Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


Frost - Part umpteen

Hello, I seem to be bombing you with photos in these days! Well, today was a pretty day and I do love ice and snow and I need to cheer myself up...

The temperatures have gone down but there's practically no snow.  Normally the plants would be safely resting under the snow by now.  I have tried to protect the more delicate plants from the hard frost, but will that be enough?  The forecasts don't give much hope. *sigh* The first plant and seed catalogues have arrived, but - blimey! - with this capricious weather one feels baffled and demotivated.

What I can do is to follow my motto: "Keep Calm and Take Photos". :)

The photo below is from the same glazed porch (with a red wooden wall) as the "Ice flowers" thumbnail you can see on the Popular posts list:


Christmas Rose dreams

Hellebore blooms captured in the brief moments of sunlight on a midwinter's day.


2015 revisited

For the

here are all my month collages of 2015. Many of you have already seen almost all of them, but there are some new ones as well. I have added a second collage for July because it was my vacation month... and there are three collages for December because it just is the most wonderful time of the year. :)

Click to enlarge!

Happy New Year!


A rose has sprung

A Rose has sprung from a tender root,
From Jesus, as those of old have sung,
And it bore a flower,
In the middle of a cold winter,
When half spent was the night.


Christmas peace ♥

Dear all,

it has been such a pleasure to learn to know you a little bit through your blogs and to read your always kind and interesting comments on my posts. I'm so thankful for all of you! 

I may not have time for another post before Christmas and that's why I want today to wish peace of heart and the stillness of Christmas eve to you and your loved ones... not only for Christmas but for all days. In Finnish: Joulurauhaa!

♥  Merry Christmas!  ♥  Buon Natale!  ♥

♥  Hyvää ja rauhallista joulua kaikille lukijoille!  ♥


Still dreaming...

... of a white Christmas, that is. This morning the ground and the very thin ice were powdered with snow.

The shortest day of the year is not far away now. According to timeanddate.com, Winter Solstice in Helsinki is on Tuesday, 22 December 2015, 06:49 EET.

After that a little bit of light will be gained every day. :)


Two weeks...

Christmas is soon coming, the time is flying past, make sure to joy these special days, 'cause they are going fast! :D

I'm sharing these five December collages with Five on Friday @ Love Made My Home and Mosaic Monday @ Lavender Cottage:

Cards: Karto. Photos: living4media and Simon Kayne

Enjoy your weekend and

have a lovely 3rd Sunday of Advent!



This is how December should look! We practically don't have snow yet. It has been snowing already several times, but every time the snow has melted away.

We do enjoy the month though... wrapping gifts, baking, receiving nice parcels from relatives and friends, and decorating the home. :)
