Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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The golden evenings of May

It is such a beautiful season!

Spring has finally come and life has been rather busy. I'm sorry I'm behind in visiting blogs and commenting on your posts -  will try to catch up in the next days!

Ihana kevät -  melkein jo kesä -  on viimein tullut ja nettiaika on jäänyt melko vähiin. Tulen ihastelemaan postauksianne heti kun ehdin. :)

Have a lovely weekend!

Ihanaa viikonloppua!

35 kommenttia:

  1. Ihanaa illan kultaa kuvissasi Sara! Mukavaa viikonloppua.

  2. We can be behind together in reading blogs! Finally the sun has found us. We have had days of rain, making the landscape lavishly green and beautify, but we have longed for the sun and here it is this morning, bright and beautiful. The glow of may certainly is welcome and beautiful.

  3. Mahtava kullan kimallus oksistossa - kultainen kevät!

  4. What beautiful photos. Enjoyed them one and all. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  5. Kaunis, ihana luonto. Ja upeat kuvat. Tuo kimallus on kaunista.

  6. Upeita kultaisia hetkiä! Nyt pitääkin nauttia ja jäättää se nettiaika minimiin. :)

  7. Kaunista:-) Vihreys tuli niin äkkiä, ettei meinaa uskoa kesän olevan kohta. Tosin yöllä on vielä täällä ollut kylmää. Upean väriset kukat. En ole vielä nähnyt tuon värisiä.

  8. Sara - the light of spring is bathing everything in gold. Are those Petunias? Such an unusual color!

    1. The striped Petunias are gorgeous, aren't they! :)
      This cultivar should be 'Phantom'.

  9. It is nice to acknowledge that many bloggers are busy outside and not sitting on their computers. You've captured the golden glow of spring very nicely through the trees and it's so good to be out of doors enjoying the emerging plants and listening to birdsong.
    Coming up is a long weekend for us, many will have fireworks and my dog will be stressed from all the noise. :-)

  10. Kauniit herkät kurkistelukuvat.
    Pian luonto tuuhentuu eikä enää näe lehvästöjen läpi.

  11. When the sun shines it's better to be out and about if possible. You've certainly captured that special golden light shining through the trees - beautiful. That's an unusual flower in the last photo and it's perfect for this golden moments post.

  12. Gorgeous golden glow in your photos Sara! So beautiful! Enjoy these days!

  13. Ahhh... what loveliness, my friend! I simply love the sweet golden glow.

    Have a joyous weekend! Hugs!

  14. It turned nice here...for four days. Then went back to rain and wind!

  15. Beautiful shots, have a great weekend!

  16. Breathtakingly beautiful evenings indeed...wow

  17. Yes May can offer so many beautiful colours.
    The golden in these photo's are just lovely.

    All the best Jan

  18. ThE golden skies are beautiful, these minutes at sun up or sun down are so good, have a great week :)

  19. Dear Sara,
    very beautiful golden photos. Have a nice sunday and a good new week.
    Many greetings and hugs ... Dorothea :-)

  20. A golden spring in your area! Beautiful light.

  21. Bellissimi colori e una splendida luce...saluti dall'Italia!

  22. Beautiful light.....love the birch trees and stripy petunias!

  23. When spring comes to the north, it is so very welcome. And beautiful. The light in your photos is stunning.

  24. Colors and light, very cute for spring.
    The photos are beautiful !!

  25. Beautiful evenings Sara! I love all your photos, golden sky and young green leaves.

  26. Happy to find your blog today! Your photos of golden Spring are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  27. Upeat kuvat! Niin kesäisiä!
    Ihanaa torstai päivää!

  28. Spring is my preferite season and your photos are so beautiful <3 !!

  29. Your petunias are stunning as are all your wonderful photos. Have a fantastic weekend :)

  30. ♥ As always, I want to thank you all for your lovely comments! ♥ Kiitos, kiitos, kiitos! ♥


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It may take awhile but I will always visit you back.

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