have a beautiful weekend, dear Sara!

  8. Great stamps. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  9. I'd sure like to have the choice of pretty floral stamps all the time, the Canadian ones I have right now are of pink or white hydrangea flowers.

  10. Kaunis postimerkki on ilo silmälle ! Sain isältäni arkin suomalaisia joutsenmerkkejä joita käytän kun kirjoitan vanhemmilleni. Snail mail alkaa olla yhä harvinaisempaa. Kirje + postimerkki saa aikaan onnen ailahduksen 💕
    Luontoaiheiset merkit taitavat minua sykähdyttää eniten. 🌻 🌺 🌹 🐿 Että ovatkin kauniita nuo tänne
    postaamasi postimerkit !

  11. Stamps are miniature pieces of art - photographs and etchings and more. Love the floral stamps that add a bit of spring to any envelope!

  12. How Lovely these stamps are !!!
    i really enjoyed watching them friend!
    Reading about Germany has brought joy to me as last night my son called me and informed that he is selected for scholarship in Germany for his masters and we are so happy about it ,

  13. I am always delighted when I see postage stamps with images of flora and fauna. It is a great opportunity to make a utilitarian object beautiful and convey something of the natural world to people who are often disconnected from it. So much better than portraits of politicians! God forbid there should ever be a stamp with Trump's scowling countenance on it!

    1. After posting some Finnish flower stamps, I will post Finnish bird stamps! :)

  14. Hallo liebe Sara,
    sooo viele schöne blumige Briefmarken aus unserem Land. Ich hatte mal welche noch mit Maiglöckchen.
    I wish you a beautiful cozy weekend. Hugs... Dorothea :-)

  15. Jopa on hieno idea postaus postimerkeistä. Jos ei varsimaisesti harrasto postimerkkeilyä, merkit jäävät usein huomiotta. Mikä on suuri vahinko, sillä niissä on paljon ajan kuvaa, taidetta ja vaikka mitä kiintoisaa. Vanhimmalla tyttärelläni on jonkinmoinen kokoelma. Minulla on jossakin tallessa viime vuosisadan alut merkki, kun vain löytäisi sen.

  16. Hauskoja postimerkkejä, kiva postaus :) Olisi tosiaan mielenkiintoista nähdä myös suomalaiset kukkamerkit :)

  17. These are delightful. Thank you for taking the time to scan and share with us. We receive so few letters in the post now, thanks to e-mail, that I had no idea of what was on our stamps, except for the Christmas issues. I just checked my bowl of stamps to post off to a charity and I am pleased to report one with 5 beautiful white roses. One or two others were also of flowers, plus a gorgeous beetle stamp and of course our kangaroo.

  18. What pretty stamps!! So lovely to see, thank you for sharing them. I hope the post they bought you was wonderful!

  19. Sara I thought no one collect post stamps now and you showed such nice ones! I have some albums with stamps too and can say I have no like yours (
    Have a nice Sunday!

  20. Such lovely stamp designs. When I purchase stamps I always try to pick something beautiful. It seems we get fewer things in the mail now, but I always enjoy a beautiful stamp.

  21. Beautiful stamps... I don't think I've actually seen stamps with nature on them before. Thanks for sharing!


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