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All the summer's birds - Kesän lintukuvat

From June to November 2017, my best bird photos. They are not very good technically, but I love seeing them because they remind me of the sunshine, warmth and greenness of summer.

I took my first ever photos of a black woodpecker and saw for the first time (I think) a Eurasian bullfinch during summer.

Most of these birds are very easy to identify. Where there is an interrogation mark, I'm not certain about the species and would appreciate your help very much.

Turdus iliacus

Lintuja ja tunnelmia viime kesältä. Näillä kuvilla ei menestyttäisi kuvakilpailussa, mutta on se niin mukavaa muistella sinistä taivasta ja vastapuhjenneiden lehtien vihreyttä.

En ole osannut nimetä kaikkia lajeja - tunnistuksia otetaan mielellään vastaan!

Näin ensimmäistä kertaa punatulkkuja kesällä:

Pyrrhula pyrrhula

These chubby babies are probably true thrushes:


Nämä poikaset näyttivät pärjäävän ihan hyvin. :)


Cygnus cygnus


The one below I recognise, it's a black-headed gull! :) According to Wikipedia, the head is actually chocolate brown, not black, but it does look black from a distance. The Latin name, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, describes the bird very well. The Finnish name is naurulokki, literally 'laughter gull'.

Chroicocephalus ridibundus

You have already seen this handsome fellow...

Falco tinnunculus

... and this cutie pie as well. In August it (or they) was eating aphids from the tender new leaves of our burnet roses. Fortunately, I hadn't treated the plants with any chemical insecticide!!!

Phylloscopus trochilus (?)

Mikä tämä söpöliini on? Elokuussa se popsi kirvoja juhannusruusujen nuorista versoista. Todella arvokas pikkuapuri. ♥

Mergus serrator ?

Dryocopus martius

Nämä vesilintupoikueet olisi pitänyt tunnistaa silloin kuvaushetkellä. Jälkikäteen pitäisi etsiä kuva, jossa näkyy emokin...


Laulujoutsen auringon noustessa...

Lokakuussa monet vesilinnut näyttävät kokoontuvan isommiksi parviksi ennen muuttomatkalle lähtöä...


... tämä valkoposkihanhi sen sijaan viipyili yhden illan pihan lähistöllä ihan yksinään. Seuraavana päivänä sitä ei enää näkynyt, toivottavasti se oli liittynyt jonkin parven mukaan.

Branta leucopsis

Mustarastaat ovat lintujen aatelistoa. :)

Turdus merula

Olen erityisen iloinen, jos joku kertoo mitä nämä linnut ovat! Taviokuurnia?

Pinicola enucleator, immature ♂ and ♀ (?)

Thank you!

Tack så mycket!

38 kommenttia:

  1. Great photos of all the different birds, Sara. Enjoyed this post. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  2. Love that chubby baby bird, best!!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Luna Crone

  3. Aivan ihania! Vallankin tuo kuva, jossa joutsenet juoksevat vetten päällä.

  4. Great to see so many bird pictures, Sara. I will leave it to some of your European readers to fill in the identification blanks, but I will check back and fill in the details if any remain unidentified. Enjoy the weekend ahead.

  5. Oi miten hienoja kuvia kaikki ja upeita lintuja♥ Mukava on lintujen eloa seurata! Leppoisaa viikonjatkoa sinne♥

  6. Ihan mielettömän upeita kuvia <3

  7. Looks like a female mallard with her ducklings, little dark to tell. Your little warbler looks like a chiff chaff or a willow warbler - the colour of the legs is the giveaway but I can't remember in what way!

    1. Thank you, Simon!
      Good heavens, the common chiffchaff is really difficult to distinguish from the willow warbler - and they are both very common in Finland! The chiffchaff should have darker legs, I read, but in many photos on the Internet also the willow warblers seem to have rather dark legs. I was already pretty certain it's a willow warbler, but now I'm not certain anymore... :)

  8. So many beautiful bird photos. That baby thrush is so adorable.

  9. So many wonderful shots of beautiful birds Sara, I loved them all. The little chicks were sooo adorable. Thank you fo making me smile :)
    Have a fantastic weekend with hugs from us xx

  10. Belíssimas!!!Just wonderful,Sara!Have a lovely weekend!

  11. These images are just delightful Sara. What a wonderful summer you have had watching your birds.
    The images of the whooper swans are my favourite, especially the two taking off in flight / or chase!

  12. These are wonderful photos, Sara. My favourite is the one of the swans taking off from the water. It's so difficult to capture birds, I find. By the time I find them in my lens and get ready to click, they are flitting off somewhere else. You've done well!

  13. Ilo katsella lintukuviasi ❤️Uljaat joutsenet, mainio töyhtöpäinen lintu, suloiset poikaset.
    Liitoa, kiitoa, vauhtia, vedessä kellumista ja lipumista, paikalla kökötystä...
    Erityisesti jää mieleen tuo meitä katsovan joutsenen naama; en ole nähnyt sitä kuvakulmaa ennen 😀
    Sen kaula heijastuu hienosti veteen.

  14. I think your pictures are really great and I like them. My favorites are therefore swans. No one of us is a professional nature photographer - so what? :) Unfortunately I have noch great knowledge about birds, so I can't help you.

