Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.



And so it happened that on a warm November evening we noticed that the soft and light snow had almost disappeared and the weather was grey and dark. Fortunately, now there are the Christmas lights in front of our home to add some sparkle in our life. :)

MakroTex-haasteen aiheena tällä viikolla on KIMALLUS. Ihana aihe ja niin ajankohtainen, mutta kimalluksen kuvaaminen osoittautui yllättävän vaikeaksi.  :) Nyt on ollut niin kamalan pimeääkin. Kai jouluvalot voidaan hyväksyä?

Silmäni kyllä kimalsivat innostuksesta eilen iltapäivällä, kun huomasin melkein pihapiirissä jälkiä, joiden luulen kuuluvan ilvekselle (ensimmäinen kuva) ja ketulle. :)

Ilta oli jo hämärtymässä kuvaamisen aikaan:

My eyes were sparkling, with excitement and joy, yesterday afternoon when I noticed the tracks of (what I believe to be) a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), above, and a red fox (Vulpes vulpes).

Thank you, as always, for your lovely comments. I'm sorry I'm again a little bit behind in visiting your blogs... but I'll always get there eventually!


Edit: I must add here that Google has made me very angry today. Recently I left a comment on a blogger friend's post and wrote that now I know what something in her blog is in English. Today I happened to see the post in question and the comments translated into English by Google Translate. What do I see... that Google Translate changes my (translated) comment into something completely different, adding a note about registered trademarks (in the US) and omitting a sentence written by me! In other words, Google wants to decide whether we are allowed to combine two ordinary words to build a simple noun phrase.

Warning: If you read posts or comments translated by Google Translate, you can find there something completely else than was originally written and meant!

39 kommenttia:

  1. Tunnelmallista & wau mitä petoja! Säihkeen kuvaaminen oli tosiaan hankalaa, silmä näki - kamera ei!

  2. Jouluvaloja alkaa jo näkyä - adventti on jo ensi sunnuntaina ja siitä kolme pyhäpäivää ja sitten on jo joulu.

  3. Valotkin kimaltelevat kauniisti <3

    Meidän jääkarhumme lymyilee liiterissä.
    Yritän löytää sen tänään ja laitan sen sitten
    kuistille tuomaan valoa pimeisiin iltoihin :)

  4. Miten nopeasti aika rientääkään.

  5. Juuri mitä toivoin; jouluvaloja. Ihanaa 🎄
    So pretty :)

  6. Beautiful photos! I love your tree.
    שלום :)

  7. Such lovely photos, Sara, as always. You capture such simple sights in the most beautiful way. Whilst I loved your squirrel header, I love your new blog header - it feels very wintery and festive! I hope you're having a great week!

  8. Ihanan tunnelmallisia kuvia! Pimeä vuodenaika tosiaan tekee meille kuvaajille tepposia... Mutta toivottavasti pian tulee taas lunta niin helpottaa!

  9. Jouluvalot ovat oikein ajankohtainen kimallus.

  10. Valot ovat sallittuja - jopa toivottavia, niin sysipimeää on iltaisin ja päivälläkin ihan hämärää! Eikö olekin kiehtovaa nähdä noita eläinjälkiä, meilläkin ilves joskus poikkeaa lähikulmilla ja silloin ei vähään aikaan näy peuran jälkiä.

  11. What a lovely little Christmas tree. I like the way its lights are reflected in the glass of the door. Perhaps your four-legged visitors have come closer to be delightful with it. :-) Your new header photo is beautiful!
    Have a lovely week!

  12. Nämä kaamosvalot ovat ihania! Minäkin virittelin eilen ensimmäiset pihalle.

  13. Meillä osa noista valoista löytyy pihalta kesät talvet :)
    Minusta sopivat niin kivasti myös kesäiltoihin!
    Hurmaavaa kimallusta siellä teillä <3

  14. Very beautiful photos.
    The twigs with the silhouette is great!

  15. Samaa kimallusta minäkin löysin... Hyvää päivänjatkoa sinulle!

  16. Upea havainto. Toivottavasti pääset kuvaamaan vielä itse eläimen. Kääntäjä kääntää mitä hassumpia sanoja, niissä ei ole välillä päätä eikä häntää.

