Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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July - the month of roses

Hello! ♥

For you lucky ones, June may be, indeed, the month of roses. In this rainy and cool summer, our roses are flowering late and very hesitantly - and I needed to go a little bit further to find these lovely roses in bloom. Many more photos to follow in the next couple of days... :)

With this collage, I join Susanna for July in photos:

 Have a lovely August!

15 kommenttia:

  1. What lovely roses. Great photos of the other flowers too. Hope you had a restful time off. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  2. Exquisite roses Sara, the lone peach one is a beautiful colour. I was drawn to the evergreen needles, so soft looking.
    Our vacation with family this week has been one of the best for weather yet. I've read 4 books so far but had to stop to recharge my ereader. :-)
    Hope to see you for MM.

  3. These roses are just marvellous! Such a beautiful garden you have ... Sunshine and peaceful moments to your August,

  4. Stunning roses!!! You can never have too many beautiful roses can you! xx

  5. I miss roses - they don't do well in my high altitude garden. These are so delicate and such wonderful colors. I love the capture of the spider web, too!

  6. Lovely lovely photos - the spider web is great - and the flowers are glorious.

  7. Hello Sara, happy month of August to you! Your roses and images are simply beautiful. Lovely post, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Hei!
    Kaikki eriväriset ruusut ovat niin kauniita.
    Meidän piharuusumme hennon vaaleanpunaiset nuput avautuivat myös heinäkuussa.
    Komea hämähäkinverkko, missä lienee sen kutoja?

  9. Happy August Sara ♥

    Your farewell to July is just wonderful! Thank you for the mosaic of roses and the remaining images!

    Frankly, your photography gives very positive energy!

  10. You show us so many lovely blooming roses....... Here they are almost all finished at this moment, but they will come again.

  11. Sara I am mesmerized by your photos here....lovely. My roses are most hesitant this year too!

  12. Kaunista kukkaloistoa, ihana kollaasi :)

  13. Hi Sara! Photos are beautiful as usual

  14. Ihanat ruusut!<3 Kyllä pitäisi minunkin istuttaa joku uusi laji loppukesän aikana!:)


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