Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Postcards #15: Thank you!

During the past weeks, you have seen a lot of photos taken on our summer holidays in different parts of  Europe. Now it's time to post the last ones and to say thank you.

Thank you to our family members for making this travel possible... and for lending me the camera. :)

Thank you to my fellow-traveller for the wonderful time and his good driving. Thanks also to Chiara, the voice of our navigation device, for always staying calm and finding the best route for us even in the unexpected situations. :)

Thank you to the friends and relatives for the delightful time together... and for the great cooking, of course.

And finally, thank you, dear readers, for your always lovely and interesting comments!

Happy autumn to everyone!

23 kommenttia:

  1. Kauniit kuvat! Varmasti oli ihana loma. Kivaa viikkoa!

  2. Sinulla on ollut upea loma! Tuntuu jotenkin kaukaiselta nuo lämpimän maan kuvat, kun nyt vain vetää takkia päälle tiukemmin ja pyyhkii valuvaa nenää. Nyt tekee mieli varata lennot, vaikka ihan mihin vaan lämpöiseen.

    Herkullisen näköinen piirakka!

  3. What a wonderful idea saying goodbye and giving out thanks, with pictures, before moving on.
    It makes the holiday complete.

    Ja nyt ihanasta syksystä nauttimaan ! È arrivato l'autunno. Che bello.

  4. Lovely photos!
    Happy Autumn to you too!

  5. Che bella persona che sei Sara! Happy autumn to you as well my friend <3

  6. Felice autunno anche a te e alla tua famiglia!!


  7. Hello, lovely images! I enjoyed following your trip! Thanks for sharing with us! HAPPY Autumn to you! Have a happy new week ahead!

  8. What beautiful photos, thanks for sharing your trip with us. Enjoyed being able to follow along with you. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  9. Sara, what a wonderful trip you had! Your photos are beautiful, and I feel as though I was there with you. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely tour! :)

  10. Wonderful post! You had a lovely time. Gorgeous photos. Happy Autumn!

  11. Thank you for taking us along your wonderful journey! Have a beautiful beautiful autumn!

  12. I enjoyed being taken along on your vacation Sara and a post to thank everyone is a nice gesture. Have to admit I was smiling at thanking your GPS device - I love mine too and would undoubtedly get lost many times without it.

  13. A wonderful farewell to your travels and summer.

  14. I've enjoyed seeing the photos from your summer vacation, Sara. Those GPS devices can save a lot of frustration! And now autumn begins!

  15. And Thank You for the super photos and for sharing them with us.

  16. Thank you for taking us along with you!!!! I enjoyed it too! Glad you had a great summer of travel! xx

  17. Oh Sara, what gorgeous photos! You have such a lovely way with the camera and it's a joy to see the beauty you capture through the lens. Hugs to you!

  18. What a lovely way to draw your travel photos to a close - with lovely words and beautiful photos :-)

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

  19. Todella kauniit kuvat. Voin melkein haistaa tuon piiraan tuoksunkin. Olet lahjakas!

  20. Minä olen nauttinut kovasti näistä sinun matkakuvistasi, kiitos siis tältäkin puolelta ruutua! Sinulla on aina ne kauneimmat kuvat ♥

  21. Lovely post and have a wonderful weekend~

  22. Sara, beautiful collage and I think this cake was delicious!
    Happy GBBD!

  23. Lähdetkö mukaan kotihaasteeseen suomeksi tai englanniksi? http://wondersbykaari.com/2015/10/15/kotihengetar/


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