There are some Christmas cards that are so beautiful I keep one for myself. Below is an example. Have you ever seen anything as pretty as this? I haven't. :) I found these cards too late for this year (I had already sent the cards) but we all can now absorb some Christmas magic...
In this post there are some favourites of mine for Christmas and the pre-Christmas period. (This is not a sponsored post. As always, the items have been bought by me and I write about them because I like them.)
Kortti: Suomen Punainen Risti ja Paletti. Tietääkö kukaan taiteilijan nimen? |
Martta Wendelin (1893 - 1986) was a Finnish painter. She illustrated fairy tales and school books, and drew postcards and magazine covers.
2017 will be the centenary year of Finland's independence.
Even if you are not a superfast knitter, you are in time to make some, especially elderly, people happy in Christmas. Wrist warmers are easy to make and will be much appreciated.
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Ranteenlämmittimiä ehtii tehdä vielä jouluksi! |
It's time to enjoy fireplaces and Christmas ornaments...
... gifts for yourself or others...
The Scent for Her on minun lahjani minulle. :) Kokeilin sitä yhden bloggaajan suosituksesta. Ei ehkä Elämäni Tuoksu, mutta hyvin miellyttävä. |
... testing holiday editions...
Maybelline Baby Lips Holiday Spice -joulupakkaus oli jo ehtinyt loppua Stockmannin verkkokaupasta. Löysin sen Prismasta edullisemmin... ja Tokmannilla hinta olisi näköjään ollut vielä alempi. :) |
Tyttöjen kesken valittiin suosikki myös Yves Rocherin joulutuotteista: Päärynä&kaakao. |
... drawing inspiration...
Cucina Moderna -lehden ehdotus aattoillan kattaukseksi. |
... baking...
... accompanied by Christmas music. |
Ta ta for now! I greet you with good music: G.F.Handel's "Unto us a Child is born" from Messiah.
Kivoja vihjeitä jouluvalmisteluihin. Aivan ihania vanhanajan kortteja. Torttujen leivonnan aika on viikonloppuna meidän huushollissamme. Mukavaa viikon jatkoa!
VastaaPoistaKiva jouluinen tunnelma :) Suloiset ranteenlämmittimet ja kortit!
VastaaPoistaKauniit kortit ja ranteenlämmittimet.
VastaaPoistaBossin Woman tuoksu on minun suosikkini.
Mmm, 'tis the time of year for sweet and savoury treats. Our grocer sells a smoked salmon cream cheese spread which is very good on a bagel.
VastaaPoistaI look for garden inspiration around the first of March as I know the snow will be gone by the end of April and hopefully sooner! In the past I was a magazine junkie but have given this up due to cost and the free inspiration of the internet.
What a lovely selection of different things in your post.
VastaaPoistaI especially like the colours in that first picture/card, so lovely.
All the best Jan
Snowy village scenes are so pretty for Christmas cards. All your other Christmas delights are inspiring me to bake (and eat) and take photos of the small things that make up this season.
VastaaPoistaWhat a wonderful post to bring joy to all who read this blog. I just love the snowy scene of the Christmas Card. I have a decoration on my entrance door. It says 'Let it snow. Let it snow!' Alas the temperature just keeps rising. Just so lovely to listen to the Messiah recording.
VastaaPoistaOlipa virkistävä tujaus eri aisteihin vetoavia ihania jouluisia nautintoja ❤️❤️❤️
VastaaPoistaEkan kuvan joulukortti on tulvillaan sitä parasta joulunajan tunnelmaa.
Tekee mieli astua sinne sisään :)
I love this post, Sara, and everything in your photos is fantastic! I have a Finnish online friend whom I have known for 14 years! She is originally from Finland and lives in Ireland, and a couple of years ago at Christmas time, she sent me some Finnish chocolate. It was delicious! :)
VastaaPoistaSara, the music is fantastic, I liked very much. Your favourite post cards are pretty as well and I think the festive of Independence day of Finland will be one of the most important next year. The smoked salmon spread must be tasty, I love salmon too :-)
VastaaPoistaHello, the Christmas card is lovely. A beautiful scene. Baking cookies will always be a memory of Christmas for me and my sisters. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
VastaaPoistaMielenkiintoinen postaus, jonka luimme & katselimme mieheni kanssa yhdessä.
VastaaPoistaPidimme erityisesti kuvasta, jossa on takkatulen hehkua <3
I shall shortly be in one of my favourite times of year - Snowdrop hunting! So long since there's been any new life in the ground
VastaaPoistaHerkullisen näköisiä leivonnaisia;-)
VastaaPoistaA lovely pre-Christmas post Sara. As I was out walking in the near-dark this afternoon I was thinking that at this time of year we really need the Christmas celebrations to look forward to when the days are so short and it hardly gets light all day. Without it the winter would seem a lot longer wouldn't it.
VastaaPoistaGorgeous! :-) Thanks.
VastaaPoistaGreetings from London.
Kiitos vaahteranlehtivinkkistä (blogini kommenttiboksissa). Vegetable oil ilmeisesti sai lehdet kiiltämään. Ystäväni on varmaan käsittänyt kysymykseni väärin kun kyselin oliko hän lakannut lehdet. Sieltä antamastasi linkistä löysin samalla helpon omenacharlottaohjeen. Heh heh, leivoin äsken :)
VastaaPoistaJouluradio on soinut koulussa, kun teemme koristeita ym. lasten kanssa.
VastaaPoistaBeautiful selection, Sara I love the cards and the carols you've put.
VastaaPoistaGood weekend.
What a great selection of carols and cards. Great post. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline
VastaaPoistaHandel's Messiah is one of the hallmarks of western civilization, in my opinion. I have not a shred of religious belief but I have been to many, many performances of this work and I have CDs with versions by several great orchestras. All the best to you, Sara, for the holidays and success, good health and happiness in the New Year.
VastaaPoistaHow lovely things. I enjoyed looking at them.
VastaaPoistaI never find such a cute calendar.