Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


Happy May!

With these cheerful photos, I wish you a beautiful new month... and a happy First of May. It might be snowing, but on that day we in Finland celebrate spring. :)

Huhtikuun kuukausikollaasini on postauksen lopussa. Iloista vappua!

These photos were taken in Italy.

Huhtikuun kollaasissa näkyy jo hieman kevään merkkejä. Kuukauden suosituimman postauksen
sankari oli veikeä orava, joka käy keikuttamassa lintulaudalta siemenet ja pähkinät maahan. Joistakin kuvista tuli aika hauskoja, kun oravaa tuntui kamera (?) kiinnostavan suuresti.

Pieni Lintu -blogista löytyy lisää kuukausikollaaseja.

Ihanaa toukokuuta!



As predicted, it's snowing when I'm writing this. To participate in the Spring Garden Party, hosted by Laura, Jemma, Stacey, Laura, Carol and Jann, I have chosen some old photos... and edited them a little for an extra dreamy effect. :)

Thank you to all the hosts!

Maa on jäässä ja krookuksetkin ovat vasta parin sentin korkuisia piippoja, joten osallistun MakroTex-haasteeseen vanhoilla kuvilla. Olen muuttanut joidenkin kuvien värejä kohti vaaleanpunaista. Onhan se niin SIEVÄ väri. :)



Am I not cute?

This little squirrel was rocking, once more, the bird feeder. (Changes planned for the next winter.) I went to tell her, once more, that it's not OK. Instead of escaping immediately, she looked almost as curious about me (or about the camera) as I was about her.

And, of course,

Mosaic Monday,

from now on a monthly gathering

on the last Monday of each month.

Thank you to all the hosts!


Pink and white...

... in our garden in Italy. I participate with this post in Seasons and Mosaic Monday. Thank you to our hosts, Jesh and Judith!

Participating, for the first time, also in Dishing It & Digging It hosted by Linda at her blog Life and Linda. Thank you - it's lovely to join the party!

Viva la primavera! :)



Five glimpses and a rose

Participating in Five on Friday
with this brief look at my week...

Ribes glandulosum

... and wishing you a happy weekend!


Me and you, And you and me...

I photographed this couple of whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) about a year ago near our home. This year I haven't seen them yet even though I have heard their fascinating calls already several times. They have been flying around, but didn't land, since there's no open water yet.

The whooper swan is the Eurasian counterpart of the North American trumpeter swan. They pair for life.

Sharing with Five on Friday, Saturday's Critters, and I'd Rather B Birdin'. Thank you to all the hosts!

Happy weekend!


Happy April!

The prompt for this week's MakroTex Challenge is HAPPY. Happy... "feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction"... Because I don't post photos of people and we don't have furry friends in the family, I have tried to photograph things that give pleasure and joy: flowers, bright colours, green plants (few at the moment where I live) and sunshine, sunsets with coloured clouds...

Sharing also with SEASONS.

Happy April!

MakroTex-haasteen teemana on tällä viikolla ILOINEN.  Koska en julkaise kuvia (yksityisistä) ihmisistä eikä perheessä ole lemmikkieläimiä, kuvasin haasteeseen iloa tuottavia asioita, kukkia, värejä, auringonpaistetta...

Olen iloinen, koska alppiruusutkin taitavat olla vielä elossa talven lumettomien pakkaskausien jälkeenkin:

Aurinkoa ja vihreyttä on talvella ollut niin vähän, että jokainen auringonpilkahdus ilahduttaa. :)

Kevät tuo tullessaan kauniit auringonlaskut.

Iloista, aurinkoista ja keväistä huhtikuuta!


"Good Looking Cooking" and other memories


Cleaning the house before Easter, I found some old stuff I had either forgotten completely or been looking for for some time.

Certain pages of an old issue of Vogue (UK) belong to the second group. My love for country-style kitchens may have started with this photo:

"For those that long for gentler days
When things were done the proper way
There is our third and last design
Which also uses friendly pine.

But this is built of weathered wood
Which passing time has made look good
And it can boast a smart alliance
With every new and neat appliance.

Combining a nostalgic look
With all things for the modern cook."

In a (rare) (crazy?) moment of decluttering, I have thrown away the magazine (from the 1980s, I believe) and kept only the two pages with the photo and the rhyme. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the writer, but the photographer is David Montgomery and the "sets were arranged by Hilary Green".


This small accordion photo book belongs to the first group. It's probably from the end of the 1960s, those good old days much before digital cameras and the Internet.


Browsing through my old, scanned photos, I found two I wanted to share with you today... Oh, those unforgettable moments by the sea. How I love listening to the waves at night!


This swallowtail (an Iphiclides podalirius perhaps?) is the biggest butterfly I've seen in Europe.

Added later: This photo was taken in Italy.


The last glimpse of the tulips 'Sweet Desire'. Someone said the petals looked like silk and they certainly did, especially when the flowers got older. Bye bye, Sweeties, till we meet again next year!

Sharing with Five on Friday


wishing a happy and sunny weekend to all

with this photo taken by the correspondent of "My Woodland Garden" in London. :)
Thank you, M.!