Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


A travel diary: Kew Gardens - Green💚

Fallen leaves on the ground... and it was only July. The summer 2018 heatwave caused an "early autumn" also in Kew Gardens. Most trees, however, looked very handsome... and many other plants were brilliantly green as well. :)

Poikkeuksellisen kuuma ja vÀhÀsateinen kesÀ ei ollut paras aika ensivisiitille Lontoon Kuninkaalliseen Kasvitieteelliseen Puutarhaan, mutta nÀkymÀt olivat silti sykÀhdyttÀviÀ.

Seuraavan postauksen kuvissa on vÀriÀ sitÀkin enemmÀn. Monet lehtipuut tÀÀllÀ koti-Suomessa ovat nyt kauneimmillaan ja taivas oli sunnuntaina huikaisevan sininen. :)

Mukavaa alkavaa viikkoa!

NÀmÀ kaksi kuvaa (yllÀ ja alla) ovat Lauhkeasta kasvihuoneesta (Temperate House).


Cedar Vista

Japanese Landscape

The Treetop Walkway is 200 metres long and towers 18 metres above the ground.

This is a photo diary. Ten photos in each post and few words. :) 
Should you have any questions, 
please feel free to ask in the comments section of the previous post.

My previous posts about England/
Edelliset Englanti-aiheiset postaukseni: