Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Happy April!

The prompt for this week's MakroTex Challenge is HAPPY. Happy... "feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction"... Because I don't post photos of people and we don't have furry friends in the family, I have tried to photograph things that give pleasure and joy: flowers, bright colours, green plants (few at the moment where I live) and sunshine, sunsets with coloured clouds...

Sharing also with SEASONS.

Happy April!

MakroTex-haasteen teemana on tällä viikolla ILOINEN.  Koska en julkaise kuvia (yksityisistä) ihmisistä eikä perheessä ole lemmikkieläimiä, kuvasin haasteeseen iloa tuottavia asioita, kukkia, värejä, auringonpaistetta...

Olen iloinen, koska alppiruusutkin taitavat olla vielä elossa talven lumettomien pakkaskausien jälkeenkin:

Aurinkoa ja vihreyttä on talvella ollut niin vähän, että jokainen auringonpilkahdus ilahduttaa. :)

Kevät tuo tullessaan kauniit auringonlaskut.

Iloista, aurinkoista ja keväistä huhtikuuta!

53 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Sara! Happy April! Your roses are lovely! Beautiful captures of the sky. Gorgeous images and mosaics! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Tuossa ruusulajikkeessa onkin hieno keltaisen sävy. Ihanaa huhtikuuta! Meillä pääsee jo ruopsuttelemaan ja kuopsuttelemaan!

  3. Onpa kauniisti aseteltu mosaiikki keltaruusuista! Totta kai ne ovat ihan täyttä sitä mitä sana `iloinen` sisältää!

  4. Always a delight to see beautiful aspects of nature and so well related to the theme of happiness... So lovely roses and sunsets!
    Have a great week of April! Happy April!

  5. Lovely roses and pretty mosaic!! You captured such gorgeous sunset very well. Your new header is also capturing my eyes.SO refreshing!
    Happy spring, Sara.

  6. I love your happy photos. The roses are such a beautiful sunshine yellow. I hope you will be seeing signs of spring there soon.

  7. Happy April to you too!! What beautiful roses!! I hope that things are flowering for you soon! xx

  8. Ciao Sara! Adoro queste rose...sono il colore del sole!! Naturalmente come tutte le altre tue foto. <3

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos.

  10. I need the colour because I can't get out in the sun!

  11. Happy April to you too Sara! Yellow flowers are always my favorites, so this post made me smile! Beautiful skies too.

  12. Anonyymi4/4/16 18:13

    Happy April cara Sara!! May this spring bring lots of sunshine a blooming flower buds for you to photograph :-))

  13. Very nice yellow rose, Sara. These things in our homes help us wait spring coming, don't they?
    The sunset is awesome. My rhododendrons are similar, having buds.

  14. Gorgeous sunsets! Lovely roses! Have a beautiful week!

  15. Kukkaset, aurinko ja vihertävät kasvit tuovat paljon iloa! Ihanaa huhtikuuta <3

  16. Great photos, Sara, the rose is just beautiful as are all the other photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  17. Ihanan keväisiä kuvia. Kaunista vihreää ja upeita auringonlaskuja. Aurinkoista huhtikuuta!

  18. Ihanan keltainen ja perinteikäs ruusu! Kesän lähestyessä valo lisääntyy ja värit voimistuu; iloa riittää!

  19. Happy April Sara! Beautiful flowers, especially the yellow rose and the skies are wonderful!

  20. I'm suprised you don't have any furry critters in your household, maybe some furry spiders?
    Yellow signifies Spring. It is such a happy colour. Your rose is gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful week Sara :)

    1. Eek!!!
      Wishing a lovely week to you too, Prunella! :)

  21. Sara your mosaic is beautiful and happy.
    Stunning skies......lovely shots!
    Enjoy your week!

  22. Your roses make me want to dance with happiness. Beautiful photos.

  23. You have the perfect sunny spot for these gorgeous yellow roses Sara. I just saw that Proven Winners (don't know if their plants make it to Finland) have come out with a disease resistant yellow rose that is also fragrant. Usually to get all the other attributes fragrance is bred out of selections so I'd like to see this new rose.

    1. There's something irresistible about yellow roses and a disease resistant and fragrant one does sound wonderful!

  24. These are all things that would make me happy too Sara! What a gorgeous yellow rose (my favourite colour in a rose). The sunshine on the pine branch is such a sweet photo :)

  25. I've never seen a rose that color...how beautiful! I love roses and they make me happy too! Hugs, Diane

  26. Beautiful rose mosaics you have created! I would rather photograph plants, trees and flowers too :)

  27. Oh the colour of your rose is perfect for Spring!
    It makes the most beautiful mosaic.

  28. Teillä on kaunis luonto. Ruusu on ihana, minä haaveilen kesäistutuksiin tuollaisista ruusuista, hieman kalliiksi vaan tulisi. Mukavaa viikkoa ja lumensulatussäteitä lähettelen yhä. Joko ne sulavat?

  29. Ihania kuvia. Alppiruusut kyllä kestävät, todettu on !

  30. Upeita iloitteluja! :)

  31. These beautiful images of nature give me much pleasure too! Thanks as I needed this!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  32. Yksi sana: auringonlaskut <3

    Kaunista huhtikuuta sinulle!

  33. Luonto kaikessa kauneudessaan on ihana asia.

    T. Täysin arkista

  34. Ihanat ruusut! Keltainen väri on sekä iloinen että aurinkoinen.

  35. The beautiful yellow roses and the golden sunsets really do reflect happiness and Spring :)

  36. Fantastic photos, beautiful yellow roses and skies. Thanks for sharing them.

  37. Anonyymi5/4/16 21:53

    Am glad your April is happy, Sarah and showing the beautiful sunset at SEASONS. Love the yellow rose too - so much that I made a painting of it! Many thanks and hope to see you back next week with one of your beautiful images!

  38. What a beautiful colored rose! That sky surely says "spring!"

  39. Such a pretty deep yellow colored rose! I've read that the color yellow signifies "remembrance" and friendship

  40. Such beautiful photos :-)

  41. That was a lovely cheery sunny yellow rose. Enjoyed all your photos.

  42. Your rose is certainly a happy shade of yellow! Beautiful!

  43. A very pretty rose and beautiful sky.

  44. Wonderful photos, Sara. Flowers and plants make me happy, too.

  45. Spring does make us happy. Beautiful mosaic. Here the daffodils are at their peak; I need to plant more, for I never have enough.


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