Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


Bliss 2.0

Hello all! It's Sunday again and time to join Sunlit Sunday at Karen's My Little Home and Garden!

We had one sunny day during the past week and I hurried to take advantage of it. Not satisfied with my first "tulips in the ice", I tried again. This time I had a clear vision of what I wanted to reach. Things seemed to go well, we had a coldish night (-19 C ~ -2 F), but the result wasn't what I had hoped for... I'm afraid there will be yet other efforts to come. :)

I took some photos, however, because yesterday there was a splendid sun outside...

Our February was unusually rainy. It means it has been snowing a lot. The photos below are not black-and-white, they just have been taken on a cloudy winter day. :) 

I wish you all a sunny and cheerful March!

Vieläkään ei jäätulppaaniprojekti mennyt ihan niin kuin toivoin, mutta otin muutamia kuvia, koska lauantai oli kaunis, aurinkoinen päivä. Huomasitteko lumikiteet jään pinnalla joissakin kuvissa? Ihanaa, puhdasta, pehmeää lunta on viime viikkoina riittänyt...

Osallistun näillä kuvilla sekä maanantain kuukausikollaasihaasteeseen että tiistain MakroTex-haasteeseen (aiheena "ulkona"), Susannan Pieni Lintu -blogissa molemmat.

♥ Aurinkoista ja keväistä maaliskuuta! ♥


Merci, Mesdames et Messieurs!

Willow tit (Poecile montanus) is one of my favourite birds.
They are so cute they might also speak French. ;)

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Happiness is in the small stuff...

... in "creating" something pretty, like these withered tulips captured in the ice...

... and sometimes even more special things happen...

The sweet Leah of Faith's Crafts Box hosted a lovely giveaway some weeks ago. Guess who won!!! Some days ago the postwoman delivered not one but two parcels to me. Let's see what there was inside...

I knew there would be a book, three framed pictures, two balls of pure new wool, and a waterproof bag, but there were also surprise gifts... a stitching-themed wall calender, mixture of wildflower seeds, a travelling sewing kit, a weekly diary, and a pair of bath gloves. Everything so beautiful and useful, and almost everything even in my favourite colours! :)

Nature is an endless source of beauty, happiness and inspiration.

February is "helmikuu" in Finnish. "Helmi" means pearl (and "kuu" means month). Some say the name comes from the blanket of snow glistening in the sun, some say it comes from the icy "pearls" frozen to twigs and branches and glinting in the sunlight. Well, obviously the sparkling things are not pearls... they are diamonds, as can be clearly seen in the photo below, but "timanttikuu" would be too long a name. :)

Have a happy Sunday and a bright new week!

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Roses of Inspiration

Thank you, Karen, Judith and Stephanie, for hosting!

P.S. Mansikkatilan mailla -blogin Tainan ja Pieni Lintu -blogin Susannan inspiroimana
oli ihan pakko kokeilla Sherwin-Williams ColorSnap -ohjelmaa.
Osallistun siis tämän viikon MakroTex-haasteeseen, aiheena väripaletti.

Täältä löytyy Susannan postaus ColorSnap-ohjelmasta ja
täältä löytyy Tainan kauniita väripaletteja.


Memories 2015: Serenity

Hello and happy Friday! Today is the first anniversary of Amy's (new) Five On Friday and I want to share with you these five favourite photos of mine.

The photos are from our trip last summer in (and through) Sweden. Arrived to Kapellskär early on Sunday morning, we then drove on beautiful and tranquil countryside roads to Uppsala. I would have loved to see these views in the morning sun, but perhaps the cloudy weather increased the feeling of calmness.

With this cute Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus), I will participate in Eileen's

There were many of these birds feeding (and chirping sweetly) in the field, unfortunately most ready to flit away if I moved too suddenly.

Have a lovely and relaxing weekend!

PS A tulip update: The babies shown in my previous post looked like this yesterday. They grow up so fast! :)


Memories 2015: Colours

The weather was predicted to be sunny today, but the cloudy - and pleasantly mild - weather seems to continue.  Hmm, it does look a little bit grey out there...

Most of these flowers were photographed in the Botanical Garden of Lund University during our holidays last summer. I hope you enjoy their colours!

Added on Wednesday morning: First signs of spring, a container grown Rhodochiton atrosanguineus shooting and some potted tulips 'Sweet Desire'.

Huomenta! Tässä eilen otettu kuva talvehtineen keijunmekon uudesta versosta. Se kasvaa multaan pistetyn oksan varassa; täytyy keksiä sille pian parempi tuki.

Eilen nostin valoon myös tulppaaniruukun ('Sweet Desire'). Näiden pitäisi olla aika hauskan näköisiä. :)


Wishes and memories

♥ Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

♥ Hyvää Ystävänpäivää! ♥

Buon San Valentino!

Since my favourite colour (for the Valentine's Day) is pink, let's go on in the pinkish theme, with some of the last summer's flowers... :)

It has been cloudy recently, so I add two photos from the previous week for

Karen's Sunlit Sunday.

Of course I participate also in

Mosaic Monday!

Osallistun näillä kuvilla myös tämän viikon MakroTex-haasteeseen.
Aiheena on jotain joka alkaa k-kirjaimella.  Aiheeni on siis: K niin kuin KUKKA. :)

Mukavaa helmikuista viikkoa kaikille!