Cleaning the house before Easter, I found some old stuff I had either forgotten completely or been looking for for some time.
Certain pages of an old issue of Vogue (UK) belong to the second group. My love for country-style kitchens may have started with this photo:
"For those that long for gentler days
When things were done the proper way
There is our third and last design
Which also uses friendly pine.
But this is built of weathered wood
Which passing time has made look good
And it can boast a smart alliance
With every new and neat appliance.
Combining a nostalgic look
With all things for the modern cook."
This small accordion photo book belongs to the first group. It's probably from the end of the 1960s, those good old days much before digital cameras and the Internet.
Browsing through my old, scanned photos, I found two I wanted to share with you today... Oh, those unforgettable moments by the sea. How I love listening to the waves at night!
This swallowtail (an Iphiclides podalirius perhaps?) is the biggest butterfly I've seen in Europe.
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Added later: This photo was taken in Italy. |
The last glimpse of the tulips 'Sweet Desire'. Someone said the petals looked like silk and they certainly did, especially when the flowers got older. Bye bye, Sweeties, till we meet again next year!
Sharing with Five on Friday
wishing a happy and sunny weekend to all
with this photo taken by the correspondent of "My Woodland Garden" in London. :)
Thank you, M.!
with this photo taken by the correspondent of "My Woodland Garden" in London. :)
Thank you, M.!
Lovely memories Sara! The rustic kitchen and the poem <3 It would be nice to have a Primula correspondent in London :)
VastaaPoistaIhania kuvia ja ihania muistoja kuvien kera. Hurmaavat kaupungit Venetsia ja Lontoo. Upeita nuo tulppaanit. - Nautinnollista viikonloppua Sara!
VastaaPoistaYes, I love that wooden kitchen and the rhyme too. It's always nice to share lovely memories, the photo of the colourful deckchairs is so nice......and wow, I have never seen a swallowtail butterfly in Europe and certainly not in our country. Great patch of Primulas!
VastaaPoistaHave a nice weekend, we get a sunny springweekend.
I loved your kitchen picture Sara, very nostalgic! A lovely post, I could just imagine sitting in one of those deckchairs watching the world go by! B x
VastaaPoistaWhat lovely finds! It makes me want to have a big sort out here to see what I have hidden away. You're an inspiration.
VastaaPoistaGreat post, especially since I'm going through the cupboards and closets in our home, trying to decide what to throw away and what to keep. // Kivasti kolahti tämä nostalgiapostaus, kun olen juuri innolla käymässä läpi meidän kodin kamaa ja kirjoja, suurensuuri kevätsiivous ja raivaus mielessä :)
VastaaPoistaDear Sarah I really enjoyed your five today. Beautiful colours and scenes to awaken the senses! I would really rather like to be soaking up the sun on one of those deck chairs!
VastaaPoistaHappy weekend!
A lovely five and lovely memories too. The tulips are so pretty:)
VastaaPoistaLove the kitchen and the rhyme that went with it. The deckchairs were a real delight provoking all sorts of lovely memories. A great five.
VastaaPoistaI remember kitchens like the one in your photo. I always wanted The Country Diary Kitchen but could never have afforded it. Your old photos are gorgeous, you have always had a talent for capturing the most amazing images. Have a wonderful weekend :)
VastaaPoistaHello Sara, the kitchen is beautiful. I love the shot of the beach chairs and the flowers. Lovely post and images. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.
VastaaPoistaWe think alike Sara. For years I kept photos of home and garden that I liked in a binder and would throw away the rest of the magazine. I still have it but find it easier to use Pinterest now.
VastaaPoistaA pretty flower bed shared by M.
Have a nice weekend.
Nowadays gondola rides in Venice cost about 10,000 euros for a half hour
VastaaPoistaI'm having more moments where I start cleaning and finally find some missing item! Nice poem and those lovelies...are so lovely! :) Our tulips here in Washington state are up and open in the fields again. Don't know if I can make it to see them in person this year. Have a wonderful weekend.
