Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Kesän hienoimmat pilvet - I 🤍 clouds

Hei taas! Näinä päivinä minulla on tekeillä postaus kesän suosikkikuvistani. Kuvia on niin paljon, että päätin julkaista pilvikuvat erikseen. Useimmat näistä kuvista on otettu puhelimella.

In English: I think we can say autumn has come. The temperature is +9 C, it's raining and the wind is beginning to pick up (wind warning for land areas from the midnight on). It's time to choose the "pics of the season - summer 2020". :) In this post, there's a selection of my favourite cloud shots.

Pysykäähän terveinä!

Stay safe and well!

24 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful photos! So many different colours in the clouds. Autumn has certainly not arrived here...

  2. Todella upeat pilvikuvat.
    Kiva oli myös lukea edeltävä postauksesi. Tosiaan, eipä aikaakaan, kun voimme alkaa valmistautua jouluun. "Joulun muistilistat" kirjasi näyttää hyvin mielenkiintoiselta. Kauniita jouluisia tarrojakin olet jo hyvissä ajoin hankkinut.
    Toivottavasti saamme viettää tulevaa joulua läheisten kera koronasta huolimatta.
    Tunnelmallista syksyn jatkoa ja kyllä.... yritetään pysytellä terveinä.

    1. Kiitos, Kruunuvuokko! Tunnelmallista viikonloppua!

  3. These photos are beautiful!!:)

  4. Some glorious skies there, very skilfully photographed.

    1. Thank you, Martyna and John! The subjects are interesting. I mainly point and shoot. :)
      Stay well!

  5. Hi Sara, how are you?
    I liked that sky in shades of red;
    With this confinement the best thing to do
    is to appreciate what nature has to offer;
    Good week continuation;

    Oi Sara, tudo bem?
    Gostei daquele céu em tons de vermelho;
    Com esse confinamento o melhor a se fazer
    é apreciar o que a natureza tem a oferecer;
    Boa continuação de semana;

    1. Muito obrigada, Janicce. A natureza realmente nos conforta nestes tempos difíceis.
      Grandes abraços!
      Thank you very much, Janicce. Nature really comforts us in these difficult times.
      Big hugs!

  6. Millä puhelimella kuvaat? Kauniita kuvia ja tunnelmallista syksyä!❤️


    1. Kiitos, Jasmin! Nykyinen puhelimeni on pieni Samsung Galaxy, enkä ole opetellut senkään kameran kaikkia ominaisuuksia käyttämään. :)
      Ihanaa syksyä!

  7. Lovely, lovely clouds and sky. Our winter skies produce the best patterns. I never tire of watching them.

  8. Amazing skies, Sara. I may come back to these pictures later to see what fanciful images I can find in them. You can never be sure what you might discover!

  9. I love your photos Sara. Sometimes they look like white horses and black crocodiles.
    Ha ha these are kid's song words.
    Take care!

  10. Great photo in this post and the previous post. I always enjoy visiting you. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  11. These are some amazing pictures!! My favourite is the one with the red clouds :)

  12. dear Sara
    your phone camera seems powerful :)

    these are CAPTIVATING shots indeed ,each image holds eyes for while ,i too love observing clouds so much ,they fill sky with artistic messages and reading them with eyes is soul filling experience :)
    thank you for making us part of your's my friend
    more blessings to you and your's !

    1. Thank you very much, Helen, David, Nadezda, Madeline, MyThoughts and Baili!
      Cloud gazing is indeed one of the best activities for children and adults alike. :)

  13. Magnificent...Made my day!Hugs!

  14. Stunning! I love clouds too.

    1. Thank you very much, Maristella and Luisella! Big hugs!

  15. Muchas gracias. ¡Que tengas un hermoso fin de semana!


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