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Christmases past... :)

Five winter/Christmas photos for Amy's Five on Friday (unfortunately the link is no longer valid).

What do you think, do these photos look old? They should look like being from the 1960s! :)

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

36 kommenttia:

  1. Your photos brought back such wonderful memories of Christmas past. Lovely! My best to you, Pat

  2. love these, such good colouring in each. Took me back to Christmas'' as a child, warmth and security especially in the last two.

  3. Hienot kuvat! KyllÀ nÀmÀ mummon kuvilta nÀyttÀvÀt. :-)

  4. Hyasintti on niin kaunis lÀhitarkastelussa... Kelpasi tuohon joulupöytÀÀn istahtaa... HyvÀÀ viikonloppua sinulle Sara!

  5. Beautiful and nostalgic winter photos, Sara! I have a brown casserole dish just like the one in the photo! I love the vintage ornaments. xo Karen

  6. Just beautiful Sara! I particularly love the first picture. Have a lovely weekend :-)

  7. Yes, they certainly remind me of past Christmases. Except that in those days I could only afford black-and-white film for my little Kodak camera.

  8. Ihanan jouluisia, tulin hyvÀlle mielelle ja jatkan innolla rosollin punajuurten keittelyÀ. Ihanaa pÀivÀÀ. :)

  9. they are lovely- love the tone/hue...

  10. Olen aina toivonut pÀÀsevÀni aikamatkailemaan 60-luvulle! Se vaikuttaa niin mageelta ajalta =) NÀissÀ kuvissa on just samaa fiilistÀ <3 Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  11. They are lovely photos no matter the age xx

  12. Beautiful pictures evoking wonderful memories.

  13. Ha Sara,
    The first pictures appear for years have lain somewhere so that the colors appear faded.
    The bottom pictures look festive!
    I wish you a happy weekend!

    With love, Gerry

  14. The last two are really captivating ! Joulujuhlan tuntua kahdessa viimeisessÀ,
    paljolti valaistuksen ansiosta. Voi kuvitella kynttilÀnvaloksi :)

  15. they might be old but they have a timeless quality and somethings just get better with time!
    Beautiful Christmassy scenes!
    Happy weekend!

  16. Ihania kuvia. KyllÀ niissÀ vÀlittyy ajattomuus. Ruokakuva herkullinen. HyvÀÀ itsenÀisyyspÀivÀn viikonloppua!

  17. Beautiful and oh-so-nostalgic, my friend. I am always in awe of the beauty you share on your blog - thank you for blessing us :) Hugs to you!

  18. Charming - I might steal your idea - now to look at old pictures.

  19. The colour is good in your photos Sara and bring memories of Christmas back in the 60s for me. I haven't had the old photo albums out for ages and today - everything is in folders on my computer.

  20. Beautiful photos I love the colors in them. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  21. I love this post so much dear Sara! It gives me an opportunity to travel my past! My childhood town was covered by snow from November to April! I have lots of cheerful winter memories from that days!

    Thank you for wonderful images ♥♥♥

    Have a great weekend and second Advent!

  22. All photos are nice, but last two photos do me remember Christmas days in my youth, a nice and cozy time.

  23. I love the last photo - so nostalgic! Happy 5 on Friday!

  24. They do look old, in the most fabulous way!!! Memories of my childhood for sure! Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  25. Joo, nÀyttÀÀ :)

  26. Lovely, great memories :-)

  27. They are so pretty and your header is too. Happy weekend to you.

  28. The photos have a warm feeling to them - just as the photos did look in the 60's.

  29. Beautiful photos always bring great memories.

  30. Beautiful photos and very nostalgic. Thank you for sharing them. #fiveonfriday

  31. I love all your pictures Sara . I especially love this one of food, looks very delicious and tasty.

  32. Lovely, cozy photos, Sara. They do look old-fashioned.

  33. Good work, Sara I like ;)
    I take your link and follow you.
    Kisses from Bejar .Salamanca

  34. It's wonderful to re-live memories like these. Christmas as a child, Christmas in a young relationship, Christmas with our own young children. Each one holds such wonderful memories, don't they?

  35. It's lovely to look back at old photos and relive the memories.

  36. Sara thank you for your visit and comment to my blog on Pearl Harbor. Have a blessed day. Madeline


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