Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Blue rain - Sarjakuvia

Hello all and happy Sunday! I wasn't thinking to post anything today but then I noticed that my last post with the comments enabled had become a victim of the latest (?) Blogger bug - the photos have been mysteriously replaced with grey no-entry signs. We'll see when Blogger will be able to fix this umpteenth issue. Meanwhile, uploading the photos again should help. I'll try to do it soon.

For Finnish speaking readers, there are some of my favourite comics, collected over the years. For the others, there are photos from Italy. For us Finns, "blue rain" is not (just) a name of a Wisteria cultivar; we call wisterias "blue rain", whereas laburnums are for us plants of "golden rain". :)

Hei ja aurinkoista sunnuntaita! Tein tällaisen piristävän pikapostauksen vanhoista, ja uudemmista, sarjakuvasuosikeistani sekä sinisadekuvista Italiasta. Meillä on paljon sarjakuva-albumeita, esim. Aku Ankkaa, Lassia ja Leeviä sekä B. Virtasta, mutta tähän postaukseen skannasin joitakin sanomalehdistä leikattuja strippejä.

Aivan ihana Baby Blues kertoo kolmilapsisen perheen vauhdikkaasta elämästä:

Sakussa on selvästi ainesta myös poliitikoksi tai lakimieheksi:

Muistaako kukaan tätä sarjakuvaa? Netistä selvisi, että tämän alkuperäinen nimi on Cathy. Olisiko se ollut Suomessa Kati?

Fingerpori ei ole oikeastaan suosikkejani, mutta onhan sen kielellinen huumori usein aivan verratonta.

Meidät on asennettu väärin. :)

Tämän hauskan Musta hevonen -stripin löysin sattumalta:

Nostalgiaa italian kielen harrastajille Corriere della Sera -lehdestä melkein 20 vuoden takaa. The Economist julkaisi huhtikuussa 2001 artikkelin "Why Silvio Berlusconi is unfit to lead Italy"... ja esimerkiksi kesäkuussa 2011 artikkelin "The Man who screwed an entire country". Berlusconi ei tietenkään ollut erityisen hyvillään...

Ja sitten sinisadekuvia Pohjois-Italiasta.

EDIT: Added a really cute video!

25 kommenttia:

  1. Odotan kovasti syreenien kukintaa. Niistä löytyy tuota samaa liilaa ja sinistä sävyä. Tuossa alimmassa kuvassa on myös murattia. Syksyllä laitoin muratin maahan ja se on pysynyt täällä Turussa tosi freesinä, vaikka puput ovat käyneet repimässä sitä.
    Fingerpori-sarja viehättää ja haastaa ajatuksia.

  2. I like the name Blue Rain for the Wisteria flowers. "Golden Rain" used to be the name of a children's firework, one which didn't make a bang but just spouted a fountain of golden sparks.

  3. Looks like a wonderful deep purple to my eyes, or maybe it's the computer distorting the colour. Either way it is beautiful. Enjoy the weekend, Sara.

  4. Wonderful wisteria, Sara. What a lovely recollection of Italy. Hope we all travel to the countries we love most. You - to Italy and me to Finland and USA where my son lives and I always worry due the epidemic.
    Stay healthy!

    1. Hello, Sara.
      I loved your snowy photos, thankfully this snow melts soon and spring is here. The Italian photos are our dream, blooming gardens and towns.
      Happy May 1st! Wish your and your family to be well and safe.

  5. Wonderful wisteria!!!Feast for the eyes...Blessings!

  6. What a beautiful trio on the piano, I enjoyed listening very much. Our "Blue Rain" is just beginning to bloom here. I like that name for wisteria.
    Stay well, Sara.

  7. What beautiful photos of the wisteria. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  8. Molto bello ascoltare la musica del simpatico trio al pianoforte,le tue foto del glicine fiorito sono molto belle
    Buona settimana

  9. Huikeata kukintaa, huh huh.
    Aku Ankka on ollut meidän perheen kestosuosikki vuosia, oikeammin voi sanoa vuosikymmeniä.
    B.Virtanen, Baby blues, Jere ovat myös omia suosikkejani :-)

  10. Grazie per queste bellissime foto dall'Italia♡

  11. Blue rain is a good name for Wisteria. My own favorite comic was always 'Calvin and Hobbes'. Did you get that in Finland?

  12. Oh, the joy of glorious blue rain! Thank you for sharing Pachelbel again.

  13. Uskomattoman kaunista kukintaa tuossa viimeisessä kuvassa.

  14. 'Blue rain' is a lovely way to describe wisteria. Your photos taken in northern Italy are beautiful. I have tried to grow wisteria in the garden, but I think it needs a better place in the sunshine. My variety is called 'Amethyst Falls'. I see wisteria in other gardens and the flowers are still tightly closed in buds. The video of the family playing the piano is calming. I wish you all the best.

  15. Oi Sara,
    A neve derretendo por aí e por aqui a chegada
    do outono mas o frio vai chegar cedo; o RS é uma
    das partes mais frias do Brasil por aqui também tem neve
    mas bem fina.
    Aqui na minha região já são 39 mortes pelo covid com
    certeza bem abaixo de outros países as pessoas estão levando
    a sério o isolamento.
    Os dicionários que tenho por aqui são de Espanhol, Alemão e Yoruba lingua africana. pretendo voltar a estudar a lingua alemã novamente
    é um desafio lol.
    Abraços e obrigada pela sua presença lá na casa.

    Hi Sara,
    The snow melting around and here the arrival
    autumn but the cold will come early; RS is a
    of the coldest parts of Brazil here there is also snow
    but very thin.
    Here in my region there are already 39 deaths by covid with
    sure well below other countries people are taking
    isolation seriously.
    The dictionaries I have here are Spanish, German and Yoruba African language. I intend to study the German language again
    it's a challenge lol.
    Hugs and thanks for your presence at the house.

  16. I've been having technical problems with my blog as well and have yet to hear back from blogger. So frustrating. Stay strong!!!

  17. Oh my, the wisteria is so beautiful.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. Beautiful wisteria! I love that you call it Blue Rain :)

  19. Oh my!Such beauty...Thank you,my dear Sara...Difficult times.Praying, praying and praying...God save the world.

  20. Me encantan las fotos de tu última entrada Sara. ahora si podremos disfrutar la primavera.Te deseo un estupendo mes de Mayo.
    Cuídate amiga.
    Desde casa te mando este abrazo 🙅

  21. I came here from your most recent post contrasting the grey of Finland and the colour of Italy. They are both beautiful. The swans/snow geese on the ice are just lovely. Soon spring will burst out in Finland, too, and your world will be full of green and colour.

  22. Just had to comment again … just seen your wonderful photographs on your May post, simply lovely.

    Happy May Wishes to you, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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