Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Friday greens

I know it's February. It means that we are supposed to have a lot of snow. Yet, there are moments when my "deficiency of chlorophyll" feels almost too much to bear...

Then I noticed that Gunilla participates in a lovely link party called Friday Greens. Exactly what I needed!

Of course I would like to participate using a recent photo, but I find for example this one more inspiring...

It is actually one of my favourites. It was taken in May, on a cloudy afternoon (in Central Finland). The bluish tinge in the background is just the gravel path, but I think it adds some mysterious atmosphere to the shot. :)

23 kommenttia:

  1. I would much rather look at some pretty greenery than snow.. Lovely image, have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh, I like it! Wonderful photo!

    Happy weekend, Melody

  3. That is a wonderful 'green' photo! Suzy x

  4. Green is a wonderful thing. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. A beautiful photo - I love the freshness of the colour, and it's a wonderful reminder that Spring is on the way. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier - and yes, the table cover was a Marimekko paper napkin!

  6. I already miss greens...

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  7. The picture shows beautiful fresh spring greens. Looking forward to see them here.

  8. Green is so refreshing to see even if in a photo. I'm adding some green items to my decor this week to bring some cheer. Have a great weekend. Blessings. Pam

  9. Oh, what a pretty picture, Sara! The green is very refreshing. Happy weekend to you!

  10. Upea kuva! Olen niin kyllästynyt lumeen ja jäähän. Onneksi valoa on jo enemmän. Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  11. Oh yes, the G vitamin that we all crave during winter! A good party to join to remember what we have to look forward to.
    Have a good weekend Sara.

  12. That's such a lovely green. Just a few more months, Sara, and you'll be seeing it all over. Have a great weekend.

  13. I know what you mean about "deficiency of chlorophyll"....we are getting our every three day snow storm today but it is warmer at about 20 to 25....we seem to get between 6-12 inches each storm these days...thanks for the green!

  14. So nice to see those lovely greens! Spring is around the corner - a few more weeks! xo Karen

  15. Such beautiful colours - I cannot wait to see more leaves coming out all around us! xx

  16. Hi Sara, such beautiful photos and gorgeous green scenes. Looking forward to spring too as we woke up to iced in conditions this morning.
    Have a great day. Hugs, CM

  17. Oi onko tuo lamoherukka? Katselin tänään sen ihanan pulleita silmuja<3

    1. Kyllä se tosiaankin taitaa taikinamarja olla! Molemmat tulevat lehteen hyvin aikaisin ja kukkivat samanlaisilla vaaleilla kukilla. Lehtensäkin ovat kovin samanlaiset, mutta kasvutapa erilainen. Taikinamarja on korkeampi pensas (toki leikkaamalla siitä saa vaikka kuinka matalan) ja lamoherukka kasvaa luonnostaan matalana "lamoavana". Tuon oksisto tosiaan näyttäisi enemmän pensasmaiselta, mutta vaikea lopulta olla ihan varma.

  18. Such a wonderful photo, Sara! Yes, I love the bluish background, but the detail of the green leaves is stunning.
    So glad you could join this Friday Greens meme, and hope you join again this week!

  19. PS: Nice lime green clock on your page, too!

  20. Ihana haaste!! Juuri tämä on sitä mitä ihminen - varsinkin puutarhastelija- tarvitsee kevättalvella! Katsotaan jos ehtisin tähänkin ottamaan osaa - mistä aina löydätkin näitä ihania ja inspiroivia haasteita!
    Iso kiitos sinulle, kun olet jaasnut käydä kommentoimassa, vaikken ole itse ollut kovinkaan aktiivinen blogistaniassa viimeaikoina. KOitan tästä jälleen virkistäytyä pikkuhiljaa. Pakkokin melkein, kun ensimmäiset siemenkylvökset on jo itäneet...
    Hyvää viikonloppua!!


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