  17. Dear Sara,
    thank you for your comments and Birthday wishes. I am always very happy about your comments.
    The blog name is beautiful translated, I love it. The real blog name refers to my family name "Janka".
    The "jankasgarten" is the garden from me and my husband. I can not speak a very good English because I'm still learning.
    Your photos are alway very beautiful. Have a lovely week... big hugs ... Dorothea :-)

  18. Ihanasti tunnelmaa luovat valot.
    Oi miten jännittäviä vierailijoita.

  19. Oho onpa teillä siellä pieni leijona! Ei ihme että innostuit! Kauniita jouluvalokuvia. On kyllä taas pimeää, mutta onneksi on valoja. ♡

  20. Very nice photos. Some people here have Christmas decorations up but I always wait until after Thanksgiving to put mine up. Have a blessed day and a wonderful Thanksgiving. Madeline

  21. Wow, so exciting to see track of lynx and foxes. We don't have lynxes in the wild in our country. Foxes, yes, I sometimes see them in the early morning or in the evening during sunset. I should like to start with the Christmas lights too, but we always wait till after 5th Dec., when we celebrate St. Nicolas.

  22. Olisihan se kieltämättä kiva kuvailla auringossa kimaltavaa hangen pintaa... Josko ensi viikolla saataisiin pakkaset takaisin. Toivotaan!

    Ja ei saisi nauraa, mutta voihan (taas jälleen kerran...) blogger ja google! :D Google on kyllä todellinen kiusanhenki. Minäkin taas eilen havahduin, että jostain syystä mun sivubanneriin ei päivity kaikki lukemani blogit (vaikka olen lisännyt ne sinne lukulistalle). Äh, täytyy joku päivä paneutua asiaan.

    Googlesta huolimatta mukavaa viikon jatkoa!

  23. Vautsi mitä petoja on pihallasi vieraillut! Jouluvalot tuovat tunnelmaa varsinkin nyt, kun lumet ovat sulaneet ja harmaus palannut:)

  24. I enjoy all the lights outside at Christmas and through the dark evenings of winter. It helps lighten the darkness. I have received notice of these Google things as well regarding European rules for us in Canada and the US. And one about "cookies" as well. I hope this comment goes through in English (as I have typed it!). Have a beautiful week.

  25. Again, Christmas is drawing near, Sara. Good lights have put you next to house, that gives joy. Cute fotos.

  26. The twinkle lights bring a much needed lift at this time of year when the sun becomes scarce for us and they're rather mesmerizing, don't you think? I have had my tracks ID booklet out many times and can never figure out what I'm looking at - I'm admiring your ability to recognize 2 distinctive animals.
    Sometimes when I translate a blog post into English it doesn't make much sense. :-)

  27. Exciting to see those tracks - thanks for sharing your photo's about it.

    This time of year it is so lovely to see the sparkle of lights adorning doors, windows and porches.

    Wonderful photo's again, thank you

    All the best Jan

  28. Onpa ollut rohkea ilves jos on uskaltanut pihalle tulla! Olisi mahtavaa nähdä joskus luonnossa ilves, mutta ovat sen verran nopeita ja viekkaita ettei niitä millään näe.

  29. Tunnelmallista valojen kimallusta :)

  30. Hello Sara! I like the sparkly lights .... they cheer up what can otherwise be a drab time of year. Cold, damp, and dreary. And also, the change back to standard time makes the daylight hours so short. I always worry about translate as well. I try not to use words which can have two meanings, but it is hard to remember.

  31. Beautiful lights. Is the lynx a danger to you?

  32. It's already snowing there in Finland...wow!! It's nice to know that Christmas light is already on there. When does it usually come up? Lovely tree and picture. Were you able to see the Lynx and the fox eventually?

  33. Your lights look magical on the tree and beautiful in the photos. We have plenty of foxes in the city centre but there are no lynx here. Have you seen the lynx?
    Is it dangerous?

  34. Isn't it wonderful to have these sparkling lights to brighten the long hours of darkness at this time of year?! They really do look magical. We have only had a dusting of snow, but I'm sure it will be here to stay soon. How exciting to find the tracks, and to identify them!

  35. Wow, so pretty. We are still waiting for winter to properly begin.

  36. Thank you all for your lovely comments!

    I'm not a great tracker, but the lynx tracks are rather easy to identify, large (compare to my wellies!), round, as wide as long.
    Foxes walk or trot in an alternating pattern, with prints nearly in a line. Unfortunately my photos are not very good. It was getting dark and on the following day the snow had already melted.

    I certainly would love to see lynxes in the wild, but they are very "hard to spot, as their excellent senses of sight, smell and hearing enable them to keep well away from humans".
    I also would love them to be dangerous... to the hares that are far too many around our home and keep damaging my plants. :)

  37. More snow, please! Lovely pictures!

  38. Söpöjä tassunjälkiä!


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