    Greetings Kathrin

  15. Sara, fantastic captures! And some even quite rare...Well done!
    Il Mergus serrator potrebbe essere una femmina di Mergus merganser?
    L'ultima foto potrebbe essere un Pikkukäpylintu? (Loxia curvirostra)
    (Uhm...Sto solo guardando nei libri...non ho alcuna esperienza nemmeno io!)
    Ma sono tutti belli ed interessanti. Buona giornata!

    1. Grazie, Luisella!
      Non lo si vede dalla (ultima) foto, ma il becco di questi uccelli non è grosso ed uncinato, come dovrebbe essere quello del crociere comune.
      Ma anche se non fossimo in grado di riconoscerli con sicurezza, su questo siamo d'accordo: sono tutti belli ed interessanti. :D
      Buona giornata a te!

  16. The bottom pic is almost certainly Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) male and female. I can also confirm your bullfinch sighting. The little warblers who eat the aphids are more of a problem, My best guess would be Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilu) - try to learn its song ready for next year!

    1. Thank you, John!
      I think you are right, the little bird looks very much like the willow warbler. It's almost incredible: it should be the most widespread bird species in Finland and so few of us have even seen (or identified) any. I have been listening to its song now. :) It has such a sweet song.

  17. Upeita kuvia, oli ilo katsella! Ihan tuli kesää ikävä, vaikka olenkin syysihminen :) Linnut ja maisemat on kuvissa tosi kauniita! <3
    Mukavaa viikonloppua! :)

  18. Linda series Sara. Lots of life, nature and color in this beautiful photos. I love them, they are wonderful.
    Good weekend.

  19. Aivan ihanat kuvat! Viikonloppuja;-))

  20. I love your bird photos very much, Sara! I find them perfect. :) The water birds especially fascinate me. Today, my favourite is that tousled one (Mergus serrator?)... with her weird "hair", she looks like me in the mornings. :-D
    Have a beautiful weekend! Big hugs! ♥

    1. Thank you, Edit!
      I look like that too. :) If the bird in the photo is Mergus serrator (the red-breasted merganser), both the male and the female have striking hairstyles... and the Finnish vernacular name of this bird refers to hair. :)
      Have a great week ahead! ♥

  21. Lintujen seuranta on mahtava asia - aina on yritetettävä tunnistaa nopeasti liikkuva olento ja silti samalla ihailla niitä. Mustarastas ja pihlajanmarjat on makea yhdistelmä! Koko kuvasarja on haikean kaunis kurkistus menneeseen kesään! Mukavaa isänpäivää!

  22. Such a beautiful collection of birds - what a variety! I especially love the 3rd to last image; it feels very autumnal. I hope the weekend is treating you well, Sara.

  23. Tukkakoskelo minustakin ja taviokuurnia. En ole koskaan nähnyt taviokuurnia luonnossa. Hieno bongaus! Pienestä söpölistä nousee mieleen pajulintu, mutta en ole varma. Joku kerttu ilmeisesti kuitenkin. Harvoin olen onnistunut näkemään pajulintua, vaikka on yleinen.

    1. Kiitos, Sussi! Pikkulintu voisi tosiaan olla pajulintu. Uskomatonta että pajulintu on Suomen yleisin lintu, mutta niin tuntematon. :)
      Meillä on joskus ollut ihan varmoja taviokuurnia talvella, ja koiraan väri oli sellainen upea punainen. Juuri opin Wikipediasta, että nuori koiras on väriltään harmaankellanoranssi. Se sopisi kyllä... :)

  24. Hi, Sara!
    I'm amazed you know so many kinds of birds! Lovely photos, the most I liked are birds in a motion, in a flight, as swans, geese, ducks.
    Good recollection!

  25. Ihanat kuvat pienistä, kuin myös isommista siivekkäistä.

  26. Hej Sara!

    Ja, vad kan jag säga som jag inte redan har sagt? Men jag säger det ändå, fantastiska bilder du har tagit och jag vet att det inte är lätt att fånga fåglar på bild, det är ju inte så att de snällt sitter och väntar.

    Jag är inte alls duktig på lite ovanligare fåglar men jag ser att du fått hjälp med identifiering. Bilden på svanarna andas sommar så man nästan känner det!

    Kram Sara och tack för alla fina bilder du bjuder på!


  27. Loved seeing all the birds!
    Wren x

  28. Sweet display of beautiful feathery beauties dearSara!!!

    i felt as they posed for you camera specifically :)

    what "perfect click in each capture"!!!

    bird within wet branches reminded me Lot about my native village's winters when so many birds used to visit our part of land from west and trees looked beaded with variety of beauty and colors!

    Loved these magical shots my friend.
    Lots of LOVE!

  29. I love these! I miss the birds singing in the morning, they have all flown away for the winter.

  30. How wonderful that you have so many wildlife in your area, Sara!
    Unfortunatetly I can't help you with the birds.
    Regards Sigrid

  31. Your birds are beautiful - whether they are technically good or not! Enjoy them. Love those chubby babies.

  32. Oh, I love the birds! Those Swans are beautiful, aren't they? They picture of the mama and babies are sweet, and the white birds always make my heart sing. Great pictures, Sara.


  33. I so enjoyed this post.
    Some great photos of all these different birds.

    All the best Jan


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