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Autumn in Italy - Kiitos taas kerran!

Hello all! In these photos, refreshing autumn views from (Northern) Italy. Most of these photos have been taken last year. Thank you, once more, for your beautiful and inspiring comments. Have a lovely weekend!

Kiitos ihanista kommenteistanne kuusipostaukseeni! NÀissÀ kuvissa vaihteeksi Italian maisemia. Mukavaa viikonloppua!


31 kommenttia:

  1. Voi kuinka ihania kuvia <3 Upeita maisemia :)

  2. Italian ruska...different trees but anyway fascinating as in Finland.
    Very lovely pictures.
    Have a great weekend, Sara!

  3. Ah! Such a beautiful place! Always a joy to see your photos, Sara! xx K

  4. Wonderful pics,Sara!Stunning landscape!Hugs,dear friend!

  5. Ciao carissima buon autunno! Bellissime foto :-)

  6. Beautiful Mediterranean photos, Sara. Northern Italy is so pretty in autumn! Thank you for sharing. Kisses, my friend.

  7. Dear Sara,
    soo very beautiful photos. I love them all. Such wonderful landscape.
    Thanks for you nice comment on my post. Have a lovely weekend.
    Many greetings and big hugs... Dorothea ♥

  8. SamannĂ€köistĂ€ uskomattoman kaunista ruskaa kuin Suomessa 💛🍁
    Kiva nÀhdÀ. En ole koskaan oleillut Italiassa syksyllÀ.
    Un ciclamino anche - che bello ♥️

  9. Gorgeous pictures. This landscape is amazing. It's a bit similar to our region. :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear Sara! Lots of big hugs! ♥

  10. Wau..mitĂ€ kuvia,aivan ihania❤ Kaunista lokakuun loppua sinne!

  11. Stunning images in gentle autumnal shades! Have a fantastic weekend Sara xx

  12. The berries are vivid, soon they will be stark against the snow!

  13. Beautiful photos of Italy, Sara. The light is golden and the foliage so very pretty. The olive tree leaves are such a lovely silvery green. Have a great weekend.

  14. Kauniit kuvasi herÀttivÀt Italian kaipuuni ja toivat mieleen kaikki siellÀ vietetyt ihanat lomat.

  15. Voi, miten ihania kuvia! HyvÀÀ viikonloppua Sara;-)

  16. Beautiful photos of Italy. My mom and dad were born in northern Italy came to America when they were quite young. I really enjoyed this post. Have a blessed evening and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  17. Such a joy to visit autumn in northern Italy through your amazing photography. I would love to drive down the road lined with yellow autumn leaves.

  18. Ihanasti piristÀvÀt nÀmÀ italialaiset vÀlÀhdykset, joissa aurinko antaa oman merellisen valonsa. Tuo viimeinen kuva huurteisesta ohrakasvustosta se voisi olla myös Suomesta! SiitÀ ihan aistii pakkasen kovettamat vihneet ja jÀisen lehvistön tuoksun! Antoisaa viikonvaihdetta - talviaika alkaa!

  19. Hi Sara: It's interesting that you should post these pictures now, since I was in northern Italy, briefly, last week, in Venice to be specific. Fall was well advanced but for the most part it was drizzly and overcast so I did not really get a chance to appreciate the colours. Have a great weekend. David

  20. Was the Autumn, less colorful, in Italy this year also?

    It has been less colorful, here.

    Happy Haunting!
    Luna Crone

    1. Interesting question, Luna! At least in those parts of Northern Italy familiar to us, the weather has been unusually warm and the autumn colours are starting to appear only now. It hasn't been raining enough and some trees have died during the past summer. :(

  21. Grand photos of fall! I love the leaf strewn lane.

  22. Bellissime fotografie ,ho riconosciuto subito i paesaggi a me familiari:)

  23. Ihanat maisemat ja kuvat. Voittavat lumen mennen tullen!

  24. I should see Northern Italy in autumn once! Love your pictures with the alleys.

  25. Pretty Autumn pictures in Italy. I especially liked the trails. They have a lot of golds in their leaves. Our are more oranges and reds. Enjoy these Autumn days while they last, my friend.


  26. A simply wonderful and most beautiful place.
    I always thoroughly enjoy looking at the photographs you share.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  27. sometimes while looking at these enchanting images i become so touchy ,my eyes be teary .
    tears of joy and gratitude that my hearts earns from your serene place my friend,may you be more blessed with joys and peace of soul in life ahead!

  28. ♥ Thank you! ♥ Kiitos! ♥ Grazie! ♥


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