Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Oxfordin kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa - In the Walled Garden

Springtime impressions from Oxford, UK

Hei ja mukavaa maanantaita! :)

Tänään palataan Oxfordin yliopiston kasvitieteellisen puutarhan näkymiin. Tästä linkistä avautuu teille jo tuttu, yksityiskohtainen kartta, mutta alla oleva, opaskirjasesta kuvattu kartta on siitä mukava, että siinä puutarha aukeaa suoraan silmien eteen, kun puutarhaan tullaan sisälle.  Seuraavassa postauksessa tulee olemaan hieman laajempia näkymiä puutarhasta; tässä postauksessa ihastellaan muuripuutarhan kukkivia kasveja (toukokuun toisella viikolla). 1600-luvulta peräisin olevat muurit (mustat viivat kartassa) luovat puutarhaan lempeän mikroilmaston - opaskirjasen mukaan kasvit kukkivat puutarhassa kolmisen viikkoa aikaisemmin kuin Arboretumissa (noin 10 km kaupungista etelään päin).

(Aiemmissa postauksissa on vierailtu puutarhan kasvihuoneissa ja talvipuutarhassa.)

Kultasateen kukinta alkoi olla jo ohi. Puutarhan väki kutsuu lääkekasvien kokoelmassa olevaa puuta "Lewisin Laburnumiksi"... poliisisarjasta tutun komisarion, ei kirjailija Carrollin mukaan. :) Selvästikin täytyy kerrata Lewis-sarjan jaksoja.

Kultasade-kuvan yläpuolella oleva kasvi nauratti minua ja nimesin sen jättiläistilliksi. (Rakastan tilliä.) Se voisi olla Ferula communis, välimerenkeltaputki, jota kutsutaan myös jättiläisfenkoliksi, vaikkei se fenkoli (Foeniculum) olekaan - sarjakukkaiskasvien heimosta toki molemmat.

Kirjolupiinithan ovat mestariteoksia kaikki. :) 
Aurinkoista uutta viikkoa! Have a lovely week ahead!

35 kommenttia:

  1. Voi miten kaunista. Kuvat ovat todella upeita.
    Aurinkoista viikkoa sinulle Sara. 😊😊😊

  2. Quanta bellezza!
    Abbiamo anche noi un piccolo Kultasade in giardino...prima o poi crescera' e fiorira'.
    Ciao e buona settimana! xx

  3. A walled garden seems mysterious somehow, like the Forbidden City in Beijing. I am sure that behind the walls there were many secrets, but all delightful!

  4. There are some rather special flower photographs amongst those. It appears to be a rather different garden from the one I know in Cambridge.

  5. Gorgeous series of photos, dearest Sara! I wish you a wonderful, happy June!
    Big hugs!

  6. Your skills for capturing are exceptional dearest Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    i can sense the more refreshing energy vibrating inside me since i came to your place and viewing these delightful images :)

    so glad to have you my friend!
    such a blessing to have a look of these beautiful exquisite blooms!
    thank you for sharing!

  7. Exquisite beauty captured.

  8. Ah lupiineja 💚 Upea kuvasarja.
    Ihanaa alkanutta kesäkuuta sinulle 💋
    Ekan kuvasi pulleat kukat ovat söpöisiä 💕

  9. Hej Sara!

    Tack skall du ha för denna härliga promenad i den vackra miljön! Du fångar motiven så vackert och det är en konst, en svår konst vill jag påstå efter alla år jag försökt avbilda min trädgård. Du ger mig inspiration med dina läckra bilder.


  10. Miten erikoisen näköisiä kukkia.

  11. Such a beautiful collection of photographs.
    I enjoyed your post, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  12. Fabulous pictures!Thanks for the great botanical tour!

  13. Beautiful photos of some very pretty flowers. Enjoyed this post. Have a blessed evening. Madeline

  14. Amazing photos. Do you know the name of the 6e photo ( dark flowers). They are so nice.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Aritha!
      Sorry for the late reply. Do you mean the second photo after the map? The plant should be a Calycanthus floridus, originally from Northern America.

  15. Just the words "walled garden" evoke a sense of warmth and sunlight, of growing things and mystery. Your photos of the walled garden flowers and plants are just lovely, Sara. Happy June days to you.

  16. upea kuvamatka puutarhaan!

  17. Sara, those peonies are just spectacular! I'd give anything to have peonies in my garden! you are a really gifted photographer! Happy day for you!

  18. Gracias Sara por este maravilloso paseo entre flores. Me encantan la luz y el color que tienen las fotos. Un placer visitarte.
    Un abrazo.

  19. The pink flowers look like crepe paper, so delicate and pretty. Spring is beautiful in your area, Sara. And your photos of all the different flowers really show the beauty of this season. It's getting hot here, in the 90's, and Summer is starting.

    Happy June days.


  20. Oh Sara, how lovely. Is there anything more beautiful than an English garden?

  21. Looks like a marvelous garden.

  22. The beautiful colours and the way you capture light makes your flower photos magical and vibrant:)

  23. Hi Sara!I am absolutely enchanted with this splendid tour!You had an amazing time there...Such beauty!!!

  24. Great photos of a beautiful garden. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  25. Otro bellísimo post. El lugar es una maravilla Sara. Disfrutarlo en vivio tiene que ser una experiencia estupenda. Las fotos son fantásticas. Me ha encantado.
    Te deseo un buen domingo.
    Un abrazo

  26. I love all of the fabulous photos in your latest post, Sara, but my favourites are the tulips, especially with the water drops of the fountain. :-) These shining bright colours bring a smile to my face. I love those chairs and the table. It would be great to sit there a little... :-) And the building is amazing too.
    I wish you beautiful summer days, dearest Sara! (I read that it's unusually hot in Finland. :-))
    Big hugs!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Edit! In Finland, the weather is never boring. :D We had some days of about 30 C, but now the weather has turned to unusually cold and it has been snowing in the north. :)
      Big hugs!

  27. Hi Sara, these pictures were wonderful
    of flowers. I liked to see the details.
    Your post on the 8th was also beautiful, I liked the
    shades of green of the path, the mixture of foliage
    It's super interesting. I want to work more with
    foliage in my garden.
    I loved the tulip pots!
    It sure is a beautiful ride.
    I guess I'll never get sick of seeing and
    Boa continuação de semana.
    Paz e Bem.

  28. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.
    Have a nice weekend
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  29. Ahhhhhh!Your pictures made me swoon again!!!Just splendid!Hugs,dear Sara!

  30. Hi Sara!Wonderful pictures...I am grateful for this virtual tour!You are a great photographer.Congrats!

    1. Thank you, dearest Maristella, for leaving such kind comments on all of my posts!
      Have a lovely weekend! Big hugs!

  31. Dear Sara, you shared beautiful photos in your two latest posts too.
    The pictures you took in Oxford are amazing. It must be special to study in such a wonderful, historical place.
    I loved the photos from your woodland garden so much... the flowers, the vibrating surface of the water, the birch, and that rainbow in the sky and in the lake...
    I hope the weather is nice in Finland, and you enjoy the lovely summer days. :-)
    Big hugs to you!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Edit, for your kind comment!
      Oxford is a special place... but I happen to know that your hometown is historic and very beautiful as well. :)
      It's fabulously windy here in these days. :) One small tree in a pot fell two times, but otherwise it's really refreshing.
      Big hugs!


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