Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


Winter days

Many photos and few words. Have a great week ahead!

The light's back!

There's still much snow...

... and scary icicles. :) They look like this when the snow slides very slowly off the roof.

After a (very) windy night.

On the following night, the ice had decorated all the fallen branches.

Taking photos of birds continues to be difficult. :)

This is what usually happens: Ready - set - go!

Consoling myself...

Good night!

Mukavaa uutta viikkoa!


Finnish floral stamps, part 1

After the German stamps in my previous post, today I show you some Finnish floral stamps. Oh, there are plenty of them and in 1982 was also issued a stamp to celebrate gardening. :) In the stamp above, you can see the word "garden" written in our two official languages, Finnish and Swedish.

I have never been a philatelist, but I have enjoyed collecting stamps and now I'm especially happy to have had the occasion to store them in digital form and to share them with you. Appetite comes with eating - soon I will show you for example Finnish bird stamps as well! :)

Saksalaisten kukkamerkkien (edellinen postaukseni) innoittamana aloin lajitella vuosien varrella talteen kerättyjä postimerkkejä ja löysin myös tuon ylimpänä olevan Puutarha-merkin. Muistaako/tietääkö kukaan onko Suomessa julkaistu muita puutarhanhoitoa juhlistavia merkkejä?

Olen ryhmitellyt merkkejä koon ja muodon mukaan. Pienempiä kukkamerkkejä riittää vielä ainakin yhteen postaukseen. :)

Wishing you a happy Sunday
and a great week ahead!

Mukavaa alkavaa viikkoa!


Floral postage stamps from Germany

Hello all! Browsing through the mail, I noticed that an envelope from Germany had three different floral stamps affixed to it. (How lovely is that!) I knew I had more of them somewhere... and when I finally found my overcrowded box of random stamps, I scanned first all the German ones with flowers (very probably there are more denominations, but I have only these) and then also the Finnish ones. They are pretty as well... and you will see them in the following posts. :)

Vuosien varrella on kotiin kertynyt myös postimerkkejä. Saksasta tulevissa kirjeissä on usein kukka-aiheisia merkkejä. Kun etsin niitä, huomasin että onhan Suomessakin julkaistu kauniita kukkamerkkejä vaikka kuinka paljon. Taidankin postata niitä seuraavaksi. :)

With this US stamp, I wish you a happy weekend!

Iloista tammikuista viikonloppua!