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Reposted: A small jar candle

This post, from February 2015, is one of my favourites and for some time I have wanted to republish it:

I wanted to try again something we used to do years ago: recycling old candle stubs - by melting them down in a pan and pouring the melted wax into a mould.

Minulla on postauksia jonoksi asti odottamassa, mutta halusin postata tämän jutun uudelleen. Uusia lukijoita on tullut vuoden 2015 helmikuun jälkeen, tämä on yksi omista suosikkipostauksistani  - ja näissä kuvissa on ehkä paras leikkotulppaanikimppu mitä meillä on nähty. Veljeni osti kukat äitimme syntymäpäiväksi ja ne kestivät kauniina pitkään ja kuihtuivatkin kauniisti. :)

Lapsena tehtiin uusia kynttilöitä sulattamalla vanhoja. Taisin usein tehdä niistä raidallisia. Tämä suklaa-pähkinädippiastiaan valettu on varmasti tyylikkäin tuotokseni. :) Alla oleva dippikuva on netistä.

I had perfect materials for this project, first of all a beautiful small glass container (with a lid), received from my brother for Christmas. In the picture below (from http://www.cuisineaddict.com/ achat-fondue-chocolat-noir-noisette-300-g-mazet-2818.htm) you can see what it contained originally. Yummy!

The diameter of the jar is only about 4 cm (and that made the task a little bit more difficult).
I had also these old stubs I wanted to use - of a beautiful, intense red colour. For this candle, I used the remaining wick of one of the old ones. (Wicks can also be made at home or purchased at hobby stores.)

You can use pieces of non-toxic crayons to add a little colour and/or essential oils to give your candles a scent.

What you do is very simple. Just break up some old candles, stick a few pieces in a saucepan, over a low heat, and stir until the candles have melted. Then pour the melted wax carefully in the mould or jar, preferably using a saucepan with a pouring spout.

In case you haven't tried this before, here are some useful tips:

For better results, don't mix different types of candles.

When filling the mould(s), reserve some of the wax. 
Once your candle is almost completely hard, you will notice a depression around the wick.
Pour the reserved wax into the dip to make the dip fill in.
If you want a completely even surface, you may need to repeat this. 

For your safety, heat the wax in a double boiler 
(in a large pan containing hot water, into which the smaller pan is set)!

Never leave unattended the pan containing melting wax!

Well, how did it go? The result is not perfect, but I'm rather satisfied with my elegant little candle. :)

It could be used as a gift for occasions such as Valentine's Day...

In February 2015,
I joined with this post:

Judith at Lavender Cottage Gardening
for Mosaic Monday
Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose
 for Roses of Inspiration.

A small curiosity, tomorrow will be "the day of the candle" in Finland. In the Finnish Lutheran Church, Candlemas (the presentation of Christ at the temple) is celebrated on the Sunday between 2 February and 8 February. This year it falls on the 5th. Traditionally, it was the day on which candles used in the church's worship during the year were blessed.

Wishing you a happy weekend!

Hyvää Runebergin päivää ja Kynttilänpäivää!

28 kommenttia:

  1. Your red candle is perfect for Valentine's Day. Love the rich color and it's a great way to use up bits of old candles. I used to use ours to light the fire in the fireplace, but now that we have gas, that won't do at all.
    I found your tidbit on the "day of the candle" in the Finnish church very interesting, too.

  2. What a neat idea and the jars are pretty. A lovely mosaic, perfect for Valentine's Day.. Your flowers are gorgeous! Have a happy day and week ahead!

  3. So nice light and they smell good enough.
    Good Sunday.

  4. siitä tuli tosi hieno kynttilä, jospa minäkin joskus uskaltaisin.kiitos kynttilämessu tiedosta, olin sen unohtanut. pidä huolta Jaana

  5. This was so interesting ...I didn't know that this could be done :)

  6. Aren't you clever to recycle old candle stubs and I think the jar you filled looks awesome Sara. I've not heard of the 'day of the candle' at church but it stands to reason that the candles used would be blessed at some point.
    Love the pail of tulips!
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  7. What a nice way to recycle candle wax! My daughter in law sells candle wax wafers to add to electric warmers and I often have wax left over that I could use to do this.

  8. Oivallinen Kynttilänpäivän idea!
    Ja tulppaanit hehkuvissa väreissään
    piristävät mieltä talven keskellä :)

  9. I have never seen this done with candles but what a fabulous idea I will have to try sometime....love the tulips.

  10. Isn't that a fun project! I've been making some candles as well, working on getting a smooth surface. I think I'll stick with the double boiler method you mention. I like the look of yours and what a pretty container.

  11. Чудові весняні квіти! люблю букети тюльпанів!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  12. Amei conhecer o seu blog, já fiquei por aqui!!!Achei maravilhoso!!!
    Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


    Beijos Marie.

  13. Your red candle turned out just lovely. Perfect for Valentines! The tulip bouquet is beautiful- who can resist fresh tulips. They remind us that spring WILL come...

  14. Very pretty and interesting. The couple across the lane from me make candles and sell at the craft shows~

  15. Such a great idea to make your own candle!! xx

  16. How beautiful and what a wonderful idea! You've inspired me to look at my candles and see what I can do. Enjoy your day sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  17. ohhhh you have done a beautiful job on those candles and i love, love, love those tulips. although i love winter, i can't wait to see the tulips!!!

  18. What a great job on making candles. And those tulips are amazing!

  19. A lovely idea and so frugal.. Love that color red.. So happy to come across your blog through Stephanie..
    God bless..

  20. I do the same thing with left over wax.. love the idea of adding crayon for color! Lovely flowers too

  21. Hello dear Sara
    It's beautiful - your re-purposed red candle!
    I've meant to do this for a long time but I've had difficulty finding wicks.
    I will persist as i love candles too.

  22. Very nice recycled candle! Lovely color for Valentine's Day. I love the tradition of blessing the candles<3 Pretty tulips - they are just now being sold in the markets here - I need to bring some home. Have a lovely week! xo Karen

  23. Hello lovely lady! I just love your repurposed candle - what a clever idea {one I will have to remember}.

    Also, your Tulips are stunning! Have a wonderful day, dear friend, and enjoy your Valentine's Day! Hugs!

  24. I am glad that you stopped by the Garden Spot. I always enjoy your comments and now your posts. I like the idea of recycling old candles. I have plenty to work with. The reds will be pretty for Valentine's.

  25. Hei wau - upee blogi, niin kauniita kuvia, joka postauksessa! Love it! <3

  26. I'm glad you reposted this since I was not lucky enough to see it the first time. Perfect candle for Valentine's Day. And I love the tulips.

  27. Beautiful tulips, and they are even lovelier in that little white enamelled(?) bucket.
    It's a great idea with the old candles! And you are so skillful!
    I remember, when my sons were little, we also retained the remaining candles to make a new one from them sometime, but in the end we’ve never done it... But we rolled candles from beeswax sheet... :D
    Big hugs! Have a happy Sunday!

  28. That's a great repost! Good to see how many of the original comment writers are still around too. I like the idea of making something new out of old candles!
    Wren x


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