VastaaPoistaSuch a lovely walk down memory lane. And, those tulips do look like silk! Have a great day, Pat xx
VastaaPoistaEnjoyed this very interesting post. Your photos are great. The tulips do look like they are silk. Have a blessed day. Madeline
VastaaPoistaBeautiful memories, the swallowtail is such a spectacular butterfly. I have travel pictures from Venice like yours and always wonder if I should keep them or declutter.
VastaaPoistaIt's fun to find old things and remember the good times. Love the deck chairs.
VastaaPoistaIsn't it lovely to find treasures from the past tucked away and bringing back great memories. The kitchen pictures are very "80's" and very lovely too, I can see why you kept them. Love the tulips, they do look like silk don't they, such a good description! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a great weekend! xx
VastaaPoistaWhat a wonderful post! I loved it! Have a great weekend!
VastaaPoistaKiitos ihanista kuvista, onnellista huhtikuuta sinulle <3
VastaaPoistaThese are the most beautiful Tulips I have ever seen and they do look like silk, something from a bygone era. Beautiful image.
VastaaPoistaAnd how much cleaning got done, as you found these treasures? So many memories to recall.
VastaaPoistaPhoto 3 brought back wonderful memories of my first visit to Venice, many, many years ago.
Your tulips are exquisite even in this last glimpse.
I MUST have some of those tulips. I loved your post this week. It's evident that you have beauty in your heart.
VastaaPoistaI like that country style too. And as always, your photos are absolutely lovely.
VastaaPoistaTuollaisessa keittiössä tuoksuu eittämättä aina rakkaudella valmistettu ruoka. Vähän toisenlainen tunnelma kuin näissä tämän päivän kliinisissä keittiöissä. Ja tiskiallas ikkunan edessä, siitä mä haaveilen! :)
VastaaPoistaThose tulips do look like they are made of silk, the colour is stunning. It's good to review our memories and share them, thank you for sharing yours :)
VastaaPoistaUpea perhonen! Jännää, että joka kerta kun siivoaa löytää unohtuneita aarteita. Ihanaa viikonloppua!
VastaaPoistaLovely collection Sara! I like that kitchen ... it makes good sense to take pictures of the pages you like and throw the old magazine away; good for you!
VastaaPoistaI LOVE it when I come across things I haven't seen for a long time, it's like having new things all over again. Treasures. And thank you for showing us such lovely pictures. x
VastaaPoistaWhat a beautiful and warm looking kitchen. I love the plate rack - not often seen here. Those tulips - lovelier than ever. A great set of photos, Sara. I hope you're having a good weekend.
VastaaPoistaDear Sara,
VastaaPoistawhat a lovely memories. The kithchen is a dream.
I wish you a beautiful sunday. Love ... Dorothea :-)
Love the photos! And the kitchen...if I had time I would do that to a lot of my old magazines right now before my move, tearing out just what I want to keep! But alas, I'm throwing away a lot, and keeping more than I should! :-) I love the poem too...great old kitchen. Just what I like! :-)
VastaaPoistaBy doing cleaning always found, stored memories, Sara, and we like to live them again. Beautiful tulips.
VastaaPoistaGood Sunday.
Such lovely memories.
VastaaPoistapetals looked like silk ... yes definitely !
Happy April and Happy Week ahead.
All the best Jan
Sarah, such beautiful images in this post! I see Venzia, ehllo from London, so am a little confused. You live in Finland, but are you Finnish, or....? I happen to be Dutch, but live in California (so I know these things happen:):) ). Oh just a little reminder for SEASONS - am appreciative for anything during this SEASON you can link this week! The link is open till Wed. 7pm US Pacific time.
VastaaPoistaOh, not to forget,from now on the link will be opened on Sunday, for the bloggers overseas to give a little more time to link:) Have a happy week! Hope to see you there:)