Many photos and few words. Have a great week ahead!
The light's back! |
There's still much snow...
... and scary icicles. :) They look like this when the snow slides very slowly off the roof.
After a (very) windy night. |
On the following night, the ice had decorated all the fallen branches. |
Taking photos of birds continues to be difficult. :) |
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This is what usually happens: Ready - set - go!
Consoling myself... |
Good night! |
Mukavaa uutta viikkoa!
Upeat talviset kuvat ja kivat tintit. Täällä ei noin talvista olekaan - nurmikko paistaa lumiläikkyjen välistä ja lämpötila sahaa nollassa. Mutta en valita, eipä ole liian kylmä;)
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Puutarhamyyrä!
PoistaTäytyy sanoa, että nollakelit ovat tosi mukavia ulkoiluun. :)
Oi, miten paljon lunta teillä on! Ihana kutomus, mahtavat värit! Tuleeko niistä lapaset? Tulppanit ja kudontatyö, sointuvat ihanasti yhteen. Hyvää alkavaa viikkoa;-)
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Anne!
PoistaNiistä tulee sukat. Käytän tähdelankoja ja sekoittelen malleja fiiliksen mukaan, joten en vielä tiedä minkälaiset niistä lopulta tulee. :)
Kivoja talvikuvia ja söpöjä tiaisia. Onko tuo töyhtötiainen? Hieno vieras lintulaudalla :)
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Piparminttu!
PoistaTöyhtötiainen on tämän talven erikoisvieras. Sillä on ihana laulu. :)
Gorgeous land scape, and nature ♥
VastaaPoistaIce flowers are just wonderful ♥♥♥ I've pinned one of them (if you don't mind)?
Thank you, dear Nurdan! <3
PoistaI most certainly don't mind... :)
Hi Sara
VastaaPoistaYes, you have the winter we miss down here.
Great pictures, impressive icecrystals.
Have a great new week
Thank you, Karsten!
PoistaI so wish I would manage to take macro shots of those crystals!
You too, have a great week!
Sara, your winter photos are really beautiful and have brought me much joy! Thank you so much for sharing, and I wish you a wonder filled week! Hugs. :)
VastaaPoistaThank you, Linda! Big hugs! <3
PoistaThere are some beautiful winter days, as you have shared so wonderfully well in your photo's. They are so lovely to look at.
VastaaPoistaMay the new week ahead be good for you
All the best Jan
Thank you, Jan!
PoistaWishing you all a happy week!
Your winters are so cold and harsh but you find all of its beauty. Just beautiful.
VastaaPoistaMy favourite was going to be the icicles coming off the roof, looking like bird beaks until the amazing beauty of the ice leaves!
I am also frustrated trying to take photos of birds.
Thank you, Helen! :)
PoistaThe hoarfrost crystals are something amazing. I so wish I could show them nearer...
Oh wow you got a crested tit! Great shot of a fabulous bird. Luckily for a cyclist like me, we don't have snow like that.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Simon!
PoistaThe crested tit is not only cute, it also sings wonderfully. :)
Huikeat talvi- ja lintukuvat ja tuo parmesaani osui ja upposi. Kuola valuu..
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Satu!
PoistaJoskus iskee kamala parmesaaninhimo. :) Kuvassa näkyy lempivälipalani elokuvan tai brittidekkarin seuraksi.
So very beautiful! You made me smile again. :)
VastaaPoistaThe ice flowers look like little fern leaves. They are so lovely. And those icicles are like something’s scary claws … and there is someone's 'hair' on a branch... Maybe a witch was dancing between the trees through the night. :D
Big hugs! Have a wonderful week!
Thank you, Edit! <3
PoistaI think you are right, it must have been a witch... dancing with wolves, I hope. Some (wolves, not witches) have been seen near a neighbouring village, but alas not here.
Wolves... It's a bit scarier than the witch (or not... I don't know). :-)
PoistaAround our house sometimes there are foxes and wild boars. And we have our own 'wolf' in the garden. :-)
Have a nice day!
Take care! :-)
No, it's not scarier. :)
PoistaThis is a highly controversial topic in Finland now. I think we all agree that wolves should stay in forests and not come near houses, but many people, especially hunters, are exaggerating now. Fascinating animals, they were here before we came...
I totally agree with you. :-)
PoistaSå skall en riktig vinter se ut, här är snön borta och det är grått och trist väder.
VastaaPoistaDina bilder är som vanligt väldigt njutbara, iskristallerna på grenarna är som små underverk.
Allt gott Sara!
Tack så mycket, Gunilla! Kram!
PoistaNiin raikasta ja rapsakkaa 💕Söötit linnut !
VastaaPoistaL'ultima foto è incredibile 💙
Meilläkin pyryttää täällä etelässä, mutta lämpötila plussalla joten lumi ei pysy.
