Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! 💚

Thank you for your visit.


July - the month of roses

Hello! ♥

For you lucky ones, June may be, indeed, the month of roses. In this rainy and cool summer, our roses are flowering late and very hesitantly - and I needed to go a little bit further to find these lovely roses in bloom. Many more photos to follow in the next couple of days... :)

With this collage, I join Susanna for July in photos:

 Have a lovely August!


See you soon!

Dear friends,

like many during this lovely season, I will now be away from the blog-world for a while. If it's not going to rain cats and dogs all the time and if I don't drop my camera into the sea or something, there will be lots of photos to share later. :)

Unfortunately, I won't be able to visit you while I’m away and, after much thinking, I have decided to disable the comments on this post.  Thank you in advance for your visit! I will be thinking of you...

I wish you wonderful summer moments with this beautiful Irish blessing:

May brooks and trees and singing hills 
Join in the chorus too, 
And every gentle wind that blows 
Send happiness to you.

Arrivederci a presto!


Soft tones, sunrises and... baddies :)

Hello, dear all! ♥

I want to thank you again for your kind comments on my posts. They have made me so happy. I hope that by now I have visited all of you. Recently I have had very busy times and it has been difficult to find the time to be online. I have participated only in few link parties to be able to greet everyone who visits my blog.

Participating in Mosaic Monday is a must.

Thank you, Judith, for hosting!

The last photos have been taken early this morning. After a cold night, there was mist over the lake. I got up and, as usual, went to collect the newspapers from the letterbox... with the camera and a zoom lens.

The sun was still low but climbing higher and higher.

Have a beautiful day!


Please, do not take the following too seriously! After the rabbits were mentioned in the first comment, I wanted to add the fact that we have problems with hares. They enjoy "tasting" not only lupins, but for example bellflowers and cranesbills. With all the greenery there is, why do they have to eat the most rare and interesting plants?! However, they are not the only baddies around here. Some birds and insects make much damage too.

The hares manage to look even rather cute and I enjoy trying to take photos of them. One day I therapized myself with creating these images. Seriously, of course I would never hurt an animal intentionally.