Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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'Mount Tacoma', the first of our own tulips this year... 

Most pelargoniums have wintered well. Often the most beautiful and special cultivars are the most difficult to overwinter successfully. This one looks rather happy... in fact its label says "BR", which stands for a "Boring Red". :)

You wouldn't believe me if I tried to count how many grey, snowy, sleety, rainy, slushy days we have had in the past weeks and months!

The catkins of the pussy willows look like wet cats...

... and probably this squirrel was wet, too.

Not much light in these days, and so I have been adjusting lighting curves also for this mosaic... :)

Thank you, Judith, for hosting MM!

This week joining also Susanna


This week's theme: March
Next week: Evening

37 kommenttia:

  1. Good Morning, lovely images of the tulips. And I love the cute squirrel footprints.. I am ready for spring and warm weather. I enjoyed your post and images. Happy Monday, have a great week ahead!

  2. Kyllä uskon! Joka kerta kun ovat luvanneet aurinkoa on ollut just samanlainen harmaa päivä kuin kaikki muutkin. Paitsi silloin kun on töissä eikä pääse ulos nauttimaan auringosta. Mukavaa alkanutta viikkoa!

  3. Is there such a thing as a boring red geranium?!! I'm sure yours will be just glorious! Wonderful photos.
    Have a great week.
    Wren x

  4. Lovely signs of spring Sara. Your tulip mosaic is so beautiful! I have overwintered 2 geraniums but they stopped blooming. I must check on them and perhaps pay more attention to watering and fertilizing. :) Have a great week. Pam

  5. I prefer pink geraniums Sara but one year I did all red for a Canadian celebration and I have to admit, they were fabulous looking! 'Mount Tacoma' is pretty, I like the hint of green striping. Pussy willows will always bring a smile to my face because when our two girls were young, they used to break off a couple of catkins and treat them as little pets.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday and have a good week.

  6. Ja tänään pilvet viimein väistyivät! Taivas on sininen ja aurinko paistaa :)
    Valkoinen avautunut tulppaaninkukka tuo mieleeni ruusun.
    Onnellista uutta viikkoa!

  7. White tulips are one of my favorites- and boring red is a great color for a geranium. Mine didn't over winter very well - but I'll find new ones to replace them.

  8. Beautiful close ups of your spring in bloom! Pussy willows are so reminiscent of Canada for me, since we used to pick them at the beginning of the season on our walks to school. Thanks for sharing!


  9. My dear friend, you have me eagerly awaiting the arrival of Spring here in the mountains! As Poppy said, the Pussy Willows remind my of Canada....I lived in Ontario for many years before moving to the states :)

    Have a lovely Monday! Hugs!

  10. Elegantly beautiful. I love the pureness of those white tulips.

  11. Sara I love that you have tulips....I think all that wet gray is as bad as our cold snow....hopefully winter is turning toward spring with a warm up to the high 30s and low 40s here.

  12. Beautiful creamy tulips. Pussy willows are a harbinger of spring here, too, although we are a bit further along towards spring than you are. I hope the sun soon shines for you!

  13. Wonderful tulip pictures. Is ´Mount Tacoma ´already flowering in your garden or inside?

    1. Thank you, Janneke!
      Inside, and actually they were meant to flower later. Clearly, the place where I kept them wasn't enough cool and dark. Next year I will know better! :)
      Have a lovely week!

  14. Anonyymi9/3/15 22:01

    Beautiful tulips, Sara!
    I have this in light yellow tulips on my blog, but white is ook very nice!
    I wish you a nice week!

    Kind regards,

  15. Such beautiful flowers!! Amazing that you have tulips out already!! xx

  16. Lovely photos Sara. It's great to see tulips, even if it is an indoor bloom. You are a bit ahead of us, as our pussywillows are not out yet. And we won't even talk about how many feet of snow are covering my tulip bulbs and all other spring flowers.... But it WILL come... eventually...

  17. Valoittavaa valkoista, kauniit kuvat! Eipä kunnon talvea meillä ollutkaa kuin hetken, märkää ja vetistä vain. Blogisi on kaunis :).

  18. Aivan ihania kuvia. Tykkään!

  19. Valoisaa ja kevään odotusta - iloa pelargonioinkin

  20. Mä tykkäsin havusta ja sen kimmeltävistä pisaroista.

  21. Hauskat nuo oravan jäljet lumessa.
    Totta, tämän talven harmaat päivät saisivat jo riittää, enemmän aurinkoa, kiitos :D

  22. Suloiset oravan tassujäljet <3

  23. Looks as though you are well on your way to Spring in Finland. I am looking forward to seeing your spring flowers. It is warming here, at least this week. Have a good week.

  24. Oi, valkoisen tulppaanin kauneutta! Nyt kyllä harmaudelle haluaisin sanoa heipat vähintään yhtä pitkäksi aikaa, kuin mitä olemme saaneet "nauttia" siitä.;D

  25. There are very beautiful photos in your blog. This is the first time I visit your blog and decided to follow you, as I want to see these interesting photos also in the future.

  26. The water droplets on the pine needles are amazing!

  27. What a lovely variety of shots! I like the squirrel prints!

  28. the white tulip is lovely and your last mosaic of the white flowers. So beautiful. Have a wonderful week. I am joining you at Communal Global.

  29. Loved the white flowered mosaic very much~

  30. Beautiful pictures! The first one, the tulip, is my favorite!!

  31. What cute little footprints

  32. voi ihana ihana tuo pajunkissakuva! tulee niin kevätmieli noista tulppaaneista!

  33. Pelagonin lehdet kauniin terhakkaina.

  34. Hello Sara,
    Wonderful shots!! Nice that tulip.
    Funny shot of that footprint of a squirrel in the snow. Well done!!

    Many greetings,

  35. Oi upeat valkoiset tulppaanit! ♡ kevät kurkistelee sielläkin, maaliskuu herättää luonnon kevääseen! ♡

  36. Ihanat kukkakuvat ja erittäin kauniisti kuvattu havunoksa, myös pajunkissat kuuluvat tähän hetkeen. Maaliskuu on kevään kuukausi ja se näkyi kauniisti myös täällä. Aurinkoista kevättä, täällä on paistanutkin jo täydeltä terältä, tuuli on varsin vilponen ja öisin on pakkasta, joten ihan hepenillä ei kannata liikkua kevätauringosta huolimatta:)


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