Vaan onpahan kaunista taivaalta pudotessaan.
Have a pleasant week !
Kiitos, Rita! <3
PoistaMinäkin alan pian uskoa, että auringonlaskut ovat komeampia kuin ennen. Tai sitten niitä ei vain tullut huomattua. Valokuvaus ja bloggaaminen selvästi rikastuttavat elämää. :)
Talvikauneus on ihanaa ja nuo ice decorations, miten luonto onkaan taitava! Hyviä tammikuun viime päiviä!
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Pirkko!
PoistaSen jälkeen kun aloin valokuvata enemmän, olen ihan rakastunut jäähän ja sen kauneuteen.
you said lot within your few words and revealed much more through your AMAZING and MAGICAL photos,absolutely captivating!!!
VastaaPoistaThank you so much, dear Baili!
PoistaBeautiful! Wishing you a beautiful week!
VastaaPoistaThank you, Jandi! Have a happy week!
PoistaDear Sara,
VastaaPoistawith you looks the winter sooo wonderful. Very beautiful photos!
Wishing you a lovely week... Hugs
Dorothea :-)
Thank you, Dorothea!
PoistaBig hugs! :)
Those wonderful pictures don't need too many words, Sara. But if you were having wine and cheese the least you could do is invite me to come and share! Have a great week. David
VastaaPoistaA bottle of g o o d wine will be in order when we will speak about Handel and Bach, David!
PoistaSiellä teillä päin taitaa olla aina kunnon talvi. Etelän-tyttö täällä kaihoten katselee tuollaisia kuvia! :) Veljeni on parhaillaan Saariselällä ja postailee facebookiin talvisia kuvia ja minä täällä manaan, että miksi en itse koskaan tajua lähteä lappiin. Jospa ensi vuonna sitten! Mukavaa viikon jatkoa sinne!
VastaaPoistaMeillä on toistaiseksi ollut oikea talvi joka vuosi, vaikka se joskus alkaakin vasta tammikuussa eikä joulukuussa, kuten pitäisi. :)
PoistaIhanaa uutta viikkoa!
What beautiful photos, looks cold though. Have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Madeline
VastaaPoistaThank you, dear Madeline! Blessings!
PoistaUpeat kuuran kuorruttamat oksat ja hienoja kuvia muutkin! Suloiset linnut! Iloista alkavaa viikkoa sinulle!
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Tiiu!
PoistaMukavaa viikkoa sinullekin! :)
I don't need cold weather to console myself with cheese and crackers ;>)! The birds are adorable and I am sure they appreciate the food you put out for them on those terribly cold and snowy days.
VastaaPoistaThose beautiful tulips must be in an indoor garden. Your snow is beautiful, but I am happy to be admiring it only in pictures.
Thank you, Sallie!
PoistaOh, I'd love to have an indoor garden. The tulips are in a vase. :)
Popped over from Si's blog to see your crested tit. Lucky you what a fantastic bird to have in your garden. CT.
VastaaPoistaThank you for popping in, CT!
PoistaThe crested tit should be rather common here but it's the first time I have managed to photograph one. Such a cute little bird.
Your photos are stunning!!! The ice and icicles are incredible and your photos show their amazing beauty.
VastaaPoistaThank you very much, Amy!
PoistaGood morning. I am just reminded that I must get the Valentine stamps. I will email you. Is it starting the thaw there? Here it is warming and the snow is melting, but I sure that we will get home. Love the frost on the branch photo.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Ann!
PoistaOh no, statistically February is as cold as January. :)
Boa tarde, lindas fotos de inverno, as mesmas mostram na perfeição a bela natureza.
Muito obrigada, Antonio!
PoistaSnow and ice create such beautiful scenes... Those icicles do look a little scary, but the crystals so pretty. Glad you have more light now. I hope the coming month of February treats you well, Sara.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Jade!
PoistaWishing you and yours a happy February too!
Olá Sara as imagens estão lindas.
Muito obrigada, Janicce!
Valtavan hienoja nuo jäätyneet oksat! Upeat talvikuvat! Meillä linnut ovat myös alkaneet laulaa..oikea konsertti. Ihanaa viikkoa!
VastaaPoistaKiitos, Teresa, ja samoin!
PoistaYksi ihanimmista asioista elämässä on, kun pikkulinnut alkavat keväällä laulaa. :)
Great shots, Sara! I like your picture of icicles, your collage of tits is lovely. I see there is a lot of snow in your place, here it melts and falls again.
VastaaPoistaBut the last winter month is now, spring will be, sure.
Thank you, Nadezda!
PoistaWinter has its charm but it's lovely to see spring coming. :)
Such beautiful photos! I actually really love the little bird ones. There is a lot of movement in them. The cheese and crackers look yum!
VastaaPoistaThank you, Lisa!
PoistaThe little birds are very mobile... :)